Get started progress fast and best solo characters in Deadlock

Similar to any newly released game, there are moments when it is difficult to get things going in the right direction and, as a result, the number of hours spent playing the game increases exponentially. This is especially true of Valve's most recent game, Deadlock, which makes matters more difficult with its unusual blend of MOBA and TPS. For this reason, we provide you with some guidance to get started with Deadlock.

- Trying out as many heroes (occultists) as you can will be your first task in Deadlock. Utilize the Sandbox mode, a training area where you can put the 21 available occultists' spells and shots to the test, Also, remember to READ the effects of your spells. Although many people don't read all the spells, this advise may appear like the most sensible thing in the world. It teaches you the capabilities and limitations of your occultists.

At first, we suggest that you play no more than three occultists, or your three favorites. In fact, narrowing down the range of options does helps you concentrate on what matters most. You will pick things up more quickly and be able to do better in the matchmaking.

- Playing as a team not only makes the game more enjoyable, but it also increases your game progress. Being able to communicate with your friends during a game is essential as it helps you create better lanes, to come ganks, and concentrate on a particular enemy.

If you play as a team, you can play longer and avoid feeling totally helpless after a tough defeat. On the other hand, when you win, the feeling of victory is much more enjoyable when it is shared.

- Like in other MOBAs, the most dependable and effective approach to win a game is still to generate resources. When we talk about resources here, we mean killing, such as minions or camps outside of the classic lanes, which will grant you souls and let you to purchase specific equipment. Killing foes does bring some rewards, but since it is the most profitable and least random option, your goal should still be the minions.

Playing the kill is undoubtedly more enjoyable in the end, but it may also backfire if things don't work out as expected. In fact, if you grant kills, your opponents will get extra resources and be in a better position to defeat you as they take you out (this is known as snowballing).

Get Started, Progress Fast, Best Solo Characters, Deadlock
- It's possible to win games by playing defensively, however it's not always enjoyable or satisfying. The goal is to take the minimum of risks. Take your minions, your camps, and retreat if you don't think you can win the lane match. Of course you will be under pressure, but your opponent will have difficulty killing you, and thus have more resources.

- Playing back also makes it easier for your teammates to assist you by flanking your direct opponent. We refer to this as a gank or roaming. This "technique" can be quite effective at low levels, when players are not paying enough attention to the map, or when communication between opponents is difficult.

The idea is simple: when you advance your wave of minions towards the enemy tower, you have a period of time available where, apart from hitting the tower, you have nothing to do. Even if hitting the tower remains something positive in absolute terms, you have the possibility of helping a lane close to yours, either to help your ally who is suffering, or to create an excess and thus have a maximized chance of killing an opponent, which will lead to progression on a lane, even if it is not yours.

This procedure is challenging since there are many variables to consider in order to make roaming effective, but when done correctly, it can make a significant difference in your game.

- With so many resources at your disposal (such as Deadlock's spectator mode, Twitch, YouTube, etc.), you can watch players who are far more skilled than you play. Watching someone else, whether or not they play your favorite occultist, offers you a fresh viewpoint, a more comprehensive understanding of what you need to do, and most importantly, insightful guidance on skills or knowledge you may not be familiar with.

Like with other games of this kind, some players wish to know which characters are the greatest so they can win every game. If that sounds like you, we provide you with a character-by-character tier list.

Before you start playing, you will undoubtedly want to know who the best characters are in Deadlock, so here we'll provide you with a tier list.






Lady Geist


Mo And Krill














Grey Talon




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