The Ambush comp in Teamfight Tactics Set 13 is a high-damage hyper-roll strategy centered around Camille and Smeech. By maximizing the critical strike potential of the Ambusher trait, you can overwhelm your opponents with devastating crits. This guide will walk you through the key units, optimal itemization, and strategies needed to dominate with this powerful reroll comp.
Core Units
- Camille (2-cost): Your primary carry. Easy to 3-star and maximizes damage through the Ambusher trait, making her ideal for a reroll strategy.
- Smeech (3-cost): Secondary carry with strong scaling through Ability Power and critical strike amplification from the Ambusher trait.
- Other Ambushers: Powder (1-cost), Ekko (4-cost): These units activate the Ambusher trait, increasing crit damage and crit chance to maximize the potential of Camille and Smeech.
Key Traits and Synergies
- Ambusher: The cornerstone of this comp. Each Ambusher unit adds critical strike chance and damage, making your carries capable of landing devastating crits with every ability.
- Enforcer (Camille): Adds crowd control, enabling Camille to focus on her damage while disabling enemy threats.
- Chem-Baron (Smeech): Enhances Smeech’s damage and survivability, allowing him to scale better as the game progresses.
- Scrap (Powder, Ekko): Provides shields, boosting your team’s durability in longer fights.
Itemization Tips: Equip Your Carries for Maximum Damage
- Ideal Items: Hand of Justice (damage + sustain), Guardbreaker (shields), Last Whisper (armor shred).
- Alternatives: Bloodthirster (lifesteal), Infinity Edge (crit scaling).
- Ideal Items: Hextech Gunblade (sustain + damage), Rabadon’s Deathcap (AP scaling), Jeweled Gauntlet (crit amplification).
- Alternatives: Morellonomicon (anti-heal), Ionic Spark (damage against clumped enemies).
Early Game: Building the Foundation
- Focus on 2-starring Camille and Powder: Start gathering key Ambusher units like Powder and Camille to form your core.
- Stay at level 4/5: Prioritize 2-starring Camille and Powder before leveling. This maximizes your chances of finding them while maintaining a healthy economy for slow rolling.
- Item priority: Aim to complete Camille's core items early, especially components for Hand of Justice and Guardbreaker.
Mid-Game: Slow-Roll for Key Units
- Slow-roll at level 5: Once you hit level 5, begin slow rolling for 2-star Camille and Smeech. This ensures you get the key units for your comp before you transition to the late game.
- Level to 6 once you have a solid base: Once you’ve 2-starred Camille and Powder, and have found some Smeech units, level to 6 to increase your chances of finding more Smeech and other support units.
- Flexible itemization: Build items based on what you’re finding during slow roll. If you get more tanky units, adjust your itemization to enhance Camille’s damage output.
Late-Game: Unlock Full Potential
- Complete Ambusher with Ekko: Add Ekko at level 7 or 8 to complete the 4-Ambusher synergy, which boosts crit damage for all your Ambusher units.
- Consider additional synergies: If possible, look to add units that complement your core setup, such as Enforcer (Camille) or Chem-Baron (Smeech), for additional traits.
- Positioning: Position Camille to target high-priority squishies while avoiding burst damage. Place her behind tanky units if facing heavy burst comps.
Advanced Tips: Fine-Tuning Your Strategy
- Against burst-heavy teams: Position Camille behind tankier units like Ekko or a frontliner to mitigate burst damage from enemy assassins or mages.
- Tailor itemization: If enemies are stacking armor, prioritize Last Whisper on Camille. If the game extends into the late stages, Guinsoo’s Rageblade is an excellent option for scaling Camille’s damage over time.
- Ambusher Positioning: Spread out your Ambushers to avoid AoE spells. Position Camille in a spot where she can safely engage and target high-priority enemy units, maximizing her crit damage potential.
Conclusion: Unleash the Power of the Ambush
The Ambush comp with Smeech and Camille reroll offers explosive damage potential with the right execution. By focusing on 3-starring Camille and Smeech, optimizing your itemization, and mastering positioning, you can dominate the ladder. Give it a try and experience the raw power of the Ambusher trait!
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