Xbox One: Learn to Reconfigure the Kinect Facial Recognition

The Xbox One comes with the new Kinect, motion sensor that allows the player to control games and the console system itself using the own body or voice commands. The problem is that small changes in appearance user can create complexity with facial recognition sensor. Learn how to reconfigure it.

The most common problem in case with facial recognition Kinect occurs when the user makes a considerable change in the visual. This includes beards, hairstyles, glasses and hats. If your console is having trouble recognizing your face, you must reconfigure the facial recognition system.

Step 1: On the Xbox One main menu, go to settings. This is possible by pressing Start and selecting the option, or by searching for it in the frames of applications.

Step 2: On the left side bar, go to "Sign, safety and access key" pressing A.

Step 3: Now select "Reset function data to use Kinect."

Step 4: After a brief loading, the camera displays the image of the environment. Position yourself in front of the sensor and wait until it recognizes you.

Step 5: If Kinect does not recognize you, you can still try to move it from place. After doing this, go back to the settings and click the "Kinect" option.

Step 6: Now go to "I moved the Kinect sensor, or am I having problems with it."

Step 7: Once you position yourself in front of the sensor, select "Rescan" to make it do a search again. This will solve the problem. Okay, now just reset the console and test the automatic login.
