KCD2 Stealth Guide: Knockouts & Silent Takedowns

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 offers a world of rich historical detail and immersive gameplay, where combat is just one of many ways to approach objectives. While charging in with swords drawn is one way to deal with enemies, there’s another—quieter, more calculated—method: stealth. Whether you’re sneaking into a heavily guarded fortress, neutralizing a guard, or silently removing a target, mastering stealth and knockout mechanics is essential for the savvy player.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the mechanics of knocking out and stealth-killing enemies in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, offering tips, tricks, and advanced techniques to help you succeed.

The Stealth Knockout: A Silent Approach to Neutralizing Enemies

One of the key tools in your stealth arsenal is the knockout. Not only is it an excellent way to take out a target without raising an alarm, but it’s also an essential skill for sneaking past enemies undetected. Here’s how you can become an expert in knocking out NPCs and enemies without leaving a trace.

Step 1: Enter Stealth Mode

Before you can knock out anyone, you need to get close—very close. To ensure you're not spotted, you’ll need to use the stealth mode. Simply crouch (default key: C on PC) to reduce your visibility. Moving slowly and quietly will keep you from alerting the enemy, so avoid running or making noise.

It’s also critical to monitor your surroundings. If there’s a light source nearby or a noisy object you’re carrying, you might give yourself away. Stealthy attire is key—opt for light armor or dark clothing that minimizes noise.

Step 2: Get in Position

Once you're sneaking behind your target, it’s time to close the distance. You’ll want to ensure you're directly behind them for the knockout attempt. Watch the target’s movements and wait for the opportune moment. The last thing you want is for them to turn around and catch you mid-takedown.

Step 3: Initiate the Knockout

Now, the critical moment arrives. When you're close enough to your target, press the interaction key to start the knockout process:

  • PC: Press F
  • Xbox: Press LT
  • PlayStation: Press L2

This will trigger a mini-game designed to simulate the actual knockout. The window for success is tight, so you’ll need quick reflexes.

Step 4: Complete the Mini-Game

This mini-game is all about timing. A prompt will appear on the screen showing a blue crossed dagger icon, indicating that your target is preparing to parry. As soon as the green shield icon appears, press the same key (F, LT, or L2) to grab and neutralize the target.

The key here is precise timing. If you press the button too early or too late, the target will fight back, raising an alarm or engaging you in combat.

Step 5: Success or Failure

  • Success: If you land the timing correctly, your target will be knocked out cold. You can then proceed with your mission, knowing you won’t have to worry about the unconscious enemy for a while (though be careful—they will wake up eventually).
  • Failure: If you miss the timing, the enemy will likely counter your attempt. This could lead to them raising the alarm, or worse, engaging in combat.

KCD2, Stealth Guide
Factors That Affect Knockout Success

Several elements play a role in determining whether your knockout attempt will succeed:

  1. Stealth Skill: Your stealth skill is one of the most significant factors. A higher stealth skill increases the chances of you sneaking up undetected and makes it easier to land a successful knockout.
  2. Strength: If the target is stronger or more robust than you, your knockout attempt may fail. Conversely, if you're stronger, you’ll have a higher chance of overpowering the enemy.
  3. Noise & Visibility: Avoid noisy armor and lit torches to ensure you aren’t detected. Even the slightest sound can give away your position.
  4. Target Awareness: If the target is already suspicious or actively searching for you, it will be much harder to knock them out.

Stealth Kills: Silent and Deadly

In addition to knocking out enemies, you also have the option to perform stealth kills. If you’re looking for a more lethal approach, here's how to make your target permanently disappear.

Step 1: Equip a Dagger

To perform a stealth kill, you’ll need to equip a dagger. This is your primary weapon for silent kills, as it’s quick and efficient.

Step 2: Approach from Behind

Like with the knockout, you’ll want to approach your target from behind. Be mindful of their patrol routes and avoid any obstacles that might make noise.

Step 3: Perform the Stealth Kill

When you're directly behind the target, press the attack button:

  • PC: Left mouse button
  • Xbox: RT
  • PlayStation: R2

If timed correctly, the target will be instantly killed.

Maximizing Your Stealth and Knockout Success

To enhance your chances of success, consider investing in perks that help with stealth and knockouts:

  • Iron Fist: Increases the chances of successfully knocking out enemies, which is invaluable when trying to neutralize foes without resorting to lethal force.
  • Stealth Perks: Unlock perks like Light Armor (which reduces the noise of your movements) and Slim Fit (which reduces your visibility), both of which will make sneaking around a lot easier.

Advanced Stealth Techniques

Once you've mastered basic knockouts and stealth kills, it’s time to level up your stealth game:

  1. Silent Archery: Use your bow to eliminate enemies from a distance without raising an alarm. Aim for headshots for a one-hit kill.
  2. Poison: Apply poison to your weapons or food to weaken or kill enemies without direct confrontation.
  3. Environmental Kills: Use the environment to your advantage. Lure enemies into hazardous areas like traps, water, or fire to eliminate them without ever raising your sword.

The Consequences of Stealthy Takedowns

It’s important to note that not every knockout or kill is without consequences. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Knockouts: The target will remain unconscious for a limited time. If you don’t act quickly, they’ll wake up and may alert others.
  • Stealth Kills: While stealth kills are effective, they come with legal and moral consequences. Killing civilians or guards can lead to a bounty on your head or a negative reputation, making future interactions with NPCs difficult.

Final Thoughts: Perfecting the Art of Stealth

Mastering stealth mechanics in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 opens up a world of possibilities. Whether you prefer to neutralize enemies silently or eliminate them with deadly precision, your success hinges on preparation, skill, and patience. With the right perks, gear, and tactics, you’ll be able to slip past guards, infiltrate strongholds, and complete your missions with minimal bloodshed. Remember, in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, sometimes silence truly is golden.

Happy sneaking, and may your steps remain unheard! 

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