Console Commands and Cheats: Kingdom Come Deliverance

Updated  January 2025

This updated guide provides a comprehensive list of console commands for Kingdom Come: Deliverance (KCD) on PC. These commands allow you to tweak various aspects of the game, from graphics settings to gameplay mechanics.

Important Note: Using console commands can potentially cause instability or unintended consequences in your game. Use them at your own risk. It's always a good idea to back up your save files before experimenting with console commands. Also, note that traditional "cheat codes" for infinite money, items, or invincibility are generally no longer available in the retail version of the game. This guide focuses on currently working commands.

How to Open the Console:

Press the tilde key (~) or the grave accent key (`) on your keyboard (usually located to the left of the '1' key and above the Tab key). On some keyboards, you may need to press the caret key (^).

Working Console Commands (Categorized):

Here's a breakdown of working console commands, categorized for easier navigation:

Graphics and Display:

  • g_showHUD 0/1: Toggles the Heads-Up Display (HUD) on or off. Use "0" to hide the HUD and "1" to show it.
  • wh_ui_showCompass 0/1: Toggles the compass on or off. Use "0" to hide the compass and "1" to show it.
  • cl_fov X: Sets the field of view (FOV). Replace "X" with the desired value (e.g., cl_fov 90 for a 90-degree FOV). The default is usually 60.
  • e_ViewDistRatio X: Changes the overall view distance. Higher values increase the distance at which objects are rendered, but can impact performance.
  • e_ViewDistRatioVegetation X: Changes the view distance specifically for trees and vegetation.
  • e_MergedMeshesInstanceDist X: Changes the draw distance for smaller plants and foliage.
  • r_MotionBlur 0/1: Toggles motion blur on or off. Use "0" to disable and "1" to enable.
  • r_vsync 0/1: Toggles vertical synchronization (VSync) on or off. Use "0" to disable and "1" to enable.

If you're diving into Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 and want to unlock some extra power or take shortcuts, using console commands and cheats can be a great way to enhance your experience. Whether you're looking for unlimited health, unlocking new features, or activating God Mode, these cheats can give you the control you need to tailor your gameplay.

To learn more about the console commands, cheats, and how to activate God Mode in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, check out this helpful guide on Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: Console Commands, Cheats & God Mode.

Gameplay and World:

  • p_gravity_z X: Changes the gravity. The default value is usually -13. Adjusting this can create interesting gameplay effects (but be careful!).
  • e_TimeOfDay: Displays the current time of day in the game world.
  • wh_pl_showfirecursor 1/0: Toggles the aiming reticle (crosshair) when using a bow. Use "1" to enable and "0" to disable.
  • wh_dlg_chatbubbles X: Shows chat bubbles (X = 1) or hides them (X = 0).
  • r_depthofFieldmode 0/1: Disables (0) or enables (1) depth of field in dialogues.
  • wh_ui_showHealthbar X: Shows (1) or hides (0) the health bar.

Teleportation (Requires Cheat Mod):

These commands generally require a cheat mod to be installed. Check Nexus Mods for the most up-to-date mod. These are examples, and the specific commands might change with mod updates.

  • cheat_tp_bh: Teleports the player to a bathhouse.
  • cheat_tp_cb: Teleports the player to a charcoal-burner camp.
  • cheat_tp_ee: Teleports the player to an easter egg location.
  • cheat_tp_bc: Teleports the player to a bandit camp.
  • cheat_tp_ml: Teleports the player to a mill.
  • cheat_tp_tvn: Teleports the player to a tavern.
  • cheat_tp_gn: Teleports the player to a woodland garden.
  • cheat_tp_hl: Teleports the player to a herbalist.
  • cheat_tp_wc: Teleports the player to a woodcutter camp.

Other Commands (May Require Cheat Mod):

These commands often require a cheat mod and their functionality can change with mod updates:

  • cheat_teleport x: Y z:: Teleports the player to specific coordinates. You'll need to find the X, Y, and Z coordinates for the desired location.
  • Various cheat_add_* and cheat_remove_* commands: These commands, when available through mods, can add or remove items, perks, buffs, etc. However, these are often subject to change with mod updates. Check the mod's documentation for details.
  • cheat_set_time hours: X: Sets the in-game time.

Console Commands, Cheats, Kingdom Come Deliverance
Outdated or Non-Functional Commands:

Many of the "cheat" commands that were available in earlier versions or beta versions of the game, such as wh_cheat_money (for adding money) and wh_cheat_addItem (for adding items), are no longer functional in the retail version without specific mods.

Keeping Up-to-Date:

The best way to stay informed about the latest console commands and any changes is to:

  • Check Nexus Mods: Look for mods related to console commands or cheats. These mods often introduce new commands or restore functionality to older ones. The mod pages usually contain the most accurate and up-to-date information.
  • Consult the KCD Community: Online forums and communities dedicated to Kingdom Come: Deliverance can be valuable resources for finding information about console commands.


This guide is for informational purposes only. Using console commands is done at your own risk. The author is not responsible for any issues that may arise from using these commands.

This revised version provides a more structured, accurate, and user-friendly guide to KCD console commands. It emphasizes currently working commands, categorizes them for easier use, and directs users to reliable sources for the most up-to-date information. nexusmods

The PC version of the Kingdom Come Deliverance (KCD) allows you to customize certain features. When you're playing KCD, you can use KCD console commands to manipulate some parameters of the game and control the graphics.

How to activate cheats in KCD: If you've already played KCD during its testing stages, then you may know that there was the possibility to enter cheats for infinite money, items, and weapons. However, these cheats have been removed in the final version of the game, so you cannot use them at least for now.

Below you can find all the available console commands that worked during the testing phases of the game.

To open the console for English/US keyboard press ~ or ^ keys

q - Quit the game without saving.

New Updates 

Change Log updated 2025


@Lindelt: Added new command cheat_add_skill_xp to add xp to skills.

See PR for the specific changes

@wilecoyote: Set fall dmg to zero for immortal buff
See PR for the specific changes


Adds 2 new commands cheat_save_all_items and cheat_load_all_items.

cheat_save_all_items: Saves inventory to temporary game memory. Intended for situations where the contents of your inventory will be lost due to game mechanics. i.e. A Woman's Lot (DLC). See cheat_load_all_items.

cheat_load_all_items: Loads all items stored by cheat_save_all_items in this game session.

From aleksey-orekhov: You can now run cheat_save_all_items just before the end of the "A womans lot" dlc to save all your items to a global variable, and then run "cheat_load_all_items" once you are back in control of Henry to keep everything you found as Theresa. Be sure to give Theresa a big THANK YOU afterwards! Both commands must be run in the same game session. If you exit KCD after running cheat_save_all_items , the saved items will not persist for your next invocation of the cheat_load_all_items command. Saving items does NOT remove them from your inventory.

See pull request for aleksey-orekhov's changes.


@wilecoyote Added a bunch of dlc related npcs, horses, buffs, perks and codex entries to cheat_localization.lua (see comments about Master Locator Marius at Nexus) so that we can find them with the command cheat_find_npc

See PR for the specific changes


Changed the command cheat_reveal_map to be consistent and less confusing.

Minor fix for cheat_teleport_to (exchanged places 9 and 10. See comments on Nexus)

The functionality of cheat_no_stash_lockpicking and cheat_no_door_lockpicking were reversed.

See PR and for the specific changes


See #38 from wilecoyote

Teleport Command Changes

Added a lot of teleport commands (bandit camps, bath houses, charcoal-burner camps, woodland gardens, herbalists, mills, taverns, and woodcutter camps)

Added additional locations for bath houses, charcoal-burner camps, herbalists, mills, taverns, and woodcutter camps.

Removed doubled entries for treasure chests.

Invisibility and Immortal Buff Changes

Changed invisibility and immortal buff to be cheat specific.

BREAKING CHANGE: These commands are not backward compatible.


If you have used these commands then you need to:

REMOVE the buffs using mod version 1.52



save your game

upgrade to 1.53

then run the commands again if you want to still use them each time your start the game.



NOTE: cheat_add_buff_immortal and cheat_add_buff_invisible no longer persist through restarts of the game. The buff IDs are unique to cheat mod starting in 1.53 so they will not conflict with the base game or other mods. If you want these buffs to always be enabled you need to run the commands manually or use the autoexec file.


See for aleksey-orekhov's changes.

Add treasures, bandit camps, and some gardens to cheat_teleport_to command. Added some additional comments. Made documentation of cheat_teleport_to a bit easier to read (at least in a code editor, but hopefully also in the console)


Community changes/fixes.

See for list of changes.


PR11: Fixed 'x' hotkey for horse dismount and calling dog.

PR10: Add ability to remove horse.


Removed system for loading autocheat.txt since no longer works

Merged new defaultProfile.xml

Added autocheat.lua (see docs above)


Removed use of io.getEnv so mod loads on 1.93


New command cheat_teleport_to from @pingpongmury


The cheat_spawn command now had radius option and can spawn guards.


Added cheat_spawn and cheat_spawn_npc

Added required health argument to cheat_damage_all_items.

Improvements to argument validation.


Fixed startup logging so missing autocheat.txt isn't logged as an error.

Added cheat_target_entity command bound to F4.

Added cheat_kill_target comand to kill an entity targeted with F4 or the cheat_target_entity command.

Added cheat_damage_all_items


Added cheat_exec_file and cheat_exec_delay

Create Data\exec.txt will following 6 lines:

cheat_exec_delay ms:5000

cheat_eval cheat:logWarn("1")

cheat_exec_delay ms:5000

cheat_eval cheat:logWarn("2")

cheat_exec_delay ms:5000

cheat_eval cheat:logWarn("3")

Run command: cheat_exec_file file:Data\exec.txt


Added cheat_set_weather to control the weather.


Added cheat_kill_npc to kill matching NPCs within a specified radius of the player.


Added cheat_stash to open player's stash.

Added max parameter to cheat_teleport_npc_to_loc to limit total number of NPCs teleported.

Added max parameter to cheat_teleport_npc_to_player to limit total number of NPCs teleported.

Changed cheat_find_npc, cheat_teleport_npc_to_loc, and cheat_teleport_npc_to_player to work with 
any actor like hare, pig, deer, etc.

Added cheat_add_buff_invisible and cheat_remove_buff_invisible


cheat_find_npc to display an NPC's location assuming the NPC has been loaded into the game world.

Added cheat_teleport_npc_to_loc to teleport one or more NPCs to a specific x,y,z location.

Added cheat_teleport_npc_to_player to teleport one or more NPCs to the player's location.

Added cheat_teleport_horse to teleport the player's horse to the player's location.

These console commands may not work anymore.

cl_showHUD 0 - This will remove the HUD (user interface). You can change the value 0 to 1 to show the HUD again.

wh_cheat_money X - This gives the value X to Groschen (Cheat is currently inactive).

wh_cheat_addItem XY - This gives you the item Y in set X (cheat is currently inactive).

r_antialiasingmode - Changes antialiasing

sys_MaxFPS = x - Sets the maximum frames per second

g_godmode 1 Make yourself invulnerable (Cheat is currently inactive).

cheat_add_all_items - Add all items to your inventory. Attention: danger of falling!

cheat_add_all_perks - Activate all specializations for your character.

cheat_add_buff - Gives you a buff with the appropriate ID (see cheat_find_buffs).

cheat_add_buff_heal - Stops bleeding, heals injuries and restores health, energy and satiety.

cheat_add_buff_immortal - Activate God Mode and make yourself invulnerable.

cheat_add_item - Gives you an item with the appropriate ID (see cheat_find_items).

cheat_add_money - Add the given amount of pennies to your inventory (eg cheat_add_money amount: 20000).

cheat_add_perk - Activates a specialization with the corresponding ID (see cheat_find_perks).

cheat_add_stat_xp - Adds experience points to one of your values (eg cheat_add_stat_xp stat: str xp: 100).

cheat_eval - No cheat. Only for tests and debugs.

cheat_find_buffs - View all buffs.

cheat_find_horses - Find and display all the values ​​of horses.

cheat_find_items - View all items.

cheat_find_perks - View all specializations.

cheat_find_skills - View all skills.

cheat_get_time - View your playing time.

cheat_loc - View your location in the game world.

cheat_no_door_lockpicking - Disables the mini- lock on doors and unlocks locks automatically.

cheat_no_lockpicking - Disables the puzzling mini-puzzle and automatically unlocks locks.

cheat_no_pickpocketing - Deactivate the pickpocketing mini-game and show you the inventory of the NPC directly.

cheat_no_stash_lockpicking - Disables the puzzle-cracking mini-game on boxes and automatically unlocks locks.

cheat_own_all_stolen_items - Removes the stolen status of all stolen items in your inventory.

cheat_phys_hover - Let yourself float by pressing the F1 key.

cheat_phys_push - Lets move forward by pressing the F2 key. Is intended for use in combination with the floating cheat.

cheat_phys_sprint - If the cheat is activated, you can use the F3 key to switch the sprinting on and off.

cheat_remove_all_buffs - Removes all buffs from the player.

cheat_remove_all_items - Removes all items from your inventory.

cheat_remove_all_perks - Removes all specializations from the player.

cheat_remove_all_stolen_items - Removes all stolen items from your inventory.

cheat_remove_buff - Removes a buff from the player.

cheat_remove_buff_immortal - Disable God Mode and make you vulnerable again.

cheat_remove_item - Remove an item from your inventory.

cheat_remove_perk - Removes a specialization with the corresponding ID (see cheat_find_perks).

cheat_repair_all_items - Repair all items in your inventory.

cheat_reveal_map - Remove the fog of war and reveal the entire map.

cheat_save - Saves the game without the consumption of savior liquor.

cheat_set_all_merchants_fence - Lets all merchants accept stolen goods in the game.

cheat_set_bow_reticle - Show the crosshairs for the bow ("activate cheat_set_bow_reticle enable: true").

cheat_set_horse - Spawn your horse.

cheat_set_regen - Sets the regeneration of your values ​​to the appropriate value (eg cheat_set_regen enable: true state: all amount: 1).

cheat_set_skill_level - Raise one of your skills to the specified level (eg cheat_set_skill_level skill: lockpicking level: 20).

cheat_set_stat_level - Raise one of your primary values ​​to the specified level (eg cheat_set_stat_level stat: agi level: 20).

cheat_set_state - Sets the health, energy, satiety or stamina to the appropriate value (eg cheat_set_state state: health value: 100).

cheat_set_time - Spool the time by the appropriate amount (eg cheat_set_time hours: 7).

cheat_set_time_speed - Sets how fast or slow the time passes in the game. By default, a value of 15 is set (eg cheat_set_time_speed ratio: 1000).

cheat_set_wanted_level - Set your search level (0 = not searched, 1 = fine, 2 = dungeon, 3 = death penalty).

cheat_teleport - Teleport your character to the appropriate coordinates (eg cheat_teleport x: 2000 y: 2500 z: 600). You should activate the God Mode beforehand.

cheat_unlock_recipes - Unlock all potions recipes .

cheat_wash_dirt_and_blood - Removes all dirt and blood from you and your horse.


  1. cheat_own_all_stolen_items crashes my game 100% of the time


  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Correction - The latest 2023 Cheat mod works correctly with cheat_own_all_stolen_items (crash happens only with mod older than KCD's)


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