Middle Earth Ithildin Rewards: Unlock Doors Minas, Nurnen

In Middle Earth Shadow of War you’ll encounter five locked Ithildin doors and each of them has a poem with missing words. In order to open the door and get the Legendary weapons and armor for Thalion, you must find and fill the blank or missing poem word and solve the puzzle.

Ithildin Door - Missing Words Locations:

If you are unable to locate the missing words to open the Ithildin Doors, then we recommend that you use the Haedir Towers. Once you've spotted them, you'll find them on your map. Set the marker to get the order. Now go to the location and trigger the view through the wraith world. Now you have to enter the correct word to complete the poems and solve the puzzles to open the Ithildin doors.

Below you can find all the missing words for the Ithildin doors and the rewards you get once you open these doors.

Missing Poem Words:

Minas Ithil - Shadows, Drums, Cadence, Land, Wrath and Dooms

Middle Earth, Shadow of War, Ithildin Door, Missing Poem Words, Minas Ithil, Shadows, Drums, Cadence, Land, Wrath, Dooms

Nurnen - Iron, Serpents, Avail, Woe, Hordes and Claim

Middle Earth, Shadow of War, Ithildin Door, Missing Poem Words, Nurnen, Iron, Serpents, Avail, Woe, Hordes, Claim

Seregost - Slumbers, Nest, Poisoned, Trapped, Comes and Base

Middle Earth, Shadow of War, Ithildin Door, Missing Poem Words, Seregost, Slumbers, Nest, Poisoned, Trapped, Comes, Base

Cirith Ungol - Rises, Fires, Night, Beacons and Marching

Middle Earth,Shadow of War, Ithildin Door, Missing Poem Words, Cirith Ungol, Rises, Fires, Night, Beacons, Marching

Gorgoroth - Lurk, Bulwark, Impervious, Powers, Vicious and Fail

Middle Earth, Shadow of War, Ithildin Door, Missing Poem Words, Gorgoroth, Lurk, Bulwark, Impervious, Powers, Vicious, Fail


Minas Ithil: Bright Lord's Armor

Middle Earth, Shadow of War, Ithildin Door, Minas Ithil, Bright Lord's Armor

Nurnen: Bright Lord's Bow

Middle Earth, Shadow of War, Ithildin Door, Nurnen, Bright Lord's Bow

Seregost: Bright Lord's Dagger

Middle Earth, Shadow of War, Ithildin Door, Seregost Bright, Lord's Dagger;

Cirith Ungol: Bright Lord's Cloak

Middle Earth, Shadow of War, Ithildi Door, Cirith Ungol, Bright Lord's Cloak

Gorgoroth: Bright Lord's Sword

Middle Earth; Shadow of War, Ithildin Door, Gorgoroth, Bright Lord's Sword

Legendary Bright Lord’s Rune - (you need higher score or bronze in Shadows of the Past missions) with this you’ll get 176+ maximum focus, more wrath in killing enemies, produces per kill focus.
