Gunman Clive 2 (Nintendo 3DS) review

A couple of years ago, Nintendo 3DS released a standalone game called Gunman Clive , which was practically a love letter to classic action-platformer that reminded us very much of titles like Shinobi, the original of recreational and Master System. Yes, it was brief, but for 1.99 euros - and options for replay, well worth it. Now comes the sequel, made with the same care, and improving many of the shortcomings of the original.

In the hands of Hörberg Productions - only two people have done all the game- comes this sequel in which we return to the Wild West ... for a while. As Gunman Clive original, Gunman Clive 2 offers a very traditional experience, own court of 8 and 16 bits. It is a side-scrolling game in which action platform combined, plus new sequences in which we move towards the bottom of the screen.

The basic mechanics are virtually identical to its predecessor, but Gunman Clive 2 adds more variety in its development, both in gameplay and visuals, because even started in the Wild West, did not take long to move to other scenarios fully different. We will do chasing the bad guy, no more story I chase and kill it.

Experience classic vein
Anyone who has enjoyed games like mentioned Shinobi, Sonic the Hedgehog , Super Mario World or Donkey Kong Country , you have here a little of each. As we say, the basic components of the gameplay are the platforms and shooting, with one of the oldest systems cover the history of video games: crouch behind a box. Our shooter cannot shoot up or down, just to the left and right, so jump and crouch is also an important component of the gameplay.

To this we must add two enhancers, allowing us to shoot enter addresses or some kind of explosive bullet. Another classic factor is the life: no regenerate, and if it runs out, begin each level from the beginning. To recover we can find pieces of cake and if we're lucky, whole pies. All this, over 25 stages that reach reasonably difficult, and with three difficulty levels to adjust to our ability to control.

Surely something that we liked is the vast amount of more or less subtle nods to the aforementioned games. Perhaps the most present it has is Sonic the Hedgehog 2, since the bad is an ongoing tribute to Robotnik, from its constant transformation and escape to some of the mechanics of the final battles. In addition, some of the levels also remind us of the Hedgehog game.

Correcting past mistakes
Gunman Clive had many good things, but it is undeniable that it was a short and not too diverse game. These two aspects were more than justified by its very tight price, which, I recall, it was 1.99 euros. Gunman Clive 2 solves these problems, always within its mean and, once again, set price, this time is 2.99 euros.

Gunman Clive 2 is slightly longer than its predecessor, while completing its main story, difficult, has taken us just over two hours. Everything depends on our ability, of course, as well as the difficulty of choice. In any case, we have many options to replay, such as improving our time, get complete levels without taking damage, or try different characters.

Clive, cowboy default is the basic character. Jump and shoot without much more. Ms. Johnson, who repeats, is a lady who can shoot and, as if it were Peach' Another nod? - Can plan with your skirt. The Cheftains Bob, a native Indian who attacked spear in hand are added, and once completed the game, unlock a secret mode (if you will not find better leap paragraph, although it was present in the first) in which we can play like a duck.

Furthermore, it is now a title much more varied in almost every way possible. Now leave the sepia tones in favor of colorful - only the first level and plays with purple and orange -, which will be progressing own tones for each block of levels. There is much more variety in gameplay, with levels that we have to move to the bottom of the screen while you shoot and dodge obstacles, or other levels that we have to escape certain dangers on the back of an animal. Even in the levels of traditional platforms, there is enough variety in its design.

Audiovisual and technical aspects
As you have just read, the first thing that catches the eye after playing the first is the increase in color on the screen. Not the most colorful game in the world, but is a remarkable saint regarding Gunman Clive. This title commitment to an aesthetic that looks hand-drawn feel very well, and it moves at 60 frames per second, spotless even 3D effect which, by the way, is dispensable but accompanied with great success to the action.

With sound, the tunes are quite catchy, though sometimes they seem too cheerful for the setting of the game, and if they kill us repeatedly in a phase can reach burn a little. That does not mean that in general, the sound aspect scratch at a good level.

One of the best ways to invest three euros
I liked Gunman Clive 2 you will love it too. An outpouring of love for classic action platformer from 8 to 16 bits, brief but intense, and very well executed. Gunman Clive 2 fixes many of the bugs (or improvable aspects) of its predecessor, and although it ends soon enough-in the unlikely event that you not wish to squeeze it for 2.99 euros we can not ask for more. Undoubtedly one of the few games that get up those feelings of yesteryear.
