Unlockable items after completion of Resident Evil 7

In the Resident Evil video game series, you have always been able to unlock special items after completion of the game successfully and that increases the replay value. In Resident Evil 7, you can unlock a few special extras, which are then ready for you in the object box when you restart the game.

There are only three extras, where you have to play the game at higher levels of difficulty. The rest you get on Easy. It is particularly handy that you can use the unlockable items also across the board. If you have unlocked a weapon on Easy, you can use it on a higher difficulty level in the next game.

Below will show you all unlockable items with their effects and unlock conditions.

Difficulty Madhouse mode: The highest difficulty level in the game. Available for pre-orders right from the start. To unlock this mode you have to complete the game on Light or Normal.

Albert-01: Very powerful handgun weapon that uses gun ammo. To unlock this weapon you have to complete the game on Light or Normal.

Running Shoes: Maximize your movement speed. To unlock this you have to complete the game under four hours.

Essence Of Defense: Reduces the damage during blocking (has a stronger effect on the secret of the defense). To unlock this complete the game on Normal.

The Secret Of Defense: Reduces the damage during blocking (has a stronger effect on the essence of the defense). To unlock this you have to complete the game on Normal.

Chainsaw: Makes a short process with enemies in close combat. To unlock this you have to complete the game on madhouse in less than six hours and destroy all Mr. Everywhere figures.

X-Ray Glasses: All items in the game world are marked. To unlock this item you have to complete the game and don't heal more than three times.

Infinite Ammo: You can enter and unload ammunition from the game menu. To unlock this you have to complete the game on difficulty Madhouse mode.

Note: The X-ray glasses are extremely handy if you want to find all the collectibles in Resident Evil 7.
