Amrita Farming Spots / Guide - Nioh

Amrita is the in-game currency of Nioh, and it is essential to level up and to buy skill points. You'll need more of them at each level, so you're going to have a lot of farming.

The Farm spot is found in the submission "Finder’s Keepers," has mission level 15. This mission you can try early in the game. However, before you unlock the sub mission you must first complete the second main mission Deep in the Shadows and defeat the Boss Hino Enma.

Amrita works like souls in Dark Souls. However, in addition to the hardcore role, you invest them only in levels, since Nioh also has the gold currency. To increase the earning of Amrita, you should consider the following things.

- Amrita is obtained by defeating enemies, looting corpses, or using ghost and soul stones from the inventory, which sometimes you find as items in the game world.

- The Kodamas help you earn Amrita. If you have found five Kodamas of the type "Oracel" in a region and equip the Oracle Blessing at the shrine, your Amrita yield increases by 25%.

- At the shrine, you can also choose the point Sacrifice and exchange surplus equipment for Amrita.

Also make sure you don’t have to deal with too much Amrita in missions or even bosses. Like Dark Souls: After two deaths, your entire Amrita will be lost, if you don’t collect your guardian spirit at the time of death.

As mentioned earlier, the submission Finder’s Keepers is ideal for the farm of Amrita at the beginning of the game. For the completion of the mission, there is only 2,640 amrita, but you can complete the mission in less than two minutes and get the real yield of Amrita through the loot in the mission itself.

The mission is to kill Kappa, a turtle-like yokai with a glittering tank. Again, there is another parallel to Dark Souls. The kappa behaves like the shining lizards of Dark Souls, who takes flight at your sight. So the Kappa will also try to run away from you and leads you into other enemy groups if you are not careful.

With a fast weapon like the Katana and the help of an animated weapon of your protection spirit, you can defeat the Kappa very quickly. With a little practice, you can complete the mission again and again in less than two minutes.

The kappa will give you a lot of loot, which you can offer as a sacrifice, to get more Amrita. With a little practice, you can complete the mission five times in eight minutes and eaarn approximately 50,000 Amrita. Not bad, to start early.
