7 Days to Die: beginner's guide and tips for Survival

The Story of 7 Days to Die is very simple: It is the year 2034 and the Earth was destroyed by nuclear attacks. After a virus broke out, people can die within seven days, as soon as they become infected.

Tips for survive in the first night

In 7 Days to Die, survival in the night is far more difficult than during the day. The Zombies behave differently and are not so easy to recognize. The following tips will help you to survive in the first night.

- Noise attracts zombies - that's not a secret anymore. So keep quiet especially on the first night (and in fact in the following). If you have to make certain sounds during the day, keep it always at the minimum.

- Avoid encounter with zombies at night because they are more aggressive and not so easy to defeat. Remain best in your hiding place and not go hunting.

- If you attack by zombies, try to move into a building. Even better would be a mine. There are different types of zombies that you can encounter yet and a ladder provides access to you. However, from an elevated position you have better chance to defend yourself.

- Craft a sleeping bag as soon as possible so that you have a spawn point. You must not die, but just in case you can use it to protect.

Tips for food

The goal here is to simply survive. The first thing you think after such a catastrophe, are food and weapons. But it is not safe to eat some food in this polluted world of 7 Days to Die. The following tips show you as a beginner, what food harms you more.

- Bottle turbid water: You can indeed drink this, but health, stamina and well-being suffer.

- Raw Meat: You get food poisoning, your health, stamina, and especially the well-being fall dramatically.

- Raw eggs: These foods leads to a slight food poisoning so stay away or boil them.

- Moldy Bread: Bread is usually a staple food, but east moldy bread will be bad for you.

-Yes, there are everywhere many zombies, but their meat is just not meant for eating. It would only poison you, even if the zombie was previously a cute dog.

Also there are some foods which are safer to consume In Days to Die. Generally, you should cook any meat before consumption, so that it is fit for human consumption and also you can always trust canned food.

The following listed food items will help you to survive in 7 Days to Die:

- Saturation: If you particularly hungry, then suitable venison stew, Large beef rations, Grilled and Cooked meat and bacon with eggs as food.

- Thirsty: You can take a bottle of water or a can with water. A venison stew and a vegetable stew satisfy your hunger and thirst.

- Health: food also has an effect on your health: consumption of bacon with eggs, rabbit stew and Big Beef have a positive impact on your health.

- Endurance: To regenerate stamina with food, you best pick a bottle of water, Yucca juice, honey jar or canned water.

General tips for survival

- Container: Once you have exposed in the world, search the area by collecting items. Look for containers, as these will provide you useful items. Even cars, trash and garbage bags pose important items.

- Ax: you should craft a stone ax, because this can use not only in combat but also as a universal tool.

- Bird's Nest: Search the area for bird nests, as you can see there springs and these can be used for building of bullets and ranged weapons.

- Dodge: Never enter into a fight with zombies, if you see their coming to you, then look around and look for a safe escape path.

- When traveling: Take always enough food and water with you. Also dressing materials and painkillers should always be in your pocket and of course you should not forget to take your weapons. If you don’t need some items to your expeditions then leave them in a Storage Chest.

- Metal: No matter what kinds of metal can be found, take them with you, because they will be very useful to you later.

- Torches: They will help you sleep better at night, because they provide light and Zombies behave differently to light at night.

- Minimap: The bottom left, displayed zombies near you. If they are green, then they have not noticed you, in yellow then you should leave and Red you were discovered.

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