Bound By Flame walkthrough, cheats

In 2013, the French studio Spiders offered us a futuristic adventure on the red planet Mars: War Logs. They now offer us a world of fantasy with Bound By Flame, which takes place in the world Vertiel. You play Volcano, a man (or woman) part of Blades Freiberg, a group that is waging a war against the seven Lords of cold. These Lords sent the Deadwalker Army to invade and devastate the world. In parallel, Volcano is possessed by a demon who will teach him the art of Pyromancy to fight his enemies, but in return will try to take control of his mind.

To help you combat and live with your inner demon, DTGReviews offers complete Bound By Flame walkthrough. You will find the full path of the script, as well as details to complete all the quests.

Table of Contents

Prologue: The Temple of the Roof of the World
Act 1: The meandering Val-Huntsman
Act 2: Battle in the grip of ice
Act 3: The Area Blackforest
Act 4: The Heart World
Quests Annexes

Prologue: The Temple of the Roof of the World

Following the cutscene that the foundations of the scenario, you are free to move. This prologue is a tutorial in which you will learn the basics of combat and the creation of objects. Follow the path in front of you to arrive at the Captain Blades Freiberg. Talk to him to warn him of the imminent arrival of Deadwalker Army.

After you have a few yelled, Captain asks you to create traps to secure the premises. Head to the chest highlighted to get the necessary ingredients. Follow the instructions on the screen and create 10 booby traps. Bring them to the Peeler guarding the entrance of the temple.

Back at the Captain and place traps in 4 bright areas. The Esplanade is under siege not undead, giving you the opportunity to familiarize yourself with the combat system. If you are in trouble, use traps you placed to take advantage. When the last enemy fell, a huge monster appears and forces you to retreat into the temple. But you are quickly attacked by Spectra. Eliminate your new friends to trigger a new scene.

Captain asks you to control the wing of the temple. It also gives you your first two quests: Nobody pass and a brother in danger. Head to the top of the map to access the east wing. Along the way, you'll have some details on a new posture for combat and stealth. Also follow the explanations on the level crossing and improving your equipment.

Once you're ready, go down the steps on the yellow marker to find yourself surrounded by three enemies. Then remove the new enemy will attack you, and after the scene, turn back with the sword until the invocation room at the bottom of the card.

After some fighting scenes and you find yourself outside, facing an opponent. But the demon that has invaded you will greatly facilitate your task, thanks to the power of Pyromancy it gives you. Hit the legs and arms of the giant monster to get rid of. If the undead accompanying bother you, remove them but know they will take damage from the largest if they are too close.

After the scene, the group moves towards the Marais, which ended prologue.

Act 1: The meandering Val-Huntsman

In this section of the complete walkthrough Bound By Flame, you'll find all the events taking place in Act 1: The meandering Val-Huntsman.

Chapter 1 - A Refugee Village

For the beginning of this chapter, you will visit the Marais. After a short discussion with Ox, you encounter an awkward elf. You then have the choice of companion who will follow you: Rhelmar or Sybil. Choose the one you want to continue, but be aware that taking Sybil, you have the possibility of Annex Quest Safari with Sybil. Move a little to meet new creatures that you must remove before continuing.

Head now to Val-Huntsman, all right on the map, to find a man in difficulty. Help him by fighting Chrysalians his side. He informs you that you are expected to City Hall. Go through the door behind him for a small scene, then follow the quest marker to the building where you will meet the Grand Steward.

Following the conversation, you get a new objective: Find the lair of the beast marshes. In addition, Annex quest Problem stewardship is now available. Before continuing the main path, take the time to familiarize yourself with the site and discuss with the people of Val-Huntsman for some new quests. Talk with particular Randval to unlock the quest duel. Also talk again with the High Steward if you need details on the quest Annex stewardship issues.

Go see Rhelmar to City Hall and tell him to get the quest Prince A cure for Prince. Once you have completed your shopping and helped camp residents, exit Val-Huntsman by the South towards the Marais Road Val-Huntsman.

Cross this area towards North to reach the Marais Road ruins. Head east towards the quest marker and interact with the wall to climb.

Prepare to fight the beast marshes. This is a pretty tough opponent that could give you trouble. Stay away when it blows out roots from the soil and try to take the timing of cons-attack when sending claws. When she prepares a powerful scratch, move to the left to avoid damage. During the fight, she will perform other attacks: always be ready to get away when you jump on it and it brings out other roots behind you. In short, for clarity, here is a video of the fight against the enemy:

At the end of the fight, you have edwen sorceress who was imprisoned by the father of Sybil. Choose to release or not, it will have the same result. Then exhaust the topics of conversation, and then return to Val-Huntsman.

Chapter 2 - The Evil Eye

From the beginning of this chapter, you get the quest Annex orphan . But for now, the first thing to do is go see the Grand Steward in the City Hall Val-Huntsman. After some discussion in which your answers will not affect the High Steward entrust you a new task: to investigate the villagers strange behavior. Exit the town hall and talk edwen. If you accept accompany you, a new quest is avail: The edwen request.

Also, head to the eastern exit Val Huntsman to speak with Captain, which says you quest Annex Missing. Ask him all the best to learn that Buffalo just keep an eye on the villagers strange questions. Go talk to him to find out a little more. You then mark on your map the location of three villagers suspects.

Will visit each of them during the day. The first Jervis, is sitting near the blacksmith Asael. The second, Agathe, is under the bridge at the entrance of Val-Huntsman. Rather talk to her husband Hugobert and ask him questions about the behavior of his wife.

Nigella finally ask about Meliev, the torque is opposite Buffalo. Once you have made your turn, go see Mason and offer to wait for the night to keep the villagers. Return to where you met and Nigella Meliev to see a group of villagers. As you approach, you attack. Defend yourself and kill them.

Head now to the Marais: Delta South, then cross the area to reach the Marais: East Zone. Battle your way to the Den murmurs and eliminate zombies guarding the entrance. Then enter in the Lair, where you have an important choice for running the scenario: you either choose to leave a little room for the devil in you, or you decide to find another solution to penetrate Den.

Is getting overwhelmed by the demon:
If you choose to leave a little room for the devil, your level of ownership increases to 20%, you get automatic respect "demonic Spark" and you can directly enter the Cave of Whispers. Inside, head to the depths and to the shrine to fight the Tormentor.

Look for another solution:
If you prefer to keep your humanity, the quest "The lair of torment" appears. Turn back to Val-Huntsman and do you have with silwan at City Hall. Ask him if he has something to protect your mind. It then gives you two potions mental protection, one for you and one for the ally to accompany you. Return to the Lair Whispers, drink the potion and enter ahead. Head to the depths, and to the shrine to fight the Tormentor.

In both cases, you must face the Tormentor. Equip yourself with armor protecting you against magic or improve the parts you to add resistance to dark magic. The fight is not very difficult: it may eliminate the zombies to have more freedom. When the boss realizes a purple pentacle, do not stand in front of him to avoid its radius. When a species of purple smoke appears around him, spread you not to be screened. Otherwise, parry his blows against-attack and use your pyromancy to get rid of easily. Here is a video that shows you the fight against the Tormentor:

Chapter 3 - Funeral March

After the defeat of Tormentor, return to Val-Huntsman. Upon arrival, you notice that the camp is besieged by the undead. Ox help to eliminate and talk to him and you unlock the quest Annex The defense of the village. Go now towards the city center by eliminating all zombies you encounter on the way. Arriving at the town hall, you find the prince of the elves in battle with General Marshal Winter.

Get started to attack this monstrosity. The General is a much tougher opponent than the Tormentor. Do not forget to upgrade your equipment to withstand a minimum cold. Pay close attention to area attacks it will launch, as most will slow you down which will greatly complicate the fight. When mid-life, a cutscene will trigger. Eliminate the soldiers who came before you tackle the new boss. Make use and even abuse your Pyromancy spells to be able to fight effectively. The following video shows you the fight against General Marshal Winter:

When the carpet, a discussion begins with the prince Arandil. When you need to meet your daemon, choose the character you prefer. Then you must make a new important choice: to follow the Prince of Elves or listen to the advice of your demon. You can chat with your allies if you need advice before speaking to the Prince once you've decided. Note that the choice you make will alter the course of Act 2.

Act 2: Battle in the grip of ice

In this section of the complete walkthrough Bound By Flame, you'll find all the events taking place in Act 2: Battle in the grip of ice.

Chapter 1 - The Dead City

Depending on the answer you gave to Prince Arandil, the objectives of this chapter will be different. However, you are able in all cases to Caraldthas.

If you've sworn allegiance to Prince Arandil:

Your goal is to take the two watchtowers Caraldthas. Prince Arandil will accompany you for this task. Head to the two quest markers and eliminate enemies in each area. Pay close attention to the two enemies with shields, they are very durable and can make you quite ill. Once you have retrieved the watchtowers, the next step is to infiltrate the city.

Head now to Caraldthas doors and climb the wall. At the top, you see the undead attack another non-death. Help this poor guy by eliminating his opponents, then follow the conversation.

You will have to face Mathras. The fight is not very difficult, try to stay on his back when you attack so that it can not respond.

Once you have beaten, answer the question the way you want and it will be waiting at the camp. Continue your drive to reach a door that leads you to Lower Caraldthas. Cross the area to the east by eliminating the undead on your way to reach a door leading to the Common Area. Through the door, you advance the quest Annex Library jelly.

Cross the library and follow the quest marker to meet a new enemy tough enough: a spirit of ice. If possible, try to stay on his back to avoid his ice attacks and move away from the Spirit when he takes off.

A defeat, follow the path that challenges you to discover an abomination that is none other than the king Arandil IV. After a touching scene, leave the area by the South to return to camp. On the road, the sentry guarding the watchtower will let you schedule a new quest: Help elf sentinels. Return to the Prince Arandil to trigger a scene that ends this chapter.

If you have followed the advice of the Devil:

Your level of ownership increases by 40% and your goal is to learn about the fate of Blades Freiberg who were stationed in the city of Caraldthas. For this purpose, it is Rhelmar who will accompany you, but you might as well take Sybil or edwen in his place. Will discuss with the sentry at the northern exit of the camp and ask him questions about the Blades Freiberg.

Head to the Caraldthas doors and climb the wall. You see some undead attack another undeath name Mathras. Help him by eliminating his opponents, then follow the conversation. You will have to face Mathras! The fight is not very difficult, try to stay on his back when you attack so that it can not respond.

Continue your journey to reach the door that leads you to Lower Caraldthas. Follow the quest marker to find the prisoners, and discuss Velannis. Eliminate the enemies that will emerge, and then talk to him again. It will teach you that the king is in the high-neighborhoods. Talk to him again to tell him again that the way is clear and give him some advice.

Now get from the east to meet jelly library and cross it to combat the spirit of ice. You then approach the king Arandil and follow the conversation. Then you consume the king's power and change your character appearance, while increasing your level of ownership by 20%. In addition, you get automatic respect "demonic Inspiration", which increases your regeneration magic, but you may not wear a helmet. Exit the area by the South and join the camp to speak with Prince Arandil, which closed this chapter.

Chapter 2 - Reconquest

This chapter is divided into three quests. Only one entitled "The Forge Caraldthas" is common, regardless of the choice you made at the end of Act 1.

If you've sworn allegiance to Prince Arandil:

Three steps are done to prepare against attack. Begin by discussing with Baldwin Southeast camp. Provoke him to a duel or threaten it, in any case, his men will join you. Head now to where you fought the Spirit of ice and go through the door that leads you to the High Caraldthas.
Clean up the area and near prisoners. After the discussion, they will go to shelter. Now go to the west and go through the passage in the wall.

Fight the enemies present, then head towards the center of the area to find the second group of prisoners. Once removed their jailers, tell them that he returns to camp.

If you have followed the advice of the Devil:

Start by walking in the Steppes to collect five plants for the preparation of Randval. Once you have the account, give them to Randval to validate the first step.

Then go back to where you fought the Spirit of ice and head west to find the group in the middle of Blades Freiberg market Haute Ville. A new quest Annex The last prisoners then fires.

 From there, the two scenarios are identical:

Finally continue your progress in the West to access the Arandil Place: here is the legendary forge you are looking for. You must get rid of the blacksmith Mortarmée. Upgrade your equipment to withstand the dark magic and do not attack when it sparkles in purple.

When Smith has passed away, grab the material indicated by the quest markers, then return to camp. Give the material Castianor or Renko, depending on your preference, but in all cases you will validate the final step.

So go back to see your Captain, but following a disagreement between you, you must duel. This is not a Captain for nothing! The guy is strong enough and can make you very ill. The worst is when you get done with a kick and it binds you later. Try to stay mobile, and do not let yourself especially not blocked against a wall.

After the fight, talk with Prince Arandil. Make sure you have done everything you want to do here before you tell him you're ready, because this response terminates in Chapter 2.

Chapter 3 - The Assault

Edwen Rhelmar and accompany you to this chapter. Once you're ready, follow the quest marker until a Spirit Ice. A little further, and edwen Rhelmar argue about what to do.

Choose your side, but be aware that depending on your decision, it will be edwen or Rhelmar accompany you at the beginning of Act 3. In all cases, you must face the Concubine.

After the fight, Blackforest in person will appear and after some verbal exchanges, you will have to cross swords.

The fight stops before the defeat, which marks the end of Act 2.

Act 3: The Blackforest Palace

In this section of the complete walkthrough Bound By Flame, you'll find all the events taking place in Act 3: The Blackforest Palace.

Chapter 1 The Lion's Den

After the scene, you end up in sewers or with edwen or with Rhelmar, depending on your choice at the end of Act 2. Forward a bit and follow the bone golem to a large room filled with enemies. Eliminate them before continuing. To complete the golem, hit it until it collapses to the ground, then send a fireball at the orb violet. Always continue east to reach a large pit corpse. Again, do the household in order to progress. At the end of the sewers, you find a passage leading to the upper pipes.

Continue the exploration in this new area, and follow the quest marker to find a ladder allowing you access to the underground city. Cross the area heading north to finally reach a makeshift camp, which are grouped some of your companions.

After talking with everyone, follow the quest marker to the entrance of the Blackforest Palace. Always follow the label to find Mathras. After a short discussion tinged humor, return to the camp to speak with Lyestas.

He will ask you to retrieve crystals to protect the camp. In addition, it will let you three new quests: A Damsel in Distress , A Knight in distress and feeding the protection of the camp . At first, go all east and interact with the crystals to recover.

Back then in the Field of Blackforest and follow the quest markers to recover again. You will need to eliminate the enemies around before interacting with crystals. When you have the account, return to the camp to be attacked by Rhelmar and Prince Arandil edwen or, depending on your choice at the end of Act 2.

Chapter 2 - Witch Hunt

You now have to fight three concubines if you want to access Blackforest. Now that you have the anti-corruption talisman, leave the Blackforest Palace and go to the quest marker at the bottom left of the map to fight Stalker.

Head now to the marker to the right of the map and go through the door to face the Creator. At the end of combat, if you edwen with you, you will advance the quest Annex artifact of edwen.

Now that the first two concubines are eliminated, enter the East Wing and go the bottom doors that are now open. Move a little to find the Supervisor. This fight is linked to the quest Annex Servo Blades.

Now that the three concubines are out of harm's way, follow the new marker to the entrance of the Blackforest Palace, guarded by a last concubine, the Guardian.

At his death, the passage to the palace opens. Before you borrow, make sure you finish all your quests, because there will be no turning back. When you're ready, enter the palace to face Blackforest the Lord Ombrefroide.

When the Lord shall be ground, pass the fault to enter the World Heart and thus complete the act 3.

Act 4: The Heart World

In this section of the complete walkthrough Bound By Flame, you'll find all the events taking place in Act 4: The Heart World.

Ego battle
After the scenes, you find yourself in the Heart World facing Eolas and Sybil. Listen to what you said qu'Eolas, then attack it. Four Blades Freiberg will then arise: eliminate them before continuing. A little later, the Captain makes you blame. Same story, kill it, then get rid of Blades Freiberg.

Further, you will face Rhelmar or edwen your choice at the end of Act 2. (Note that you can also pass each character without attacking). Then climb the wall to be confronted with the Devil, the final boss Bound By Flame.

Following this long and difficult battle, you'll be presented with the Devil and your companions. It is time to decide what you want to do the World Heart and Vertiel. Make your choice, sit back and watch the end cinematic.

 Altogether there are three different purposes: one if you complete the game by keeping your humanity, another if you complete the game being possessed by the Devil and last available in both cases. Your final choice determines how the adventure ends.

Quests Annexes

In this section of the complete Bound By Flame walkthrough, you'll find all the quests of the game classified by actions.

Quests prologue
No password
A brother in danger

Quests prologue
This part of the Complete Guide to Bound By Flame includes all quests prologue.

No password
A brother in danger

No password
You get this quest appendix at the end of the discussion with Captain inside the temple. Head to the marker 2 at the bottom of the map to chat with Buffalo, which keeps the ritual room. You and learn of the danger of the spectra, which closed the first and very short quest Annex.

A brother in danger
You get this quest appendix at the end of the discussion with Captain inside the temple. 2 Follow the marker on top of the map to find Peeler bad posture. Help him simply to eliminate the three enemies in the room to accept this quest.

Quests of Act 1

This part of the Complete Guide to Bound By Flame includes all quests of Act 1.

Safari with Sybil
Administrative problems
The duel
Recruiting Randval
Human Services
Resources clinic
The Lost Wizard
Missing guards
The equipment of the guard
The drive of the rookies
A cure for Prince
A forge for Renko
What strike while the iron
Idea of traps
Experiences silwan
The request edwen
Missing in action
The defense of the village

Safari with Sybil
You get this quest Annex choosing to be accompanied by Sybil arrival in the Marais. Then keep it throughout your visit to the Marais and eliminate the various enemies who live there. Sybil talk regularly to ask for information on the enemy. When you have eliminated every type of enemy at least once, you will validate this quest.

Administrative problems
After your first discussion with the High Steward, you unlock this quest Annex. Talk to him again for details. Exhaust discussion topics to learn that you should talk to Mirana and Mason.

Start by Mirana go and talk to him. Offer your help so she tells you 3 new quests: Human Services, Resources clinic and wizard lost . Go see Mason, sitting right in front. He also has some problems and asks you for help. He and confit you 3 quests: The guard disappeared, equipment care and Training of the rookies . Once you have helped these two characters, return to the High Steward to make it your report and thus complete this quest.

The duel
After your discussion with the High Steward Val Huntsman, talk Randval which is right next door. He then offers a duel. Agree to meet you outside. The knight is tough but using well-attack against you will eventually overcome. Then discuss with him to learn a little more about its history. It then asks if you accept the group. If you offer to talk with the captain, you get the quest Annex Recruiting Randval.

Recruiting Randval
Winning the duel against Randval, it asks you if he can join the Blades Freiberg. Offer him to talk to your captain. Follow the quest marker to find Captain near the exit to the South Delta Marsh. Given the branl ... the rouste you received during the prologue, Captain can only accept the new recruit. Then return to Randval to announce the good news and accompany it with Captain. You can now count on Randval to support you in battle.

Human Services
At the end of your discussion with Mirana, it asks you to bring him food for refugees and to find his assistant disappeared in the Marais. These two objectives will be met by completing quests resources clinic and The Lost Wizard .

Resources clinic
To begin, return to town hall and get in the basement to find three rations of food in the barrels. The last operation is in a barrel next to the Captain, near the exit to the Marais: Delta South.

If you already have at least 5 health potions in your inventory, return to Mirana to give him everything, and validate this quest. If you are missing potions, assemble them in your inventory provided you have enough ingredients. Alternatively, you can buy a few corrupt Blood to Mirana to concoct potions, or just buy silwan, located in City Hall.

The Lost Wizard
To find the wizard Mirana, exit Val-Huntsman towards the Marais: Delta South. Head to the quest marker, south-east to find the wizard surrounded Chrysalians that do not attack. Eliminate them and start the conversation with Heymon. Offer to bring with Mirana to be restored to the city and end this quest.

Missing guards
This quest can be done at the same time as the main quest A refugee village. Exit Val-Huntsman by the South towards the Marais Road Val-Huntsman. Cross this area towards North to reach the Marais Road ruins.

Head to the east following the quest marker to find the lifeless body guards. Interact with each of them to collect material. Once you have completed the main quest A refugee village, and you will be back to Val-Huntsman, talk with Mason to complete this quest Annex.

The equipment of the guard
Mason asks you to find a blacksmith able to equip the camp guards properly. Renko will find in the center of Val-Huntsman and exhaust the topics of conversation. After trying to rip you off, you says he was a blacksmith before being a refugee. Moreover, he agreed to take care of the equipment provided guards to find his carriage, forge and materials. You will unlock two new quests: A forge for Renko and What beat iron. When you have completed these two quests, go back to Mason to tell him the good news.

The drive of the rookies
After your discussion with Mason, he asks you to train guard. If you accept, four guards will attack you. Put them on the ground to validate the first step. He asks you to repeat the process: the four guards will then attack you again. They are of course a bit stronger than the first time. Repeat the fight again to complete this quest.

A cure for Prince
After meeting with the High Steward, will discuss with Rhelmar and talk to him Prince of the Elves. He asks you to find a solution to cure. Talk silwan which is just next to. He informs you that a powerful potion could wake the Prince, but the ingredients are found only on Chrysalians that come out at night.

If the game shows you a bright sun outside, go to sleep in the basement of the town hall and choose to wait until the night. Quit while Val-Huntsman by the southern exit to find yourself in the Marais Road Val-Huntsman.

Head to the two quest markers and eliminate the enemies present. Be careful, they are quite numerous, so take your time when you have to scrape and use your traps to facilitate the fight. Eliminating Queens, you get the poison needed to make the remedy. Return to silwan to City Hall Val Huntsman to bring him the ingredients. The quest will be validated, but alas, the remedy will have no effect.

A forge for Renko
To find the truck Forge Renko, exit Val-Huntsman towards the Marais: Delta South. Follow the quest marker to easily find the truck in the center of the zone. Eliminate the enemies that roam around and interact with the truck to return it to its owner, and complete the quest.

What strike while the iron
To revive Forge Renko, you must bring him 10 pieces of raw metal, 10 pieces of leather and 5 pieces of metal refined. In theory, you should have most of the components on you, but otherwise, you can buy the metal from Asael, the blacksmith in front of City Hall. For leather, leaving in the Marais to eliminate some bugs to get them.

If you are a bit tight financially or if you're too lazy to go fight, open your inventory and recycle equipment that no longer serves you to get what you need. Bring everything to Renko to complete this quest and advance the quest Annex equipment custody.

After removing the swamp beast and rescued edwen, talk with Sybil in City Hall Val Huntsman. Tell him you are sorry for the death of his father in order to cheer him up, if you want to approach her. In all cases, your answer will complete this quest.

Idea of traps
On your return marshes, after fighting the beast and rescued edwen, talk Rhelmar hotel in Val-Huntsman. He will tell you about a new idea he had trap. Go sense for it gathers the components it needs. Move your other quests until a message informs you go back Rhelmar. Tell him the trap to complete this quest. You get automatic respect "Hunter" which extends the operating range of your traps.

Experiences silwan
After the death of Eolas, talk Lyestas to City Hall Val Huntsman. After a short discussion on edwen, ask him if he needs help. It will then send you talk to silwan. You will find the man on the floor above. In conversation, he asks you to bring him 3 samples of red corruption.

Return to where you fought the beast swamp and retrieve samples from plants. Bring them to silwan then continue your adventure until a message informs you back to talk to him. He then offers to test the potion he created: if you agree, your maximum health increases by 5 points. Look back 4 samples corruption and bring them to him. He concocts a potion that this time increases your maximum health 15 points!

The request edwen
After your meeting with the High Steward, talk edwen front of City Hall. When you wonder if she can investigate the villagers strange behavior with you, accept to trigger this quest. The latter validate along the main quest, once you have discovered the cause of the behavior of the inhabitants of Val-Huntsman, provided that you keep edwen your team throughout the investigation.

Missing in action
After the death of Eolas in the Marais, speak with the Captain to notify you that Falcon has disappeared. Head to the Marais: Delta South and follow the quest marker to find Falcon.

Tell him that you propose to attack you all a big beast. Accept and move to the new marker to meet the beast. Defeat it with him, then return to the Captain to report and end this quest.

The defense of the village
After the defeat of Tormentor, return to Val-Ox Huntsman and help repel the undead. He tells you this new quest. Head to the south end of the village and eliminate the enemies there.

Now head up to the place where Mason and do the household here too. Once these two positions are secure, you have validated the quest.

Quests of Act 2

This part of the Complete Guide to Bound By Flame includes all quests of Act 2.

    The blockade
    The souls of elves
    Jelly library
    Randval solitary
    Help the elves Sentinel
    Shy request
    A traitor in the camp
    Camp security
    The examination of an undead
    The last prisoners

The blockade 
Talk to the High Commander Vahlen early chapter. If you chose to swear allegiance to Prince Arandil at the end of Act 1, he offers to take care of the dam Mortarmée. Head to the quest marker to find some undead guarding the path. Eliminate them and then return to your report to the commander of the army elf to complete this quest.

The souls of elves
Tell Rhelmar early chapter. He asks you to bring him 20 souls Elves, but there are more scattered in several areas. In reality, there are small stones that you can find on the corpse of the fallen elves. This search must be done throughout Act 2.

In order not to get lost in endless information, we offer the location of all the Elves souls directly on the maps of the places concerned.

Location souls Elves in the plains:
Location souls Elves in Lower Caraldthas:
Location of souls in the High Elves Caraldthas, market Haute Ville:
Location of souls in the High Elves Caraldthas, residential area:
Location of souls in the High Elves Caraldthas Place Arandil:

When you have found at least 20, go back to Rhelmar to complete this quest.

Jelly library
Talk to Sybil from the beginning of the chapter. She is very interested in the books of the library of the Elves. But before hitting the books, he will have to find the library. To do this, simply follow the main quest will take you to visit the Lower Caraldthas. When you return to the camp, talk with Sybil and offer to take him to the library. Once there, pick up the books on the shelves marked three. Once you have picked up the last book, the quest ends.

Randval solitary
Talk Randval in the camp of Steppes early chapter. Accept him go alone recognition to trigger this quest. Find it in the camp when you return Caraldtha and discuss with him a bit. He asks you to accompany him to attack a convoy.

Accept, go to the quest marker and without detour through the watchtower. Eliminate enemies finally on deck to validate this quest.

When you reach the Lower Caraldthas, and if you chose to swear allegiance to Prince Arandil at the end of Act 1, stroll through the narrow streets south to trigger this quest. Eliminate the enemies in the area and enter the building to find the prisoners. Talk Velannis to trigger a fight, then talk to him again once the enemy has been eliminated. Tell them to flee if the way is clear and give them some good advice so they can get to camp in one piece.

Help the elves Sentinel
After meeting the king Arandil IV, return to camp and go through the tower closest watch. The Sentinel will then give you that quest, if you chose to swear allegiance to Prince Arandil at the end of Act 1. Head to the two quest markers and eliminate the enemies present to validate this quest.

Talk to the High Commander Vahlen early chapter. If you chose to follow the advice of the Devil at the end of Act 1, he offers to take the two watchtowers. Head to the two quest markers and eliminate the enemies present. Come take your report to the commander of the army elf to complete this quest.

Shy request
In talking with Sybil Caraldthas your return, you learn that she is very interested in Mathras. It arises in particular questions about ... sexual life. Offer to investigate and go talk with Mathras. To ask him the question, take it in your group. You will learn ... he enjoyed a life of 6000 years of debauchery of all kinds. Return to Sybil and tell him what you want to complete this quest.

A traitor in the camp
At the beginning of Chapter 2 of Act 2, the High Commander Vahlen will inform you that a traitor is from the camp. Go see Captain to learn that Buffalo went for a ride alone. Confront him to know his story. It will inform you that followed the sentry guarding the southern exit of the camp.

Go and see the guard to determine what he was doing outside the camp. Do not believe what he tells you, it's him the traitor! Kill him and then report to the High Commander to accept this quest.

Camp security
At the beginning of Chapter 2 of Act 2, talk to that you Rhelmar confides his concerns about the safety of the camp. Offer to take care of it to trigger this quest. To finish, just bring him 10 traps that you have made, bought or found.

The examination of an undead
At the beginning of Chapter 2 of Act 2, approaching the Captain to trigger this quest. Your companion captured undead edwen and tries to read his mind to know the level of your enemy. Just follow the conversation and ask questions to complete this quest.

The last prisoners
During the main quest, if you have followed the advice of the Devil at the end of Act 1, this quest is triggered by issuing Blades Freiberg retained in Caraldthas. Follow the quest marker to find the prisoners in the center of the residential area. Deliver them to complete this quest.

Quests of Act 3

This part of the Complete Guide to Bound By Flame includes all quests of Act 3.

    The artifact edwen
    The soul of a Prince
    Save elves soldiers
    Servo Blades
    Save Renko
    A Damsel in Distress
    A Knight in distress
    Power protection camp

The artifact edwen
If edwen is on your side drains, it will ask you to find a source of power as soon you arrive in the underground area of the city. Follow the quest marker to see a tablet off, but the corpses prevent you from getting close to.

It was not until chapter 2, and more exactly after the battle against the Creator, in order to advance the quest. Then back at the shelf and set it on. At the end of the discussion with edwen, the quest ends.

The soul of a Prince
If Rhelmar is on your side in the sewers, he'll make a special body out at a time of your visit to the sewers. This is actually the Prince Arandil which lies on the pile of central body, but as you pointed out Rhelmar, it is not accessible.

It was not until chapter 2, and more exactly after the battle against the Creator, in order to advance the quest. Then back at the corpse of the Prince to retrieve his soul. Then follow the quest marker to where you started the act and release the soul of Prince. Choose the second option if you want to live a romance with him, and the quest ends.

Save elves soldiers
On the way to reach the entrance of the Blackfrost Palace, get a little further south to hear people call you. Alas, the door in front of you is locked. Enter the Blackfrost Palaceand through the door to the center of the zone.

After removing the bone golem, unlock both doors and talk to prisoners. Everyone Goes to Camp Fortune and the quest ends. But a new quest appendix is available: Servo Blades .

Servo Blades
Delivering your companions in the quest Annex Saving soldiers elves , Buffalo you entrust this new quest. It was not until chapter 2, specifically the fight against the Supervisor to advance this quest. To succeed, we must not kill the Blades Freiberg under the control of the Supervisor during the fight.

Save Renko
After regaining Mathras and returning to the camp, you find that Renko is no longer there. Ask Lyestas where he went back into sewers or directly, and push you into the depths until you hear the blacksmith bitching. Follow the quest marker to find him a little lower. Then escort him to the camp to complete this quest.

A Damsel in Distress
Lyestas entrust you this quest when you talk to him after finding Mathras. Follow the main quest to find Sybil close to one of the crystals you need to recover. Kill the enemies around her and talk to her. Give him a potion to cure her, and then choose whether to follow you or go to rest camp to complete this quest.

A Knight in distress
Lyestas entrust you this quest when you talk to him after finding Mathras. Enter the Blackfrost Palace, join the East Wing and follow the quest marker to find Randval in combat against a spirit of ice. Help him get rid of the enemy and the other two who join the party, then talk to him. As for rescuing Sybil, you can ask her to accompany you or return to camp to complete this quest.

Power protection camp
Lyestas entrust you this quest when you talk to him after finding Mathras. Same principle as for the main quest, you must retrieve crystals. Enter the Blackfrost Palace and head to the East Wing to find your happiness. Once you have recovered sufficiently to return Lyestas to validate this quest.
