Far Cry 4: Shangri-La missions guide

Far Cry 4 also has mystical mysteries. One is that the user can find the lost paradise of Shangri-La in the game. But the missions are nothing extraordinary. First because they are hard to find and second because they have different enemies and their style of play, inevitably also have to vary the traditional story.

How to find Shangri-La

When a "Y" appears on your map, scroll to find the double Yogi and Reggie. Two young occupying the house of Ajay's parents unduly to sell drugs, and in addition, cheating tourists Khyrat. You will have to make a first mission, but then again there and they will talk about the Shangri-La myth.

Leaving there, they will mark a location on the map for you to investigate. Once there, you will have to go into a cave and find a path using the rappel rope to cross it from one side to the other and access a door to a temple. It is there that then begins his journey to Shangri-La.

Changes in playing style

Once you reach the lost paradise, a voice will talk a little about the place and some instructions will appear on the screen. You get no weapon, and the main way to have damage to enemies that are masked as demons, is to use takedowns, ie silent bodily assaults and withering blows.

In addition, you are presented with an immortal tiger, which is as an aid in their missions on site. Using the crosshairs, you can summon him to attack one of the enemies and at the same time, the player can go detonating another. So, everything goes faster. Another very different point: Shangri-La, long distance falls cause no damage.

Missions apart

The player's goal in these missions is to return home with a piece of a mosaic that was the Ghale family and was destroyed in Khyrat. In all, five missions. Four apart, beyond that part of the story mode. That is, you can make your tasks only if you want

Each has a different location, and various puzzles that need to be resolved, and internal objectives, in order to get the piece of the mosaic. To complete the challenge of Shangri-La, you must complete all missions. Check out the approximate location of each point. You can search by icons that mark the Thangkas map.

Mission # 1: The Hunt For Rakshasa - x: 240 y: 516

Mission # 2: The Surrender To Paradise - x: 546 y: 486

Mission # 3: The Paradise Destroyed - x: 677 y: 556

Mission # 4: The Future Unpainted - x: 751 y: 812
