Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls Complete Solution, Classes, Achievements

"No one can escape from death" ... The primeval demon screams in rage in the black soul stone, dreaming of revenge and freedom. But before this incident artifact is sealed forever out of reach, Malthael, the Angel of Death, takes shape in the mortal world to implement his evil plan to steal the black soul stone to the slave to his own will. So begins the end of all things...

Here's how to start following Diablo III. DTGReviews offers a comprehensive guide from the main quest of the game through the complete list of all the armor sets of the game not to mention the new powers of your characters, deeds and objectives annexes.

- Main Quest

- Objects and optional quests

- List of armor sets

- The infernal machine and the adventure mode

Table of Contents

Falling Westmarch
The souls of the dead
The messenger
Doors pandemonium
The battlefields of Eternity
Pandemonium Fortress
Angel of Death
Experience and Paragon
Pony's land

Falling Westmarch

You will begin the fifth act in the "Overhang of Westmarch." Go directly talk to Norath Nahr who will attack several monsters. It will ask you to follow while explaining that Malthaël stole the soul stone to Tyrael. Do not waste time and use the door of the Wolf. Upon your arrival, you will see many people being attacked by a mysterious energy.

Upon arrival at the door, it will close. Kill all the enemies that will try to finish you off and continue your journey by right to the moldy Sewer. Continue to cut all the monsters that you will find and collect loot that you can later sell or equip your hero. At the end of the course, you will come across the former reserve Westmarch.

In this area you can find a dealer that you can both sell items, repair your weapons and buying better armor. Then talk to Victor lying next to the dealer, it will explain the situation and then you can go to Westmarch opening the door leading north. You'll see a shadow of death to revive corpses...

Prepare your weapons and attack the soldiers ghosts that come your way. Then take the path that will offer you to reach the Court of the cathedral. You will find the General Torion about to admit defeat! Help him repel the dead to defend the Cathedral of Zakarum. Once the fight is over, talk to Tyrael who will join you.

After talking to Tyrael, enter the Cathedral of Zakarum. You will find the first "half"-Boss of the game: Kasadya. This meeting will be expeditious enough if you are level 60 and use your whole arsenal of class. Be careful however to his minions and attack directeement Kasadya who eventually succumbed to his injuries. Once the fight is over, talk to Tyrael then exit the Cathedral to end the first chapter of Act 5.

The souls of the dead

Once Dropping Westmarch completed, exit the Cathedral towards the enclave of survivors. You will then talk to General Torion that you helped a few minutes ago and that will give you further instructions on further events. We advise you to stay in town for some time to repair your equipment, talk to the people around you and sell your items.

You will have the possibility to find Haedrig Eamon, the blacksmith in this town and the Shen Greedy that you can both create new weapons and enchant them with jewels to help you fight. After completing explore this new city in ruins, go to the Common Westmarch to the left of the city. You will now find the crucible souls to the span of Gideon.

In this new area, you will fight your way through many enemies who do not make your task easier. Take extra attention to summoners dead, reviving the dead and slowing you if you are in the area of effect. You will fall more on Exorcists can once again invoke the dead to stand in your way. Continue your way to fall on the span of Gideon.

Inside this huge arena, you must first of all hit the pile of corpses lying around the room. These piles of corpses will be able to revive the dead and prevent you from combat "Demi" Boss of this area. Once all the piles of corpses destroyed, you face Drygha. Do not underestimate and use all your skills to deal with them as quickly as possible.

After coming out victorious from this battle, go talk to Myriam mystique found at the top left of the room, under a pile of corpses. This will explain the sequence of events, open a new passage and will follow you on your journey. Coming out of this area, you will discover the spirit of Malthaël now watch you ... Do not pay attention and keep moving while fighting enemies who will be facing you.

And now? Enter Cemetery Briarthorn. Inside you will find the way to enter the Court's Rest noble. This rather labyrinthine path we unfortunately can not be explained to you as the cards are randomly generated in Diablo III: Reaper of Souls. Once in court, you will again attack you heaps of corpses in the area.

As for the fight against Drygha after all floored pile of corpses, Catharis come your way. The easiest way for you is to put you in a corner of the room and gradually eliminate all the henchmen of "Demi" Boss. Continue to turn around the area until Catharis finds herself alone in front of you. Then use your skills to eventually overcome. Then talk to Myriam mystique you will learn more about the events taking place in and return to the Enclave survivors.

The messenger

You must present a talk to Tyrael always located in the Enclave survivors for you the city on your left ignite. Do not waste a second and go towards the heights Westmarch. Note that you have to recover the artisan "Mystique" that you can enchant your weapons. Arriving in this new area, you will come across a teleporter. Teleporters allow you to move quickly from one point to another without having to make the journey with your character.

In this new setting on fire, you must search the area to find the entrance to the Tower of Korélan. Note that a search annex will appear, you must defeat the three Demoiselles hidden in the scenery in order to validate this quest Annex flames and save a lot of experience for your character. On your way you will meet new enemies: Leader of the Pack of Hounds. These enemies will stun you if you ever get too close to them, so try to keep your distance unless you have a class of Barbarian course.

Note that we recommend you search around before entering the Tower of Korélan. You will find both random encounters allowing you to gain experience, make quests and retrieve many objects! During your journey, you may have the surprise to see the Spirit of Malthaël continuing to look at you. Once the excavated area, enter the Tower of Korélan.

You will arrive in front of the Boss area: Urzaël. We advise you to have equipment and a character level 62 in order not to perpetuate about this fight. First, you will need to hit and avoid his attacks will fall pieces in the area. Once the life bar of the boss down by half, it will have the tendency to darken over you. Avoid his charge then hit him when he starts to return.

Stay constantly moving to avoid getting hit by the lance of flame Urzaël. The Boss will eventually burn random areas in the arena. Move avoiding his attacks zone and return to the body-to-body finish or remotely depending on your class. You will then talk to the Spirit of Malthaël once the fighting ended.

Then return to the Enclave survivors and talk to Tyrael to put an end to this chapter. If ever your fight against Urzaël took you more than ten minutes, we advise you to start Act 5 to gain more experience with your character but also and especially to get better armor and weapons in order to reduce life enemies more quickly, otherwise you peinerez to finish after the other chapters.


After repair your weapons and armor from the merchant and compare your equipment to get the best possible build for your character, go to the center of the city in ruins and talk to Myriam that you saved earlier. It will ask you to go into the marshes of Blood, face Adria. Then go to the top right of the screen to use the new path that will lead you to the ruins overgrown.

Lorath Nahr follows you in your quest to help you as a companion and guide you in the swamp of blood. Once in the ruins overgrown, go to the entrance of the tomb of Rakkis. During your journey, you will come across boglings, creating a single harmless but can be fatal redundant. Once at the entrance of the tomb, Lorath Nahr you explain that the entry has been destroyed ...

A few seconds later, you'll be attacked by a horde of rabid peat! If you ever are a class apart, flee the battle and stay in constant motion so as not to be surrounded by monsters. If you are a class in hand-to-hand use your AOE to end the fight as quickly as possible. You will then open the post north of the area and leading directly to the swamp of blood.

You will then explore the swamp of blood to fall on the stones Nephalem guides. Then use the stones guide by clicking on it, it will effectively remove the four dungeon to explore. Indeed, you have to find the passage to Corvus, three out of four towers will lead to a cul-de-sac! Explore dungeons therefore on the map, you will realize that a dungeon is bad to falling out of it at the end of your journey.

Note that we recommend you to face all the enemies you encounter on your way. This will allow you to both increase the level of your character but also and especially droper new objects allowing you to have a better power and defense in preparation for the fight against Adria. During your journey through the dungeons, you can easily unlock the top-fact: " Crushed beetles . " You need to kill 120 beetles in 10 seconds, why run throughout the dungeon and wait to have enough beetles near you to download all your energy and thus to 120 people in less than 10 seconds!

You will meet fleshy fantasy rabid viewpoint peat and much more during your trip. All these new monsters will have fatherly learn to carry out your future battles. After exploring all the dungeons, you will eventually fall to the passage leading to the ruins of Corvus. Note that a teleporter will be just in front of the room, so do not hesitate to take a tour in the city in ruins to sell your items and repair your equipment.

Then explore the ruins of Corvus to fall on The Great Hall. It is inside you will face Adria! So be careful to be fitted then enter the new passage. Adria will you first basic attacks you can easily avoid backwards. It will then begin to create AOE on the ground that you must avoid in order to lose the least possible life. Finally, also avoid larvae invoke it and finish his life bar to stop the Boss.

After killing Adria, talk to Lorath Nahr to the left of the room and then teleport in the enclave of survivors. Repair your items, sell your weapons and armor then go talk to Tyrael who will meet you at the top of the city. And you will enter the fifth part of Act V!

Doors Pandemonium

This part of the Act V will be very easy to complete. Go to first of all talk to Tyrael will open doors to a breach of pandemonium. Once in the area, you will face the Demoiselle Lamiel. First kill all of the enemies "Vestal of death" and "Archers" which will then fight summers invoked Demoiselle Lamiel should not ask too much resistance if you are level 63 or higher.

Do not forget to have an arsenal at your level, otherwise your experience will not be high enough to damage and thus overcome the Demoiselle Lamiel. Once the fight is over, talk to Imperius who will tell you a little about death and follow him into the Warpath.   

The Battlefields of Eternity

Here you are now in the path of war. Go directly talk to Imperius lying in front of you to know the next direction of your mission. Then follow the path you will meet new enemies and demonic Destroyer scarred soldier. You will be overwhelmed by a wave of soldiers! Fortunately, Imperius descend from heaven to kill all the enemies as you open the gate leading to the continuation of the level.

Continue your journey through the next door where you will submerge again. As before, Imperius will help and open the second gate leading to the last part of the area. You will then fight a primordial demon Belphegor. After having fought you can use the teleportation portal to sell your materials, you equip new weapons and repair your equipment.

Then talk to Imperius asking you to retrieve two runes allowing you to open the portal to the ram. Enter now in the Battlefields of Eternity which will open on your left. Inside you will encounter primary scavengers. It's pretty easy to be overcome alone but can be deadly in excess. You will then have up to a bubble that will unlock the sequence: The time trap.

Unlock the jail time by clicking on the base and battle the demons and Rekkar which appear after opening the breach. This first demon will drop the first rune seat you must collect. Find another flaw in the area that will allow you to show Korchoroth. Again, fight this demon and then retrieve the rune he will fall at his feet. You can now have access to Aries!

Go to the area named "The eternal tooth" then take the portal to the outpost of the seat. You will then face Thilor who calls many minions. Then talk to Tyrael and take the right path that will take you directly to Aries. Before starting this last step, be sure to prepare yourself by returning to the ruined city through the teleporter on your left.

Pandemonium Fortress

Before starting this section, we advise you to be level 63 in order to overcome the enemy without too much difficulty.

You will first need to defeat the monsters who try to address the ram and destroy the brackets seat. Once done, Mordrath appear. Kill the primeval demon and enter the gap that will appear after the fifth kickback: Pandemonium .

The Angel of Death

Here you are now in the latter part of Diablo III: Reaper of Souls. First, enter the lobby of the fortress of Pandemonium where you have to talk to Tyrael. After a brief speech by one, down to the lowest in order to speak to the Guardian. Note that depending on your class, the character will be different. Then walk through the door leading to death following pandemonium.

In this area, you will face many enemies. Take the opportunity to make you experience up to level 64 minimum and be ready to fight Malthaël. After exploring the site, scroll down to the second level of the fortress of Pandemonium. Upon your arrival, you must fight Seraziel then trigger the chain of prison soul.

Then talk to the Guardian again then look for the third level of the fortress of Pandemonium. This will bring you to the heart of the fortress. Before going through the door, make sure you have good equipment and to have your equipment repaired first. Death awaits you behind the last bastion...

To overcome Malthaël you must first of all do not stay in hand-to-hand when it invokes its tornado. Avoid then its rays of light when it will invocation position (image8). This first part of the fight will be manageable if you're a ranged class. Otherwise, be sure to back after each shot so as not to get hit by his area attacks.

Once the boss has lost half of its life, it will absorb the soul stone. You will need to avoid his fireballs that scatter in the corners of the room. Avoid the same time its electrical clouds can easily make you lose half your life bar if you stay too long in this area. Malthaël will then attack in a circle throughout the area that you need to avoid.

Once the Boss defeated for the first time, you will get at least one object and unlock high and made a new game mode Go talk to Tyrael to terminate Act V of Diablo III. Reaper of Souls. You are now ready for the Adventure mode asking you to explore the Sanctuary, earn rewards by passing the Nephalem faults, earn new rewards and more!


Through this part of our comprehensive guide, all classes of extending Diablo: Reaper of Souls will have no secrets for you! You will find the complete list of all active and passive skills classes that you can play in the game as well as the new class: the cross.


You can find the complete list of "active and passive" class skills: crossed. All classes will have new weapons in this expansion Diablo Reaper of Souls. You can actually increase your character to level 70, giving rise to new skills and ways to play.

Active Skills

Correction: You hit your enemies and inflict them 200% of weapon damage. Your keystrokes sharpen your sense of combat and increase your chance to block by 15% for 5 seconds.

Shield Bash: You load and violently hit your foe and all nearby enemies, inflicting 325% of weapon damage plus an amount equal to holy damage 300% chance to block your shield.

Cautery: You ignite the air in front of you, inflicting an amount of fire damage equal to 190% of weapon damage.

Glare: The light flashed your shield and blind all enemies within 30 yards in front of you for 4 seconds.

Flogging: You crack like a mystical curse and sweep the enemy 18 meters in front of you, inflicting 400% weapon damage.

Galvanization: Your skin becomes as hard as iron and absorbs 50% of all damage for 4 seconds.

Persiflage: You cause all nearby enemies and instantly generate 5 additional point of anger caused by enemy. You become the target of their attention for 4 seconds.

Atonement: You whip enemies within 15 meters using sacred chains that inflict an amount of damage equal to 165% holy damage your weapon. The chains segment and will hit up to 3 additional enemies within 20 meters inflicting an amount of damage equal to sacred 125% weapon damage.

Blessed Hammer: Summon a blessed hammer whirls around you, inflicting an amount of damage equal to 200% holy damage your gun all the enemies it hits.

Charge charger: You hop on a magical steed that lets you safely through enemy lines for 2 seconds.

Laws of Valour: Active Skill: you strengthen the law, which then increases the attack power of your allies and yours by 15% for 5 seconds speed. Passive Skill: you recite the law, which increases attack your allies and your own 8% speed. One law can be active at a time.

Justice: You cut down the hammer of justice on their enemies and inflict an amount of damage equal to 175% of weapon damage.

Sacre: 20 meters you turn around you in sacred area for 10 seconds. Your allies and you get 1651 point per second while you are in this area.

Laws of justice: Active Skill: you strengthen the law, which then increases the resistance to all elements of your allies and your own 420 for 5 seconds. Passive Skill: you recite the law, which increases resistance to all elements of your allies and yours 120. One law can be active at a time.

Cleaver: You rush in the heavens and fall back with a bang on your enemies, inflicting 1100% of weapon damage to all that is within 14 meters of where you fall.

Divine Shield: Planning a celestial shield on their enemies and inflict 280% of weapon damage as well as damage equal to 250% chance to block your shield. The shield bounces off 3 nearby enemies.

Blame: You accumulate energy for three seconds before generating a gigantic explosion. It inflicts an amount of damage equal sacred to 1160% of weapon damage to all enemies within 15 meters.

Judgment: You impose your judgment to all enemies within 20 yards of the target area, which immobilizes them for 6 seconds.

Acts of Hope: Active Skill: you strengthen the law that surrounds you and your allies a shield that lasts for 3 seconds and absorbs up to 19108 damage. Passive Skill: you recite the law, which makes your allies and yourself 743 point per second. One law can be active at a time.

Champion Akarat: You blow up all the power of your order, which increases your attack by 25% and your anger regeneration 100% speed for 20 seconds. The first time you take damage that would kill you as champion Akarat, you get all your life.

Fist of the Heavens: You descend from heaven lightning explodes and inflicts an amount of lightning damage equal to 250% of weapon damage to all enemies within 8 yards. Exploding, lightning splits into six radiating lightning piercing and inflict an amount of lightning damage equal to 210% of weapon damage.

Phalanx: You invoke powerful avatars that load on the target location. The enemies in the path of the load undergo 295% of weapon damage.

Wrath of Heaven: Summon a fiery ray of sacred power that inflicts an amount of damage equal sacred to 1260% of weapon damage over 6 seconds to all enemies it illuminates.

Hail: You trigger a remote hail stones and burning pitch that struck enemies within 12 yards of the impact area and inflicting 570% of weapon damage. Hail persists for five seconds and hits nearby enemies randomly.

Passive skills

Force of heaven: You can use a two-handed weapon while using a shield in your left hand. Your maximum travel speed is reduced by 15%.

Fervor: When an enemy dies within 15 yards, your attack speed increases by 10% for 3 seconds.

Vigilance: Your life regeneration is increased by 413. Received non-physical damage is reduced by 5%.

Virtue: Your core competencies generate 3 additional point of anger. Increases your maximum anger 30.

Insurmountable: When at least 4 enemies are within 12 meters of you, your blocked damage increases by 30%. Blocked damage conferred by shields.

Majesty Nephalem: Increases the duration of Fame Nephalem 30 seconds.

Indestructible: Your armor increases by 1% for every 3% of your maximum health you lost.

Sacred cause: Increases the amount of damage done by your sacred weapon by 10%. Whenever you deal holy damage, you get 1% of your total health.

Aggressive: Each point spent anger makes you 165 hit points. The amount of care is increased by 1% of your bonus healing globes life.

Divine Fortress: Your armor is increased by a percentage equal to the chance to block your shield.

Supreme Commander: The cooldown on Charge charger is reduced by 5 seconds, and the Hail, 20 seconds. The damage done by Phalange is increased by 20%.

Inflexible: You can not dodge, but your chances are increased by blocking 15%.

Arm of justice: The duration of the effects of all your laws is extended by 5 seconds.

Iron Maiden: Your damage spines increase dramatically.

Renewal: Whenever you block an attack, you receive 2477 points of life.

Opulence: Your strength increases for each gem embedded in your equipment.

Contondance: Increases the damage done by Justice Hammer and blessed by 20%.

Shield innate: Increase your chance to block by 2.5% every second. The bonus drops to zero one second after a successful block.


You can find the complete list of "active and passive" class skills: crossed. All classes will have new weapons in this expansion Diablo Reaper of Souls. You can actually increase your character to level 70, giving rise to new skills and ways to play.

Beating: Suddenly you hit an enemy and inflict him 170% of weapon damage.

Hammer of Ancient: You summon a huge hammer that crushes enemies in front of you and deals 535% of weapon damage. This attack has an additional 1% chance of a critical hit for every 5 Fury you.

Cleaver: You hit in an arc, dealing 150% weapon damage to all affected enemies.

Earth Shock: You hit the ground and stun all enemies within 14 yards for 4 seconds.

Tear: You wear a spinning blow that bloodied enemies within 12m and inflicts an amount of physical damage equal to 1000% of weapon damage in 5 seconds.

Jump: You leap, dealing 180% weapon damage to all enemies within 8 yards of your destination in addition to reducing their movement speed by 60% for 3 seconds.

Dominance: You deal 380% of weapon damage to all targets within 9 meters. Critical hits have a chance to reduce the cooldown of Dominance 1 second.

Frenzy: You strike and inflict 120% of weapon damage. The Frenzy attack speed increases by 15% for 4 seconds every time. This effect can stack up to 5 times.

Earthquake: You hit the ground and create a wave of destruction that deals 550% of weapon damage to enemies in a cone 45 meters and projected into the air.

Revenge: You deal 220% of weapon damage to all nearby enemies and get 2% of your maximum hit points per enemy hit. You have 15% chance to get a load of Vengeance whenever you attack button. Maximum of 2 loads.

Intimidating Shout: You push a fierce cry that reduces damage from enemies within 25 yards by 20% for 15 seconds.

Sprint: Your speed increases by 30% for 3 seconds.

Start weapon: You throw a weapon at an enemy, dealing 150% weapon damage.

Earthquake: You violently shook the ground and inflict an amount of fire damage equal to 2600% of weapon damage over 8 seconds to all enemies within 18 meters.

Waterspout: You start a chain of whirling attacks that inflict 275% of weapon damage to everything in your path. During the whirlwind, you move 75% of your movement speed.

Furious charge: You rush forward and push your enemies. You deal 360% of weapon damage to enemies in your way.

Tough guy: Reduces all damage taken by 50% for 5 seconds.

Battle Rage: You enter into a rage which increases your damage by 10% and your critical strike chance by 3%. Lasts 120 seconds.

Call Alumni: You invoke the venerable barbarians Talic Korlic and Madawc fighting 30 seconds to your side. Each deals 180% weapon damage with each attack and has additional expertise. Talic is equipped with a sword and a shield. It uses Trombe and Bond. Korlic has a huge polearm. It uses Cleaver and Furious Charge. Madawc is equipped with an ax in each hand. It uses Lancer weapon and seismic tremor.

Lance former: You plan a spear that pierces enemies and deals 500% weapon damage.

War cry: You push a rallying cry that increases your armor and that of your allies within 50 yards by 20% for 60 seconds.

Wrath of the Berserker: You enter a berserker rage which improves many of your attributes for 20 seconds.

- Critical Hit Chance: 10%
- Attack Speed: 25%
- Chances dodge: 20%
- Speed: 20%

Avalanche: You provoke a gigantic boulders that falls on an area inflicting 1,600% of weapon damage to all enemies caught in the landslide. The cooldown has been reduced to 1 second for every 25 points of fury spent.


You can find the complete list of "active and passive" skills class: fetish. All classes will have new weapons in this expansion Diablo Reaper of Souls. You can actually increase your character to level 70, giving rise to new skills and ways to play.


You can find the complete list of "active and passive" class skills: monk. All classes will have new weapons in this expansion Diablo Reaper of Souls. You can actually increase your character to level 70, giving rise to new skills and ways to play.

Demon Hunter

You can find the complete list of "active and passive" skills class: demon hunter. All classes will have new weapons in this expansion Diablo Reaper of Souls. You can actually increase your character to level 70, giving rise to new skills and ways to play.


You can find the complete list of "active and passive" skills class: sorcerer. All classes will have new weapons in this expansion Diablo Reaper of Souls. You can actually increase your character to level 70, giving rise to new skills and ways to play.


You can find a complete list of all the jewels that you will be able to loot and crafter with the jeweler. Note that you will also improve your level so that it can help you crafter even more powerful gems.


Damaged (1): - Helmet: Increases health by 5%
- Weapon: every shot makes 2 PV
- Other: 6 Vitality

Imperfect (1): - Helmet: Increases life of 6%
- Weapon: each stroke makes 3 PV
- Other: +10 Vitality

Amethyst (2): - Helmet: Increases the life of 7%
- Weapon: each stroke makes 6 PV
- Other: +14 Vitality

Flawless (3): - Helmet: Increases the life of 8%
- Weapon: each stroke makes 10 PV
- Other: +18 Vitality

Perfect (4): - Helmet: Increases the life of 9%
- Weapon: each stroke makes 15 PV
- Other: +22 Vitality

Iridescent (5): - Helmet: Increases health by 10%
- Weapon: each stroke makes 25 PV
- Other: +26 Vitality

Square (6): - Helmet: Increases Life by 11%
- Weapon: each stroke makes 35 PV
- Other: +30 Vitality

Without Fault Square (7): - Helmet: Increases the life of 12%
- Weapon: each stroke makes 65 PV
- Other: +34 Vitality

Perfect square (8): - Helmet: Increases the life of 13%
- Weapon: each stroke makes 105 HP
- Other: +38 Vitality

Iridescent square (9): - Helmet: Increases Life by 14%
- Weapon: each stroke makes 190 HP
- Other: +42 Vitality

Starlit (10): - Helmet: Increases the life of 15%
- Weapon: each stroke makes 300 HP
- Other: +46 Vitality

Starlit Without Fault (10): - Helmet: Increases Life by 16%
- Weapon: each stroke makes 400 HP
- Other: +50 Vitality

Starlit Perfect (10): - Helmet: Increases Life by 17%
- Weapon: each stroke makes 500 HP
- Other: +54 Vitality

Starlit Iridescent (10): - Helmet: Increases the life of 18%
- Weapon: each stroke makes 600 HP
- Other: +58 Vitality

Marquise (10): - Helmet: Increases the life of 19%
- Weapon: each stroke makes 700 HP
- Other: +62 Vitality

Imperial (11): - Helmet: Increases health by 20%
- Weapon: each stroke makes 800 HP
- Other: +100 vitality

Imperial Without Fault (12): - Helmet: Increases Life by 21%
- Weapon: each stroke makes 900 HP
- Other: +160 vitality

Royal (12): - Helmet: Increases Life by 22%
- Weapon: each stroke makes PV 1000
- Other: +220 vitality

Royal Without Fault (12): - Helmet: Increases Life by 23%
- Weapon: each stroke makes PV 1100
- Other: +280 vitality


Damaged (1): - Headset: Reduces the cooldown of all skills by 3.5%
- Weapon: Increases the damage done to the elite 2%
- Other: 6 All Resistances

Imperfect (1): - Headset: The cooldown on all skills 4% Reduced
- Weapon: Increases the damage done to the elite 3%
- Other: All Resistances +10

Diamond (2): - Headset: The cooldown on all skills by 4.5% Reduced
- Weapon: Increases the damage done to the elite 4%
- Other: All Resistances +14

Flawless (3): - Headset: The cooldown on all skills by 5% Reduced
- Weapon: Increases the damage done to the elite 5%
- Other: All Resistances +18

Perfect (4): - Headset: The cooldown on all skills by 5.5% Reduced
- Weapon: Increases the damage done to the elite 6%
- Other: All Resistances +22

Iridescent (5): - Headset: The cooldown on all skills 6% Reduced
- Weapon: Increases the damage done to the elite 7%
- Other: All Resistances +26

Square (6): - Headset: The cooldown on all skills by 6.5% Reduced
- Weapon: Increases the damage done to the elite 8%
- Other: +30 All Resistances

Without Fault Square (7): - Headset: The cooldown on all skills 7% Reduced
- Weapon: Increases the damage done to the elite 9%
- Other: All Resistances +34

Perfect square (8): - Headset: The cooldown on all skills by 7.5% Reduced
- Weapon: Increases the damage done to the elite 10%
- Other: +38 All Resistances

Iridescent square (9): - Headset: The cooldown on all skills 8% Reduced
- Weapon: Increases the damage done to the elite 11%
- Other: All Resistances +42

Starlit (10): - Headset: The cooldown on all skills by 8.5% Reduced
- Weapon: Increases the damage done to the elite 12%
- Other: All Resistances +46

Starlit Without Fault (10): - Headset: The cooldown on all skills 9% Reduced
- Weapon: Increases the damage done to the elite 13%
- Other: All Resistances +50

Starlit Perfect (10): - Headset: The cooldown on all skills by 9.5% Reduced
- Weapon: Increases the damage done to the elite 14%
- Other: All Resistances +54

Starlit Iridescent (10): - Headset: The cooldown on all skills 10% Reduced
- Weapon: Increases the damage done to the elite 15%
- Other: All Resistances +58

Marquise (10): - Headset: The cooldown on all skills by 10.5% Reduced
- Weapon: Increases the damage done to the elite 16%
- Other: +62 All Resistances

Imperial (11): - Headset: The cooldown of all skills by 11% Reduced
- Weapon: Increases the damage done to the elite 17%
- Other: +66 All Resistances

Imperial Without Fault (12): - Headset: The cooldown on all skills by 11.5% Reduced
- Weapon: Increases the damage done to the elite 18%
- Other: All Resistances +70

Royal (12): - Headset: The cooldown of all skills by 12% Reduced
- Weapon: Increases the damage done to the elite 19%
- Other: All Resistances +74

Royal Without Fault (12): - Headset: The cooldown on all skills by 12.5% Reduced
- Weapon: Increases the damage done to the elite 20%
- Other: All Resistances +78


Damaged (1): - Headset: Gold drop on enemies increased by 5%
- Weapon: Increases the critical strike by 10%
- Other: +6 to Dexterity

Imperfect (1): - Headset: Gold drop on enemies increased by 7%
- Weapon: Increases the critical strike by 15%
- Other: 10 Dexterity

Emerald (2): - Headset: Gold drop on enemies increased by 9%
- Weapon: Increases the critical strike by 20%
- Other: 14 Dexterity

Flawless (3): - Headset: Gold drop on enemies increased by 11%
- Weapon: Increases the critical strike by 25%
- Other: 18 Dexterity

Perfect (4): - Headset: Gold drop on enemies increased by 13%
- Weapon: Increases the critical strike by 30%
- Other: 22 Dexterity

Iridescent (5): - Headset: Gold drop on enemies increased by 15%
- Weapon: Increases the critical strike by 35%
- Other: 26 Dexterity

Square (6): - Headset: Gold drop on enemies increased by 17%
- Weapon: Increases the critical strike by 40%
- Other: +30 Dexterity

Without Fault Square (7): - Headset: Gold drop on enemies increased by 19%
- Weapon: Increases the critical strike by 45%
- Other: +34 Dexterity

Perfect square (8): - Headset: Gold drop on enemies increased by 21%
- Weapon: Increases the critical strike by 50%
- Other: +38 Dexterity

Iridescent square (9): - Headset: Gold drop on enemies increased by 23%
- Weapon: Increases the critical strike by 60%
- Other: +42 Dexterity

Starlit (10): - Headset: Gold drop on enemies increased by 25%
- Weapon: Increases the critical strike by 70%
- Other: +46 Dexterity

Starlit Without Fault (10): - Headset: Gold drop on enemies increased by 27%
- Weapon: Increases the critical strike 80%
- Other: +50 dexterity

Starlit Perfect (10): - Headset: increased by 29% gold drop on enemies
- Weapon: Increases the critical strike 90%
- Other: +54 Dexterity

Starlit Iridescent (10): - Headset: Gold drop on enemies increased by 31%
- Weapon: Increases the critical strike 100%
- Other: +58 Dexterity

Marquise (10): - Headset: Gold drop on enemies increased by 33%
- Weapon: Increases the critical strike 110%
- Other: +62 Dexterity

Imperial (11): - Headset: Gold drop on enemies increased by 35%
- Weapon: Increases the critical strike by 115%
- Other: +100 Dexterity

Imperial Without Fault (12): - Headset: Gold drop on enemies increased by 37%
- Weapon: Increases the critical strike 120%
- Other: +160 Dexterity

Royal (12): - Headset: Gold drop on enemies increased by 39%
- Weapon: Increases the critical strike 125%
- Other: +220 Dexterity

Royal Without Fault (12): - Headset: Gold drop on enemies increased by 41%
- Weapon: Increases the critical strike by 130%
- Other: +280 Dexterity


Damaged (1): - Headset: additional experience by 5% kill
- Weapon: Increase damage dice 3
- Other: +6 Strength

Imperfect (1): - Headset: additional experience by kill 7%
- Weapon: Increase damage dice 6
- Other: Strength +10

Ruby (2): - Headset: additional experience by kill 9%
- Weapon: Increased damage 9
- Other: Strength +14

Flawless (3): - Headset: additional experience by kill 11%
- Weapon: Increase damage dice 12
- Other: Strength +18

Perfect (4): - Headset: additional experience by kill 13%
- Weapon: Increase damage dice 15
- Other: Strength +22

Iridescent (5): - Headset: additional experience by kill 15%
- Weapon: Increase damage dice 18
- Other: Strength +26

Square (6): - Headset: additional experience by kill 17%
- Weapon: Increase damage dice 21
- Other: Strength +30

Without Fault Square (7): - Headset: additional experience by kill 19%
- Weapon: Increase damage dice 25
- Other: Strength +34

Perfect square (8): - Headset: additional experience by kill 21%
- Weapon: Increase damage dice 30
- Other: Strength +38

 Iridescent square (9): - Headset: additional experience by kill 23%
- Weapon: Increase damage dice 40
- Other: Strength +42

Starlit (10): - Headset: additional experience by kill 25%
- Weapon: Increase damage dice 60
- Other: Strength +46

Starlit Without Fault (10): - Headset: additional experience by kill 27%
- Weapon: Increase damage dice 80
- Other: Strength +50

Starlit Perfect (10): - Headset: additional experience by kill 29%
- Weapon: Increase damage dice 100
- Other: Strength +54

Starlit Iridescent (10): - Headset: additional experience by kill 31%
- Weapon: Increase damage dice 130
- Other: Strength +58

Marquise (10): - Headset: additional experience by kill 33%
- Weapon: Increase damage dice 160
- Other: Strength +62

Imperial (11): - Headset: additional experience by kill 35%
- Weapon: Increase damage dice 190
- Other: 100 Strength

Imperial Without Fault (12): - Headset: additional experience by kill 37%
- Weapon: Increase damage dice 220
- Other: 160 Strength

Royal (12): - Headset: additional experience by kill 39%
- Weapon: Increase damage dice 250
- Other: 220 Strength

Royal Without Fault (12): - Headset: additional experience by kill 41%
- Weapon: Increase damage dice 270
- Other: 280 Strength


List topaz available in Diablo III Reaper of Souls 

Damaged (1): - Headset: drop rate of items increased by 5%
- Weapon Inflicts damage to enemies in melee: 2
- Other: +6 intelligence

Imperfect (1): - Headset: drop rate of items increased by 7%
- Weapon Inflicts damage to enemies in melee: 3
- Other: +10 intelligence

Topaz (2): - Headset: drop rate of items increased by 9%
- Weapon Inflicts damage to enemies in melee: 6
- Other: +14 intelligence

Flawless (3): - Headset: drop rate of items increased by 11%
- Weapon Inflicts damage to enemies in melee: 10
- Other: +18 intelligence

Perfect (4): - Headset: drop rate of items increased by 13%
- Weapon Inflicts damage to enemies in melee: 15
- Other: +22 intelligence

Iridescent (5): - Headset: drop rate of items increased by 15%
- Weapon Inflicts damage to enemies in melee: 30
- Other: +26 intelligence

Square (6): - Headset: drop rate of items increased by 17%
- Weapon Inflicts damage to enemies in melee: 50
- Other: +30 intelligence

Without Fault Square (7): - Headset: drop rate of items increased by 19%
- Weapon Inflicts damage to enemies in melee: 100
- Other: +34 intelligence

Perfect square (8): - Headset: drop rate of items increased by 21%
- Weapon Inflicts damage to enemies in melee: 200
- Other: +38 intelligence

Iridescent square (9): - Headset: drop rate of items increased by 23%
- Weapon Inflicts damage to enemies in melee: 350
- Other: +42 intelligence

Starlit (10): - Headset: drop rate of items increased by 25%
- Weapon Inflicts damage to enemies in melee: 600
- Other: +46 intelligence

Starlit Without Fault (10): - Headset: drop rate of items increased by 27%
- Weapon Inflicts damage to enemies in melee: 900
- Other: +50 intelligence

Starlit Perfect (10): - Headset: drop rate of items increased by 29%
- Weapon Inflicts damage to enemies in melee 1250
- Other: +54 intelligence

Starlit Iridescent (10) - Headset: drop rate of items increased by 31%
- Weapon Inflicts damage to enemies in melee: 1800
- Other: +58 intelligence

Marquise (10): - Headset: drop rate of items increased by 33%
- Weapon Inflicts damage to enemies in melee: 2500
- Other: +62 intelligence

Imperial (11): - Headset: drop rate of items increased by 35%
- Weapon Inflicts damage to enemies in melee: 3100
- Other: +100 Intelligence

Imperial Without Fault (12): - Headset: drop rate of items increased by 37%
- Weapon Inflicts damage to enemies in melee: 3725
- Other: +160 Intelligence

Royal (12): - Headset: drop rate of items increased by 39%
- Weapon Inflicts damage to enemies in melee: 4350
- Other: +220 Intelligence

Royal Without Fault (12): - Headset: drop rate of items increased by 41%
- Weapon Inflicts damage to enemies in melee: 4975
- Other: +280 Intelligence


You can find the list of the highlights of Diablo III: Reaper of Souls.Vous will find the description of each feat to achieve, their titles and icons as well as some tips and videos to help you achieve these high facts.


You will find below the list of all the deeds of the "general" list of Diablo III: Reaper of Souls

Lucky insomniacs: Equipping all inventory slots with legendary items with a minimum required level of 70 or more.

Seeking stories: Accomplish these feats conversation artisans, journeymen and the main character in Act V.

- The main event
- Hi folks!
- From artisan work

The main event: Perform deeds conversation the main character of the act V.

- Good speech
- Tales of Gash-Raider
- Generalizations

The good word: Play all conversations Tyrael of Act V.

- Malthaël
- Angels
- The reapers Malthaël
- The leniency Malthaël
- Mood of Tyrael
- The pain of Tyrael
- The brilliance of the stone
- The brightness
- Stone black soul
- Urzaël
- Pandemonium
- The disappearance of Malthaël
- The fortress
- The fortress of Pandemonium

Tales of Gash-Raider: Play all conversations Lorath of Act V.

- The death of Diablo
- The Horadrim
- The history of Lorath
- Reconstruction
- New Horadrim
- Pandémonim
- Cain
- Destroying the soul stone
- The fortress of Pandemonium

Generalizations: Play all conversations General Torion of Act V.

- The last four
- Reinforcements
- The death of King Justinian

Hi folks!: Perform deeds conversation companions Act V.

- Interview with Kormac
- Brother Jacques
- Blabla girl

Interview with Kormac: Play all conversations Templar Act V.

- The Malay Kormac
- Grand Maistre
- Corruption of the Templars
- Peace of Mind
- The Future
- Talk with Eirena
- The future Eirena

Brother Jacques: Play all conversations robber Act V.

- A growing concern
- Impatience
- A stolen life
- Grief drowned
- Chronicles of the dagger
- A service Lyndon

Blabla girl: Play all of the conversations enchantresse of Act V.

- The survivor
- Discontinued
- A demonic magic
- A voice from beyond the grave
- Pandemonium
- Lysa
- A new Prophet

The artisan work: Perform deeds conversation artisans Act V.

- Forging history
- Shenial
- Vécines Chouineries

Forging history: Play all conversations smith Act V.

- A new companion
- The beginning of trouble
- Brycen
- An awareness
- Reforged
- Some random thoughts

Shenial: Play all conversations jeweler Act V.

- Liria
- The god of desire
- The plan Zei
- A wonderful night
- Happiness Zei
- Despair Zei
- The jewel Dirgest
- Research

Chouineries vécines: Play all conversations the mystique of Act V.

- All about Myriam
- Myriam verbatim
- Stories
- Where is Urzarël
- In search of Adria
- The surprise of Myriam
- Pandemonium
- Imperius

Consumer society: Play all conversations merchants of the city of Act V.

- Delilah the collector
- Ruthie the fourgué
- Victor Petty
- Powell minor

Adventure Mode

You will find below the list of all the deeds of the list "adventure mode" Diablo III: Reaper of Souls

Adventure: Perform deeds of adventure mode listed below.

- Primus Maximus
- It is preferred that the hordes
- The two minutes depopulate
- I mate the boss
- Be blessed

A new beginning: 5 Touch premiums

I mate the boss: Kill the boss faults Nephalem.

Be blessed: Recover the power of each of the towers listed below.

- Pylon power
- Conduction pylon
- Line pylon
- Pylon protection
- Pylon speed

Fault line: Kill 500 monsters in Nephalem faults.

Express fault: Submit a Nephalem fault in less than 15 minutes


These boots are made for walking: Kill Urzaël

Long live the king: Complete all the events involving the king Justinian IV in Act V

Ghouls and Co.: Explore the Westmarch areas listed below:

- Cathedral of Zakarum
- Common of Westmarch
- Aisle Gideon
- Cemetery Briarthorn
- Court of Rest noble
- Heights of Westmarch
- Tower Korélan

It? : Kill Adria

Separated by death: Kill Malthaël

Some sightseeing: Complete all events Westmarch

A breakneck: Complete all events at the cemetery Briarthorn

Marner in the marsh: Complete all events Marsh Blood

The real border: Complete all events àPandémonium

General logorrhea: Complete all events journeymen and craftsmen Act V:

- The Templar settles accounts
- Bound by Blood
- The voice of a sister
- The jewel Dirgest

Breaker curse of Westmarch: Perform the events of Chest in Act V listed below:

- The pit cursed bones
- The cursed war room
- The cursed forum
- The cursed bog
- The cursed city
- The cursed kingdom

Travel around the world: Perform deeds of Act V listed below:

- A little tourism
- Bringing out the Dead
- Marner in the marsh
- The borders of reality
- Long live the king
- General Logorrhoea
- Breaker curse of Westmarch

One moment rejoice blood: Explore areas of marsh blood if listed below:

- Ruins overgrown
- Marais Blood
- Ways of Noyes
- Passage to Corvus
- Ruins of Corvus
- The Great Hall

The scar of creation: Explore areas Pandemonium listed below if:

- The gates of Pandemonium
- Warpath
- The battlefields of eternity
- Outpost seat
- The ram
- Pandemonium Fortress
- Heart of the fortress

Dungeon Master: Explore dungeons Act V listed below:

- Tunnels plague
- Reliquary bones
- Dangerous Cave
- Luray Caverns
- Kingdom of banned

The prowler worlds: Complete all the feats of exploration Act V listed below:

- Ghouls and Co.
- A moment rejoice blood
- The scar creation
- Dungeon Master

Fact Sheet: Read personal books Act V.

Fieldwork: Read grimoirs quest of Act V.

Historian Westmarch: Read the chronicles of Act V.

Beastmaster of Westmarch: Read bestiaries of Act V.

Good books: Complete all the feats books of knowledge Act V listed below:

- Fact Sheet
- Fieldwork
- Historian of Westmarch
- Beastmaster of Westmarch

Do not fear the reaper: Complete all the quests in Act V:

- The fall of Westmarch
- The souls of the dead
- The messenger
- The Witch
- The gates of Pandemonium
- The battlefields of Eternity
- Storming the fortress
- The Angel of Death


You will find below the list of all the deeds of the list "cooperation" Diablo III: Reaper of Souls

Drudge: Kill Urzaël in a co-op

Group therapy: Kill Adria in a co-op

Fruitful cooperation: Kill Malthaël in a co-op

Tourists: Complete all events Westmarch in cooperation mode.

The cemetery of the living: Complete all the events listed below in the cemetery of Briathorn in co-op mode:

- Cryptology
- Robert the Tomb Raider
- A heavy burden
- A deadly situation
- The altar of Sadness

Swamp Rats: Complete all events Marsh Blood in cooperation mode.

Disturbing public order: Complete all events at Pandemonium in cooperation mode.


You will find below the list of all the deeds of the "extreme" list of Diablo III: Reaper of Souls

Inflame: Kill Urzaël in extreme fashion

It was bound to happen: Kill Adria extreme fashion

Death can satisfy you: Kill Malthaël in extreme fashion

Fatal fire: Kill Urzaël maximum level without mass control of enemies, Torment difficulty or higher, and extreme fashion

Ding dong, the witch is dead: Kill Adria maximum level without mass control of enemies, Torment difficulty or higher, and extreme fashion

I am become death: Kill Matlhaël maximum level without mass control of enemies, Torment difficulty or higher, and extreme fashion

It smells burnt: Kill Urzaël maximum level in less than 90 seconds, Torment difficulty or higher, and extreme fashion

Witch charmless: Kill Adria maximum level in less than a minute, Torment difficulty or higher, and extreme fashion

Defy death: Kill Matlhaël maximum level in less than three minutes in Torment difficulty or higher, and extreme fashion

Sore losers: Killing a champion of each type in extreme fashion

A rare species: Kill all the enemies of rare extreme fashion game

Irreplaceable: Kill all the enemies unique gaming extreme fashion


You will find below the list of all the deeds of the list of "challenges" Diablo III: Reaper of Souls

Burning wings: Perform the deeds of the test Urzaël listed below:

- Bim bam boom
- Light the fire
- Fatal Flames
- Fanning the flames
- It smells burnt

The witch hunt: Complete all the feats of the event Adria listed below:

- Move from there
- Under the spell
- Ding dong, the witch is dead
- My witch unloved
- Witch charmless

Day death: Complete all the feats of Malthaël test below:

- Cheating death
- Memento Mori
- I am become death
- Sudden Death
- Defying death

Bim bam boom: Urzaël kill without being hit by his attack right, his shot or hit by the debris from the ceiling

Move there!: Adria tow without being hit by his attacks Mare blood ball blood or cutting wing

Cheat death: Malthaël kill without being hit by deadly attacks Haze, Drain Soul, Spiral Skulls, Nova or Scan soul

Light the fire: Kill Urzaël maximum level without mass control of enemies, Torment difficulty or higher.

Under the spell: Ardia kill the maximum level without mass control of enemies, Torment difficulty or higher.

Memento mori: Kill Matlhaël maximum level without mass control of enemies, Torment difficulty or higher.

Fan the flames: Kill Urzaël maximum level in less than 90 seconds, Torment difficulty or higher.

My witch unloved: Kill Urzaël maximum level in less than a minute, Torment difficulty or higher.

Sudden death: Kill Malthaël maximum level in less than three minutes, Torment difficulty or higher.

Overwrite champion: Kill all types of champions game

Rare specimens: Kill all enemies rare game

Special Mission: Kill all the enemies unique game

Fire quickly extinguished: extinguished Killing three incendiary Vestals in less than 10 seconds apart

Crushed Beetle: Kill 120 beetles in 10 seconds

Hammer: Finish the fight on the ram in less than 90 seconds

The blood will not have time to dry: Submit Act V in less than one hour

Experience and Paragon

You will find below the summary table of the experience required to progress from level 1 to 70 as well as the levels Paragon. The Paragon levels will recover once the level reaches 70, you can then continue to progress in the game, increase the power of monsters and consequently increase your "drops" of objects. After level 70, you will continue to gain levels of "Paragon" type, continuing to increase your stats while giving you points that you can spend in the following categories:


- Force
- Vitality
- Movement speed
- Maximul Fury


- Attack Speed
- Reduced cooldown
- Chances critical
- Critical Damage


- Life Points
- Armor
- All resistors
- Regeneration of life


- Damage nearby
- Reduced cost resources
- Life hoc
- Discovery of gold

After reaching level 800 Paragon, you will have more points to be awarded in these categories, but you can continue to increase your level and increase the stats of your character!

Required level 1-70 "Basic" experience: 

Level Experience required
1 0
2 1200
3 2700
4 4500
5 6600
6 9000
7 11,700
8 14,000
9 16,500
10 19,200
11 22,100
12 25,200
13 28,500
14 32,000
15 35,700
16 39,600
17 43,700
18 48,000
19 62.100
20 57,200
21 62.100
22 67.200
23 72,500
24 78,000
25 83700
26 89,600
27 95,700
28 102.000
29 108.500
30 115,200
31 122,100
32 136.000
33 157.500
34 180,000
35 203.500
36 228.000
37 273.000
38 320,000
39 369.000
40 420.000
41 473,000
42 528,000
43 585,000
44 644,000
45 705,000
46 768,000
47 833,000
48 900,000
49 1453500
50 2080000
51 3180000
52 4,050,000
53 5005000
54 6048000
55 7980000
56 10092000
57 12390000
58 14880000
59 17019000
60 20150000
61 14586000
62 27000000
63 29400000
64 31,900,000
65 39100000
66 46800000
67 55000000
68 63700000
69 72900000
70 82600000

Required level 1-100 "Paragon" experience:

Level Experience required
1 7,200,000
2 8640000
3 10080000
4 11520000
5 12960000
6 14400000
7 15840000
8 17280000
9 18720000
10 20160000
11 21600000
12 23040000
13 24480000
14 25,920,000
15 27360000
16 28800000
17 30240000
18 31680000
19 33120000
20 34560000
21 36000000
22 37440000
23 38880000
24 40320000
25 41760000
26 43200000
27 44640000
28 46080000
29 47520000
30 48960000
31 50400000
32 51840000
33 53280000
34 54720000
35 56160000
36 57600000
37 59040000
38 60480000
39 61920000
40 63360000
41 64800000
42 66240000
43 67680000
44 69120000
45 70560000
46 72000000
47 73440000
48 74880000
49 76320000
50 77760000
51 79200000
52 80640000
53 82080000
54 83520000
55 84960000
56 86400000
57 87840000
58 89280000
59 90720000
60 92160000
61 95040000
62 97920000
63 100800000
64 103680000
65 106560000
66 109440000
67 112320000
68 115200000
69 118080000
70 120960000
71 126,000,000
72 131040000
73 136080000
74 141120000
75 146160000
76 151200000
77 156240000
78 161280000
79 166320000
80 171360000
81 177840000
82 184320000
83 190.800000
84 197280000
85 203760000
86 210240000
87 216720000
88 223200000
89 229680000
90 236160000
91 244800000
92 253440000
93 262080000
94 270720000
95 279360000
96 288000000
97 296640000
98 305280000
99 313920000
100 322560000

Pony's land

Pony's Land is the secret level of Diablo III in opposition to secret level Diablo II: Cow level. This world will be more difficult than in Act IV, and you will recover a lot of money, experience and rare objects. Originally the world was made as a caricature of Diablo III who wanted less dark than its predecessor.

To get there you must first recover a series of object listed below:

    Black fungus Cathedral (Act 1)
    Tibia Leoric: Manor Leoric (Act 1)
    Bell Wirt Seller "brat" (Act 2)
    Liquid arc-en-ciel: Oasis Darghul (Act 2)
    Stone glittering Cave ice (Act 3) 

Black fungus: these mushrooms will be in the Cathedral of Act 1. As you've probably noticed, cards Diablo III will generate randomly and you will have more time to pass this Act to fall on the right card that will give you these fungi. 

Tibia Leoric: it is at the bottom right of the manor. You get back up the chimney after fighting a horde of enemies and before descending the stairs towards the next area of Act 1.

Bell Wirt you 100,000 gold coins to spend? So much better since the bell Wirt will buy from the brat that you will encounter in the Souk Caldeum located at Act 2.

Liquid Arc-en-ciel: This item will recover in helping a person located at the Oasis in Act 2. Kill all ghosts who take him in and then follow it. The NPC will open a small cave where you get a chance fifteen to find the object in question.

Sparkling stone: certainly the most difficult to find object. It will recover in Act III on a purple monster in the cave of ice just before destroying the trebuchets. As in previous articles, you will have much luck because the random map will not allow you to go into the cave the first time or drop the subject in question on the monster.

After getting all of these objects, you will face Izual located in Act IV. Then you will get Tome of Craft that you can assemble all previously retrieved objects. Note that you will also droper random recipe stick on Izual.

Craftez then stick to the blacksmith as show the picture above. Return to this in Act I and use the stick near the fault to the right of the base. A cow will then speak to you in reference to the secret level of Diablo II. It will do just jump into the flaw to access the hidden world of ponies!



The blacksmith used to crafting your weapons and armor as well as repair your equipment and turn objects into crafting materials. You will find the money and the items required to increase your blacksmith level that it can learn new plans and crafting new items:

    Level 01: Basic
    Level 02: 5000 gold
    Level 03: 6000 gold
    Level 04: 10,000 gold
    Level 05: 12,000 gold
    Level 06: 20,000 gold
    Level 07: 22,000 gold
    Level 08: 30,000 gold
    Level 09: 38,000 gold
    Level 10: 40,000 gold

Level 11:

Cost: 1 breath of death // 10,000 gold
Armor exquisite Rakkigarde
Pauldrons exquisite Rakkigarde
Strikes exquisite Rakkigarde
Plates legs exquisite Rakkigarde
Shield exquisite Rakkigarde
Helm exquisite Rakkigarde
Brassard exquisite Rakkigarde

Cost: 1 breath of death // 10,000 gold
Exquisite tribal mask
Scourge of exquisite giant
Grand exquisite medieval scourge
Pierre exquisite insight
Hat exquisite vizie
Belt exquisite war
Lock exquisite platinum
Rakkigarde exquisite cape

Cost: 1 breath of death // 10,000 gold
Heavy shield exquisite
Catalyst exquisite enchanting
Ax executioner exquisite
Sword of exquisite champion
Volume of exquisite Templar
Fist exquisite nails
Judgment exquisite iron
Token exquisite robber

Cost: 1 breath of death // 10,000 gold
Baguette headed exquisite demon
Blade exquisite Gothic
Exquisite Brutalizer
Royal exquisite mass
Sword exquisite caldéenne
Powerful runeblade exquisite
Surin exquisite obsidian
Terrible ax exquisite

Cost: 5 breath of death // 10,000 gold
Crossbow exquisite wall
Talisman exquisite skulls
Blade Port Royal exquisite
Exquisite caduceus
Exquisite twin crossbows
Box exquisite secret
Carquoi exquisite Rakkigarde
Arch leonine exquisite blade

Level 12:

Cost: 1 breath of death // 10,000 gold
Ascendu Shield Sovereign
Ascendues sovereign poachers
Armor sovereign ascendue
Pauldrons ascendus sovereign
Strikes ascendues sovereign
Ascendu sovereign Helm
Gloves ascendus sovereign
Armbands ascendus sovereign

Cost: 1 breath of death // 10,000 gold
Grandiose string sovereign
Sovereign ascendu mask
Sovereign scourge angelic
Ascendue Cape sovereign
Chapel ascendu sovereign
Pierre ascendue sovereign
Bane grandfather sovereign
Scarf sovereign Archon

Cost: 1 breath of death // 10,000 gold
Shield of sovereign cross
Catalyst sovereign enchanting
Stick sovereign whirlwind
Blade sovereign tsunami
Volume sovereign Templar
Qatar sovereign
Ax formidable sovereign
Token sovereign robber

Cost: 1 breath of death // 10,000 gold
Sovereign regicide
Sovereign Hassan cleaver
Skullsplitter sovereign
Evil wand sovereign
Sovereign Tecquatl
Gutted chair sovereign
Tranche-sovereign members
Eloquent sovereign

Cost: 5 breath of death // 10,000 gold
Sovereign Punyal
Sovereign double arrow
Sovereign caduceus
Quiver ascendu sovereign
Spheres Moschen sovereign
Sovereign Oxybèle
The Thing-Who-Must-Not-Be Sovereign
Sovereign Punch
Level 12 is the maximum level of blacksmith Reaper of Souls. It'll now only kill monsters in different game modes to recover revenue that can then learn the blacksmith that it gives you new weapons.


The jeweler will let you remove gems of a weapon and to assemble new in order to get a more powerful gem for your level. As for the blacksmith, you will increase its level to have new gems available. Like the blacksmith, jeweler you can also crafter rings and amulets:

    Level 01: Basic
    Level 02: 5000 gold
    Level 03: 5000 gold
    Level 04: 10,000 gold
    Level 05: 10,000 gold
    Level 06: 10,000 gold
    Level 07: 20,000 gold
    Level 08: 20,000 gold
    Level 09: 30,000 gold
    Level 10: 40,000 gold

Level 11:

Cost: 5 breath of death // 10,000 gold
Imperial Emerald
Imperial Amethyst
Imperial Ruby
Imperial Diamond
Imperial Topaz

Level 12:

Cost: 5 breath of death // 10,000 gold
Imperial Emerald flawless
Imperial Amethyst flawless
Imperial Ruby flawless
Imperial flawless diamond
Imperial topaz flawless
Sovereign Amulet
Sovereign ring

After increasing the maximum level of the jeweler, it will do more than recover plans to power crafter last gems of the game and make new rings and amulets to increase the power of your character.


The mystique will be able to enchant your gear, change your magical skills and change the appearance of your weapons and armor. You will need to have owned this equipment with the "skin" called then put the new object in the box before selecting a new appearance.

    Level 01: Basic
    Level 02: 1000 gold

21 transmogrifications déverouillées

The weapon may be enchanted

    Level 03: 5000 gold

14 transmogrifications déverouillées

The Left Hand object can be enchanted

    Level 04: 10,000 gold

26 transmogrifications déverouillées

Boots The object can be enchanted

    Level 05: 10,000 gold

13 transmogrifications déverouillées

The epaulets object can be enchanted

    Level 06: 10,000 gold

22 transmogrifications déverouillées

Cuffs The object can be enchanted

    Level 07: 20,000 gold

17 transmogrifications déverouillées

The gloves may be delighted

    Level 08: 20,000 gold

19 transmogrifications déverouillées

The Belt object can be enchanted

    Level 09: 30,000 gold

17 transmogrifications déverouillées

The purpose Amulet perhaps enchanted

    Level 10: 40,000 gold

46 transmogrifications déverouillées

The Breastplate object can be enchanted


Level 11:

35 transmogrifications déverouillées

Ring object can be enchanted

Level 12:

35 transmogrifications déverouillées

Legs The object can be enchanted

The helmet may be delighted

With many improvements, Mystique will increase the magical power of your equipment and change the appearance of your weapons and armor. Continue to survey areas of Diablo III in search of unique weapons to increase the number of "skins" in your possession. 
