Sniper Elite Cheats 3: A question of strategic to complete a mission without being seen as a ghost? You want to get your hands on all the hidden objects that are scattered throughout the game? So this complete Sniper Elite 3 is for you. It gathers all the information and advice needed to complete all the main and optional objectives that includes 8 different missions the game you will also find a list and locations of many hidden track elements 60 notebook War, 32 nests Snipers, where to achieve the 8 Shots Remote, 20 Trading Card and finally 15 Weapon Enhancements.
Table of Contents
01 - Siege of Tobruk
02 - Gaberoun
03 - Hellfire Pass
04 - Fort Rifugio
05 - Siwa Oasis
06 - Kasserine Pass
07 - Air Field Pont du Fahs
08 - Plant Rattes
03 - Hellfire Pass
04 - Fort Rifugio
05 - Siwa Oasis
06 - Kasserine Pass
07 - Air Field Pont du Fahs
08 - Plant Rattes
War Diaries
Sniper Nests
Long Shots
Trading Card
Weapon upgrades
01 - Siege of Tobruk
Optional objectives: Get 8 kills with infiltration
Objects to discover:
2 War Diaries
1 Sniper Nest
1 Long Shooting
1 Collecting Card
1 Upgraded Weapon
As soon as the opening cinematic ends, follow the soldier who seeks the help of a sniper. Continue at the building in ruins until you reach your shooting position. Your first mission is to eliminate 2 Artillery Observers who are below.
The first is on the left near a palm tree, on the second he hides behind sandbags, left a military truck.
Once cleared of any threat, join the group of soldiers down the slope and kill the other observer on the hill opposite.
When the cut-scene is finished, your new goal is to destroy the truck 'Heavy Artillery just to park far away. Head to the marker on your right to have a clear view of your target. You will then discover the novelty of this third installment, which is the destruction of the vehicle using your weapon. Put cover behind sandbags while crouched and take out your binoculars to mark the weaknesses of the vehicle.
It'll just bring one of two weaknesses, the fuel tank or the engine and fire to destroy. Before you head to the marker that indicates the location of your next objective, equip yourself with a care kit to heal your wounds. Exit the military camp where you are and look south to see a carcass tank near a rocky wall.
Get close to it and look for a platform shooting nearby. You will see several dead soldiers lying on the ground and approaching the one in the corner, you will get 1 War Diary. Follow the path that climbs to the top of the hill, until you reach the enemy area. Crouch to pass under the sandbags and move silently towards the enemy to run stealthily.
Then remove the other soldier who is close and think to search the body to recover various useful objects. Once you have executed the second soldier will activate the optional objective. Get 8 kills with infiltration. Then resume your progress towards the top of the hill and take out your Welrod to eliminate enemies in silence. Remove the first two with a stealth performance, then approach the other two near the gun.
It is not possible to kill stealthily, because if you do it on one of them, the other you will identify and attack you.
The best solution is to wait until the cannon fires its shell, then immediately launch a Grenade M24 between two soldiers. Then resume your progress toward the other three Nebelwerfers the destruction, sneaking you crouching by the opening on the right.
Be careful when you approach the next area, as an enemy makes a round at this point. Let him go quietly and approach him from behind to run. Do the same with the one found in the headquarters nearby and loot his body for the 1st upgraded weapon. Then remove the isolated soldier near cash south, then look around to locate the 1 Snipers Nest.
This is the first of 32 Snipers nests to discover, from which you can succeed 1 Long Shooting on 8 into account that the game. Once inside the sniper nest, remove the boards that block the shooting window on the right. Your target is on the balcony of the white house, which is off to the village level. If you do not want to be spotted by the soldiers of the area, you will need to use the sounds of Nebelwerfer to cover one of your / your shot (s). If you are not sure of your shot, do not hesitate to make a manual backup. You then approach the two soldiers firing with Nebelwerfer and get rid of them with the same strategy as earlier.
If you run out of Granada M24, loot the coffers of the camp or the bodies of soldiers to find. Return to the enemy when you were eliminated sneak a soldier and sneak in the opening close to reach the 3rd Nebelwerfer HQ. Straddling sandbags to run silently the first enemy that turns you back. Then pull the red box ammunition sandbags left the gun when it fired a little to cover the noise of the explosion.
It will explode killing two soldiers on the spot, but it will warn in a third patrolling the bottom area. Therefore, will immediately take cover behind the sandbags and let it come to eliminate stealth when you turn back. If you have followed the path, you will validate the optional objective of the mission. To the east of the place where you are, you will see a watchtower. Use the ladder to climb inside of it and near boxes of ammunition for the 1st Card Collecting the 20 that has the game.
Then descend on land and move cautiously toward the location of the last Nebelwerfer. Step into the tent south of the area and eliminate the soldier who sneaked inside. Then loot the green boxes on the left, to get their hands on the 2nd War Diary 60 that includes in the game.
Continue your progress towards the fourth Nebelwerfer, being careful to guard making his rounds near it. Eliminate him furtively in hand-to-hand or remotely using your Welrod, then get rid of soldiers firing the cannon. Once the cut-scene is finished, head to the marker to complete the mission.
02 - Gaberoun
Optional objectives:
Eliminate officer in Snipers Nest
Neutralize the projector
Destroy the fleet
Objects to discover:
11 Carnets de Guerre (Total 13/60)
3 nests Snipers (Total 4/32)
1 Shooting Distance (Total 2/8)
1 Card Collecting (Total 2/20)
2 Weapon Enhancements (Total 3/15)
Start by removing the stealth soldier repairing the generator, then put cover behind sand bags not close. As your character says, get out your binoculars to spot places. You will see six soldiers in the eastern part of the camp, one of them is in a tent and the other in a watchtower in the North East.
Eliminate the second first covering your shot through the noise of the generator, so that it can not see the soldiers that you eliminate thereafter. Then continue to clean from your position, then remove the one that is down in the tent. When done, loot his body to get the 3rd book War. The best solution to clean the next part of the camp is to run along the wall to the west.
Be careful when you progress on this byway, as two soldiers will come and make their rounds. Move slowly so the Welrod hand, in order to react quickly to face to face with an enemy. Then get rid of the other guard patrolling in the ruins north of the camp, then check tents to get their hands on the 4th and 5th book of War.
Return to the path along the cliff and follow it towards the North. You will arrive on the 2nd Sniper Nest where an enemy soldier stands guard. Then interact with the sandbag placed on a box of ammunition to validate recovery sniper nest. Use this elevated position to identify enemy soldiers to the next area. There are two near a campfire near the bank of the lake and a third soldier is on a pontoon. There are also two other guards who patrol just below the sniper nest on the left.
In the southern part of the camp you will see a soldier inside a ruin, an officer in a tent, a guard patrolling behind it and a Sniper height. Once you have identified the location of individual soldiers, sabotage the generator to produce a sound that will cover your shots. Start by killing the Sniper who oversees the camp and who is over the road on your right. Get rid of it then that patrol around the tent of the officer pulling him over when it stops right next to it.
Continue removing the officer inside the tent, drawing elongated from the small opening where was the body that you moved. This allows you to validate the first optional objective: Eliminate the officer to sniper nest. Mind then the group near the shore, starting with the one who stands on the dock. Continue with whoever is sitting on the chair at the campfire and then his colleague who sleeps beside him. The last group to be removed is located just below the sniper nest, there are two soldiers who are different rounds. Eliminate first one who patrol around the tent, when located to the left of it.
This will prevent his body was spotted by another soldier who becomes an easy prey for your gun. He'll just wait until it comes to warm by the fire, to get rid of with a well placed headshot. Then retrace your steps down to the level of the ruins and you sneak in through the window to remove the soldier who is there. Now that the camp is cleared of any threat, go to the pockets of the officer in the attempts to recover the 6th book War. Remember to search the bodies of other soldiers, history get some useful items. Continue your journey towards the next camp in sneaking up along the shore of the lake.
Advance remaining crouched in the tall grass and locate the soldier patrolling near the campfire nearby. Remove it as soon as it's back is turned, or the body-to-body with either your Welrod for added security. Back in the tall grass that you passed, then go around the ruin to direct you to the entrance of the camp. You will see a guard who is sitting on a wall and turn your back, allowing you to shoot easily. Before continuing the exploration camp, get the 7th book War is placed on a box of ammunition inside the ruin.
Then walk to the other side of the road to continue cleaning the base. Advance westward from cover behind the ruins until you reach a campfire. A soldier stands beside the road in front of the ruins on your right and the other two warm near the fireplace. Eliminate one located near the road with your Welrod, to bring one of those who are around the fire. Stay covered the time it approach then get rid of him, which then allows you to kill the third without problem.
Climb the slope that lies west of the campfire and continue your progress toward the North. Tread carefully until you find another soldier performing stealth, where you will find the 2nd Weapon Enhancement. Then look below to locate the guard patrolling and one that monitors the area on the left. Wait for the patrolling soldier turns his back, to go down to take cover behind the ruined wall. When it stops near the left window, leave your coverage to eliminate your Welrod.
Go through the opening where the soldier stood up and move cautiously toward the one on your right to run stealthily. Then mark the guard in the watchtower a little further, to activate the optional second objective: Neutralize the projector. Sneak crawled through the opening in the ruins below, paying attention to the light beam from the projector. Move along the west side to reach the top of the rocks, where a soldier eliminate sneak awaits you. Look at the camp which lies north-east of your position to activate the optional third objective: Destroy the fleet. Jump across the broken bridge to reach the 3rd Snipers Nest and eliminate the guard using the projector. Do not forget to take in the bulb of the latter to validate the second optional objective.
It is also from here that you can achieve the 2nd Shooting Distance, eliminating the sniper in the watchtower in the South-East side of the lake. Please understand that if you do so, you alerterez guards the base. It is therefore preferable to continue to clean the area of any threat, before realizing that ranged especially if you want to stay discreet. Get off the watchtower and head south to eliminate the last soldier of the camp that you went through. Continue to always move in the same direction and get the 8th book War in the second tent on the left.
Approach the ruins on the other side of the road and search the dark room to the left of the stairs to get their hands on the 2nd Collectible Card. You then head to carefully following the camp to the North-East, where you expecting a new group of soldiers to eliminate. Sneak into the ruins of the right side of the road and run stealthily guard sits near the game.
Find your next major goal not far away, the officer who patrols around a tent on the other side of the road. Follow it to eliminate the prying eyes when he is behind the tent and search his pockets for the 9th Book of War. Bypass the tent passing behind it and eliminate the guard who stands before the entrance of the camp. Throw a Grenade M24 in the tent to spray the two soldiers who are there, then retrieve the 10th book War on the boxes to the right of the entrance.
Walk along the entrance of the camp progressing westward and up the small hill that leads to a gate generator. Here several options available to you to clean the area teeming with soldiers. First begin sabotaging the generator to drown out the noise of your shots. Find the Sniper standing guard on scaffolding in the South East of your position and remove it as soon as the generator begins to backfire.
Your next target is the soldier patrolling the area thoroughly and you need to remove when it is farthest from the camp. Then go over the wall of wood, to descend to the level of the truck below. Locate the three soldiers who are not far away and watch the one who goes back and forth between the road and scaffolding. As soon as it turns its back on, remove the two sneak around you and soldiers will deal with him before he returns.
There remains one last soldier to eliminate the entrance of the camp, which will not cause you any problem since it turns you back. Then take the time to search the bodies of soldiers killed to get their hands on the 3rd Improved Weapon on one wearing a white tank top. Do not worry even the optional second goal and let the 5 trucks camp in the state yet. Advance to the next camp remaining on the left side of the road and put cover behind the ruined wall. Wait for the soldier patrolling the entrance to the camp stops on the other side of the road and throw a rock in the grass behind him.
It will then go check what happens, allowing you to shoot in an area where his body will not be discovered. Locate the guard patrolling a little further and follow it along the right wall as soon as you turn your back. Walk towards the other end of the camp you hiding in the tall grass until you come across another soldier next to a truck. As soon as you have taken care away, shoot it with your Welrod and hide his body in the well behind him. It'll just kill one of two soldiers who patrol when it passes close by and shoot the second when he comes to see the body. Then take the path near the bank of the lake, which provides access to the location of the last officer to be removed.
Tread carefully to the camp where your target as a soldier made trips on the way. Wait until it moves away from the group to take care of it, then run a M24 Grenade in the middle of the three remaining guards. Make the pockets of corpses different soldiers and especially the officer to recover the 11 th book War. Having finished to clean this part of the map, you can now destroy 5 trucks optional second goal. Then go to the limit of the last enemy camp, where your next target. Two soldiers covering the entrance with fixed machine guns, you can still approach the right one through tall grass.
Sneak into the ruin to get to his back and kill him stealthily to not alert other guards. Continue your progress toward the south along the shore until you come across a truck on your left. Wait while the soldier patrolling the area comes to lie close to it, to run the body-to-body as soon as his back is turned. Pick up his body to hide in the tall grass near the shore and locate the guard making his rounds on the other side of the road. Take care of his case as soon as you see an opening, then go get rid of the guard who holds the second fixed gun. Then you sneak into the ruins on the right and eliminate the soldier stationed near the campfire.
Do the same with the one that is a few meters away from him and get the 12th book of War which is placed on the wooden box next to the fire. This place is perfect to clean the rest of the camp with your sniper, start by sabotaging the generator nearby. There are still seven guards and an officer to remove four of the left side of the road, on the right, another to the top of the watchtower and the last near the exit of the camp.
Shoot first of all that which is at the top of the watchtower. Follow up with one who patrol the right side of the road, when he is behind the ruins that his body is not visible. Then look to the left of the ruins in which is the last officer to see a guard patrolling on a scaffold. You'll see another soldier move back and forth in ruin and stops at the opening just above him. Wait until the latter place there and get it while it rotates from under the back.
Mind that found on the scaffolding and watch the one who goes back and forth up the steps of the ruined temple. Wait until it stops right next to the entrance of the building and take it to be isolated for slaughter. Get rid of that which is just below and patrolling around the ammunition boxes, then climb on the scaffolding left in ruins. Interact with little ammunition box which lies between the sandbags to validate the discovery of 4th Snipers Nest.
Go inside the ruin through the wall opening height and use the ladder to descend to the level of the officer. Before you take care of him, approach the opening in the wall that faces you. You will see a soldier below, you can eliminate your Welrod.
Lower it to join his pockets and shoot the guard stationed near the exit of the camp not far away. Then go back inside the ruins where the officer and collect Antitank Mines in the trunk to the right of the entrance if you do not have one. It'll just get rid of the officer and search his body to recover the 13th book of War. A final main objective will then activate, which asks you to destroy the vehicle from the last officer who tried to flee. Simply place a Antitank Mines in the middle of the road, when the spray goes over. Then walk through the exit gate of the camp, to put an end to this second mission.
03 - Hellfire Pass
Optional objectives:
Searching for information in the area
Sabotage the fleet
Disrupt communications
Objects to discover:
9 notebook War Double + 1 (Total 22/60)
3 nests Snipers (Total 7/32)
1 Shooting Distance (Total 1/8)
3 Card Collecting (Total 5/20)
2 Weapon Enhancements (Total 3/15)
As soon as the opening cinematic is complete, go to the left of the road and look east with binoculars. You will see a soldier that overlooks the entrance to the enemy camp and covering the area with a fixed machine gun. Enjoy your position away to eliminate with your sniper to get rid of it without being detected. Cross the wooden bridge and engage the steep path on the right. Progress on it along the rock wall on your right until you are passed under the second wooden bridge. There is a guard making his rounds on the way to your left raised, we must tread carefully to prevent it from hearing you.
Wait for an opening to eliminate your Welrod or while riding his level to run stealthily. Then resume your progress on the path towards the East until you see wooden sleepers on your right. Use them to climb to the upper area and head to the campfire right to lay hands on the 14th War Diary. Stay on this raised area and walk quietly towards the Northeast. A little further on your left, you will come across a road on which a soldier is patrolling.
Wait for an opening to get rid of him quietly, then forward on the road towards the West. And you hit the last guards sector, the first is posted near a campfire and the second covers the entrance to the area with a fixed machine gun. Retrace your steps towards the last soldier that you have removed and cross the bridge which lies to the north to reach the next camp. Tread carefully to trucks that are the right side of the area and put cover behind them. One of the three vehicles are running and exhaust backfire at regular intervals. Look in the direction of the White House in North-East of your position and find the guard who is going back and forth between the floor and roof. As soon as it is post beside it, eliminate it by covering your shot through the noise generated by the truck.
Get rid of the soldier monitors the road nearby, being careful not to be seen, and then you come back up at the back of the truck. Locate the guard posted in front of the brown house up north and eliminate the noise by using the truck to cover your shot. On the other side of the road to the west of your position, you will see another brown house that is guarded by two soldiers. The first patrol around it and the other making his rounds on the roof. Wait until you have an opening to eliminate with your Sniper, always enjoying the noise generated by the truck to cover your shots.
We have two guards who are at the ground floor of the White House. Enter the courtyard of the house through the opening in the wall on the right and then come to one who is leaning against a wall. Before you dispose of, make sure the other guard patrolling outside the entrance of the building, do not look in your direction. As soon as it turns its back on, run the other soldier and sneaked his body hidden behind the wall. Take the next step-to-door to enter the house to take to reverse the guard patrolling.
To completely clean the area of any threat, there are still two pairs of soldiers and the truck driver to remove. Start with the latter cautiously approached the driver side of the vehicle and put a bullet in the head through the window. Then progress on the road towards the previous camp and take the small road on your right.
Move quietly along it until you hear two guards talk. Wait until the bottom one moves away from the other, to run stealthily before you occupy the second. Once rid of the two intruders, enter the house nearby and walk out the window in front of you. Then look on the floor in the corner formed by sand bags to get their hands on the 15th War Diary.
Head to the white house to the left of the group of trucks and get the 16th War Diary on a table in the left room. You also validate the first part of the optional lens: Searching for information in the field and becomes: Find additional information near the general. Then exit through the window of the next room to access the ladder at the rear of the house. Proceed on the path towards the Northwest and climb on the roof of the brown house with wide right of the entrance. Locate the two soldiers who discuss the other side of the building and throw a Grenade M24 between to eliminate.
Before returning your progress down the roof, interact with small ammunition box to your left to enter the 5th Snipers Nest. Down below where there were two soldiers and join the lower slope with a little further on the left area. Follow the road on the west to reach the camp where your first primary objective. Take the small road on the left after the ammo crates and locate the enemy is going back and forth below in the house.
Wipe it with your Welrod then jump on the roof of the house, to perform stealth soldier therein. Use this elevated position to score seven soldiers sector, most of which can be removed from the roof. The first two use the artillery gun on the left below, and a third soldier patrolling around it. If you do not see is that it is behind the house which is backed by a guard below you. Wait it passes the left side of the house to mark it, so you can always know its position. The other three guards patrolling in different places, two of them on the right road and the last in the North near the opening in the rock wall. So that your shots are not heard by the guards must use the noise generated by the artillery gun. Be careful to make fire at the right time because the timing is very short. Start by removing the rightmost making his rounds on the road, when it is hidden behind the rocks so that his body is not visible.
Continue with the other two patrolling nearby, one that is close to trucks and the other near the opening in the rock wall. Finally you care for him who is leaning against the wall below you and then borrow the ladder to your right to get off the roof. Leave the house to the road to the east, then go down the wooden stairs on the left to get the 17th War Diary in the brown house.
Enter the neighbor down the stairs to the west of your position and get in the basement through the opening in front of you building. You will then arrive in the platform where your primary objective is to destroy the artillery cannon over you. Check that the guard patrolling around the barrel is close to it and pull the red drum near the pier to blow everything up. Through the opening in the rock wall to the north of the area and take the natural tunnel in front of you to reach the next camp. Walk down the path to your right towards the South-East until you come across the main road. Cross it to go to the back of the brown wall on the other side and locate the soldier patrolling inside the courtyard on the left. Cross the wall as soon as it turns its back to go silently eliminate.
Use the stairs in the courtyard to go upstairs and get rid of parked down the balcony soldier. Go down the stairs on the other side of the house and go under the natural arch in the East. Once on the other side you come to an intersection, go east to get their hands on August 1st War Diary. Retrace your steps to the junction and ride safely coast to the north. You will see a soldier stationed on the left, and another that is going back and forth between him and the nearby rooftop. As soon as it turns its back on, remove the one leaning against the fence on the left.
Then continue the one who goes to the roof to deal with him in turn and get the 19th War Diary is on a table. Then you validate the second part of the first optional objective: Find more information near the general and becomes Finding the General on one artillery sites. Gear up your binoculars to mark the soldiers, beginning with patrolling on the roof of the house to the North-West. Look at his front door behind the tree to locate the guard who is leaning against the amount thereof. Keep inspection scrutinizing the two houses left to mark the four soldiers who were there. The first patrol in the courtyard of the right and the second does the same thing to the next level. The third is stationed on the roof of the tower of the house left and the last is leaning against the amount of input.
Now that you know the position of all these people, get rid of them covering your shots through the engine noise. Then take the stairs down to the lower floor and take care of the guard who is stationed on the left balcony. Progress thereon to the North and down the steps to the ground floor. Another guard is going back and forth between the different parts, so be careful when entering it and enjoy an opening for removing.
Then go to the other side of the main road and enter the white house where there was a lean at the entrance behind a tree soldier. Cross the first room and look to your left when you enter the second. You will see a small seating area with a coffee table in the center and on it you will find the War Diary Bonus which is double the mission. Take the stairs is the room to go upstairs and out onto the balcony and use the ladder on the left to climb on the roof. Search the body of the soldier patrolling on it and you have shot far to get their hands on the 4th Improved Weapon.
Then come back at the main road and follow it towards the north to a junction. Take the tunnel to the east which will take you to the next village, in which a large number of soldiers patrolling. Start by sneak White House in the North East and climb the ladder on the left to go upstairs. Be careful when entering the balcony as a soldier made back and forth between it and the stairs on the other side of the house. Enjoy an opening to eliminate stealth and descend into the courtyard where stood the scale you used. You will see a right of the latter, which will allow you to get on the roof. Again be careful when reaching the top of it, because you can be seen by a soldier made a round. There is also another soldier stationed on the roof, but he can not see because you do not look in your direction.
As soon as it makes its turns you round the back, climb on the roof to remove the one that is leaning on the wall and quickly eliminate the other. Be careful when killing the latter, because a patrol guard on the roof of the White House in the North and can see you there. Use this elevated position to mark the four soldiers who protect the area. There is therefore one who patrol on the roof of the house and right two others who are going back and forth between the court and the floor. There is still one running around the house and left another posted at its entrance, but that is not visible here.
Now that you know the position of the soldiers, take the stairs on your left. Locate the house with a large tower on the other side of the road and head towards it without making you see the soldier on the right. Use the wooden staircase to go up on the roof and put you right next to the fixed machine gun. This position is perfect for removing soldiers that you observed since you can cover your shots through the noise generated by the speaker. Start by getting rid of those who patrol on the roof and go to the two that are going back and forth between the court and the floor.
Be careful when removing these two, because if you do not kill them fast one and the other, the second may move and find the body of the first. Get rid of it then that runs around the house as soon as he comes out from behind the house and finish with the guard is posted at the entrance. Before going to retrieve the contents of the pockets of your victims, climb to the top of the nearby tower. Interact with little ammo box placed between sandbags to validate the recovery of the 6th Snipers Nest.
Use this elevated position to score soldiers sector. There are two patrolling near the tank and another backed a truck below you. The following two protect the White House to the west and another patrol ruin southwest near the road. There are four on the left side of the road, a height close to sandbags, two below it and the last farther west in a ruin. Start by getting rid of the last three, always covering your shots with the sound of the speaker. Then remove both protecting the White House in the West, and one that is under you when he is behind the left wall. Monitor the movement of soldier patrolling near the tank and pull the valve in the fuel tank when it is closer to the latter.
By doing so you will validate the optional second goal of the mission: Sabotage the fleet. Before leaving your perch, there is one last thing to do. Get out your binoculars and look westward towards one of your main goals and mark the soldier who is stationed in a watchtower. It only remains for you to eliminate from this position to accept the 3rd Shooting Distance. Then get off your lap and go to both houses North-East. Approach them discreetly and enter the hind. Two communication experts are right below you, inside the basement of the house. Take the stairs down to join them and start an M24 Grenade between the two to get rid of.
Interact with the electrical panel in the room, to validate the optional third goal of the mission: Stop communications. Then grab the 20th War Diary is on the desk in the North-East part angle. Take the stairs up to the ground floor and cross the no-door facing you. Look immediately to your right once outside to see a ladder leading to the roof of the house. Use it to mount and search the body of the soldier that you removed earlier to recover the 5th Weapon Enhancement.
Back down on terra firma and go to the house on the other side of the village to the west. Cross the ground floor of the house to come out in the backyard and get the 3rd Card Collecting placed on a small stool left. Then head south to get to the other side of the main road, so getting into a brown ruin. Progress silently towards the West until you fall onto trucks. Two guards are close to them, you'll have to remove to pass. One of them is stationed behind the first vehicle and the second is going back and forth between him and the back of the second truck. Mind the first as soon as you turn the other back, then get rid of him immediately after.
Take your progress on the road ahead to the Southwest, along the rock wall on the left. After passing another group of trucks, climb silently side that goes on the left. Eliminate the soldier standing behind sandbags and interact with the generator for the sabotage to cover your shots. Then move the ammo box placed between sandbags to validate recovery 7th Snipers Nest.
Mind the main objective on the other side of the abyss, pulling the red can partly hidden by green cans. When done, go down into the lower area by taking the scale on the right. Run sneak the guard turns his back on you in the yard, being careful not to be seen by those who patrol around the house. Then wait until it passes close to his colleague in the house and run a M24 Grenade between the two to kill.
Retrieve the 4th Card Collecting which is placed on the table in the west corner of the room, then exit through the opening on the left. Put cover behind the wall to your right and mark the soldier who is stationed in the rock wall to the north. Crouching walk north along the cliff, to be camouflaged by the caisses and tall grass. After passing the logs that are stored on your right, get the 21th War Diary placed on the second group of cases.
Gently step along the nearby coast, so as not to be heard by the soldiers who are posted above you. Once you arrive on a flat area, locate the cave entrance on your left. The last two guards in the area await you inside, but be careful when entering as one of them patrol near the entrance. Take the tunnel to the North-East of the room, to come out the other side of the mountain. Move then to the north along the rock wall on your left and go on squatting in the tall grass from the tree.
This will prevent you from being seen by the soldier who protects the house on your right. Continue forward towards the north until you see a ladder. Before use to climb to the top level of the area, make sure that no soldier on the roof of the house on your right. Another soldier can also come on the road with a scale a little further, so extra caution before continuing your journey. When you reach the top of the scale, also pay attention advancing northward as a Sniper is posted right between two boxes.
Continue your journey north towards the last artillery cannon and approach cautiously trucks are parked on the right. There are three soldiers who protect the area and it will therefore be necessary to eliminate continue. The first is standing behind a wooden fence on the left, the second behind sandbags at the bottom of the square and the last to patrol trucks. Run it stealthily when he turns his back and get rid of the other two, starting with the one behind the sandbags. Then excavate the area to the rear of the truck left to recover the 5th Card Collecting which is placed on a table.
Head to the watchtower which is at the end of the road to the west to find a suitable position to destroy the last cannon. You will see the entrance to a cave on your left when you arrive halfway. It is connected by a tunnel that goes to the foot of the watchtower and in which a soldier is going back and forth. So check that it is not inside, before entering to get their hands on the 22th War Diary placed on the ground behind the pile of boxes. Get rid of the soldier patrolling the tunnel and arise through the opening that you borrowed to enter the cave. Continue your progress towards the watchtower, while crouched in tall grass and along the rock wall. Two other soldiers protect access to the stairs of the lookout, one of them is posted to the right of a truck and the other is going back and forth between him and the tower.
As soon as you turn it back, run stealthily first soldier and do the same with the other before he returns. It'll just silently up the stairs of the tower, to remove the soldier who is there. Then mark with your binoculars that discusses the general right of the last artillery cannon to activate the final phase of the first optional objective: Kill the general Hoesslein. Look at the bottom of the cave to the left of the artillery cannon, to identify a small canister of fuel that is stored before crates. Gear up your Sniper and pull on it, by using the noise generated by the artillery gun to cover your shot.
You then head to the exit of the mission indicated by the marker, which is located north-east of the area where you had destroyed the fleet. Unfortunately for you, there is one last test to overcome before they can leave. You'll have to get rid of a Panzer tank 3 patrolling in the area, two options are available to you to achieve it. The simplest and least risky is to ask 2 Antitank Mines on the road on which he patrols, to be pulverized by the explosion. The other is to wait until it stops to control an area and shoot him in one of the two doors at the rear of the tank. This is by far the riskiest method, because you spotted on each shot and it takes three to destroy. Once you're cleared, go to the marker to complete the mission.
04 - Fort Rifugio
Optional objectives:
Neutralize watchtowers
Assassinate the officer while he passes the fort
Objects to discover:
7 War Diaries (Total 29/60)
3 Snipers Nests (Total 10/32)
1 Long Shots (Total 4/8)
3 Trading Card (Total 8/20)
2 Weapon Upgrades (Total 7/15)
Begin by following the path in front of you and enjoy the elevated position to identify the enemy camp. Do not worry about the western part at the moment and mark the three soldiers who are in front of one of the access to the East portals. Move closer to them silently and eliminate them without being seen by the two guards patrolling a little higher near the tents. Then sabotage the generator side of the red and white antenna, then retrieve the 23rd War Diary sitting on a box of ammunition.
Then go on the rocks south of the campfire and move the small box of ammunition to enable recovery of the 8th Snipers Nest. Get out your binoculars to spot the officer who is stationed at the castle window, the North-West of your position. This is the target to shoot for the 4th Long Shots, so get out your sniper to eliminate noise by covering your shot through the generator.
Get out your binoculars again to mark the many soldiers in the eastern part of the camp enemy. There is one who is sitting near a campfire a little farther north, and two others patrolling around and tents left. The last two soldiers you can mark and eliminate herein are the one that uses a projector in the watchtower and the one posted above the road north. Start by getting rid of it then that which is in the watchtower. Do not forget to destroy the projector bulb, which is the first of two to destroy to complete the optional objective: Disable the watchtowers. For the last three which lie at the tents and the campfire, we will have to eliminate with the right timing. Wait for the one who patrol stops right behind the camp to deal with him and follow up with whoever is sitting near the campfire.
Finish cleaning the area with another soldier patrolling, until it discovers the bodies of his companions. Then get off your perch and go search the bodies of the two soldiers patrolling to recover the 6th Improved Weapon. Delve also left the tent the last soldier that you killed to get their hands on the 6th card Collect. Be careful when you move into this sector as groups of soldiers in trucks run at regular intervals on the road nearby. Progress along it towards the northeast and eliminate the guard inside the watchtower.
Then go inside and interact with wooden planks, to validate the recovery of the 9th Snipers Nest. Descend the watchtower and turn back toward the watchtower where was the first projector that you destroyed. Look at the ammo crates at the foot of the latter, to get their hands on the 24th Book of War. Climb the watchtower and mark the five soldiers who monitor the South-West, and then do the same with the guard posted outside the tent in the Northwest.
Back on terra firma and expect to have an opening to get rid of stealth soldier turns around tents. Remember to hide the body of the soldier patrolling near the road because trucks that pass above may locate. Do not worry for now soldiers near the fire and bypass the camp by the left hiding behind the ruins. Eliminate the soldier patrolling when he is behind the back against a house, then get rid of it stealthily.
Continue your progress cautiously towards the entrance of the camp to the North-West and sneak in the opening of the fence on the left. Eliminate the guard who is stationed near the rocks immediately to the left and cross the road towards the next camp. Be careful in approaching you as a soldier is stationed at the foot of the watchtower to the left of the entrance. Get rid of him without being spotted and circle the tents on the left until you see sandbags at the foot of a hill. Wait for the soldier patrolling nearby stops there and shoot with your Welrod.
The last two soldiers sitting around the campfire right, check that there is no passing truck on the road and run them Grenade M24. Noise will alert a soldier who is stationed on the path that leads to the next camp, get so cover and remove it as soon as his back is turned. Before you continue your progress to the next camp, climb retrieve the 25th book War in the bridge over the road.
Then come back at the coast that rises to the next camp and climb the ladder into the recess on the left. Advance along the small winding path and interact with small ammunition box to validate the recovery of the 10th Snipers Nest. Locate the soldier behind the rock next to the road to the east and get rid of him furtively. Bring gently to the watchtower nearby and eliminate the guard patrolling between the two tents. Delve inside the first attempts to retrieve the 7th Collectible Card that is placed on a table.
Especially do not climb the ladder of the watchtower immediately, as soldiers stationed in the camp below you would. Remove first the guard is posted near the entrance of the camp to the east, then kill whoever is in the watchtower placing yourself between tents. Put yourself then left the watchtower and throw a grenade between the two soldiers in the camp below.
Do not forget to destroy the second projector in the watchtower, to validate the first optional mission objective. Locate the small path on the other side of the road north of the two tents and move cautiously along it towards the East. Put yourself on the side to mark the three soldiers with binoculars. One of them is stationed near the campfire and the other two patrolling the front and back of the camp. Once the closest turns, move you to take cover behind the rocks on the right. You will then have to act quickly to eliminate them all. When the guard came and stood beside you turns and moves towards the campfire, remove it quickly, then continue with the other two.
Look more closely at the table left the campfire and interact with the folder to activate the optional second goal Assassinate the officer while he passes the fort. Your target will not be long to go on the road in a truck, you easily locate as it is indicated by a marker lens. Expect to see him approach the entrance Southwest camp and place 1 Antitank Mine in the middle of the main road. Return to the table on which you have retrieved the file and move silently on the way to the North East. When you arrive in front of a campfire, get the 26th book War placed on crates nearby.
Locate the soldier patrolling in front of the wall of the castle to the west and take care of it as soon as an opportunity arises. Come to the campfire and climb the hill that leads to the wooden scaffolding. Use the ladder to climb to the top and enter the castle through the gap in the wall. You arrive on an elevated position which will allow you to locate the scene. First mark the guard that protects the area at the top of the stairs in the north, he goes back and forth from one room to another. Marquez also two soldiers patrolling beneath you, and the other two who hang around trucks in the West.
Descend the ladder on your right and wait for one of the guards approached the area to remove it. Take care that the other two guards sector do not see you do, then hide the body in a place where they can not see. Watch the round that made the guard patrolling the top of the stairs in the north and up the stairs when he enters the room on the right. Sneak into the room and then left into the next room and hide in the recess in the Northwest. Climb the ladder that is on one of the walls to get the 27th book War on a chair.
Descend to the ground floor and wait for the guard passes near to eliminate when you turn back. Place yourself at the North door of the building and locate the soldier patrolling between the floor and the ground floor in the next building. When it came to the bottom of the staircase, you sneak in the back to run stealthily.
Do the same with the head of communications in the next room and get the 28th book War on the table. Take the stairs in the north-eastern building up to the first floor and the second climb cautiously to reach the roof. There are two guards in the area, the first is right next to the stairwell and the second patrol on the neighboring roof. As soon as it's back is turned, remove the first and take care of the second quickly before he noticed the body.
Step into the cell in the north roof of the neighboring building to trigger a cutscene and activate your next objective. Then take the stairs in the room to the ground floor and use the ladder to the lower level. Approach cautiously door that overlooks the courtyard and mark the soldier who is sitting on a box in the west of your position. If you followed the path step by step, you should have marked the second soldier patrolling in the courtyard. Wait until it stops at the left to eliminate.
Then head to the sitting silently on crates to kill him, so as not to be heard by the soldiers who are in the room below you. Return to the previous body of soldier you have eliminated and hide his body in the small dark hallway from where you came. You cautiously approach the stairs in the northwest of the court, being careful not to be seen by the soldier patrolling the rampart. As soon as it begins to walk towards the south, climb the stairs to eliminate using your Welrod. Go through the right door at the top of the stairs to retrieve the 8th Card Collecting on a table in the room to the right.
Then resume your progress westward on the wall and down the stairs on the left. Locate the entrance to the next room on the right and eliminate the soldier sitting on the chair. Your main objective is waiting for you in the next building, go inside and silently eliminate the Commander who turns his back on you. Dig his pockets to retrieve the key to the cell of the informant, but there are two hidden recover before going to release elements. Back at the entrance of the building where you had removed the previous soldier and take the stairs to the west that leads to the lower court.
The latter is monitored by two soldiers, one of them looking toward the stairs, so we will have to eliminate fake. You approach the gate at the bottom of it and throw a stone at the bottom right to the boxes. The first soldier will then move to see what happens, which will allow you to kill your Welrod.
You must get rid of it quickly, otherwise it may spot you. Equip yourself again the ultimate weapon of the stone and throw it at the table in front of the grid to attract the other soldier. It only remains for you to eliminate as soon as it happens, being careful not to be seen. Then loot his body to get their hands on the 7th Enhancement Weapon, then retrieve the 29th Book of War sitting on a crate nearby.
Having found all the hidden elements of the mission, turn release the informant following the same path. Once the drive is complete, your new objective will be to clean the courtyard. The time of infiltration is the fineness being gone, you equip your Sniper to eliminate everyone. You also have the ability to destroy vehicles therein, using the many available Panzerschreck on the roof. Once you got rid of the bulk of the troops, down in the yard, paying attention to the remaining soldiers. The guns are the ideal tools to finish the job and make your way to the entrance of the castle.
When you got there, use the ladder to climb over the wall. Your next objective will be to protect the informant, during the crossing of the enemy camps outside the castle. A big storm that erupted recently, the noise generated by the thunder will allow you to cover your shots. There is no particular strategy to successfully cover it, just know that the enemy will try to encircle. So remember to look around him, zooming and dézoomant to locate them more easily. The informant three times change position and a wave of enemies will block every time. Use extra caution during the third wave because Snipers will shoot him in the back and block the trucks out of the camp.
05 - Siwa Oasis
Optional objectives:
Destroy the anti-aircraft guns Flakvierling
Inspect depots Germans
Make up to his death in accident
Objects to discover:
9 War Diaries (Total 38/60)
3 Sniper Nests (Total 13/32)
1 Long Shots (Total 5/8)
1 Card Collecting (Total 9/20)
2 Weapon Upgrades (Total 9/15)
First walk through the whole bridge in front of you and then head north to reach the road. Hug the right side thereof toward the northwest to a small camp and locate the guard patrolling in the area. Get close to him when he moves to the right of the rock to run silently and then mount the natural course nearby palm. An officer is posted just above you so we will have to eliminate distraction. At regular intervals aircraft flying over the camp producing a deafening noise, which is very useful to cover the sound of your shots. Wait until the planes had finished overfly the area and there is more noise to launch a pebble northwest down the slope.
Plate up in the corner of the rock to not be seen and dispose of it with your Welrod soon as you have an opening. Dig his pockets to get your hands on the 8th Improved Weapon and approach cautiously then the anti-aircraft gun in the North East. Wait a plane passes over the camp that generates noise and pull the box of explosives left cannon to destroy. This is the first barrel of a series of three that you have to find in order to validate the optional objective: Destroy the anti-aircraft guns Flakvierling. Then climb the little slope to the west and up the stairs to the left immediately after the wall. Use the series of ladders to reach the roof of the tower and interact with small ammunition box to validate the achievement of the 11th Snipers Nest.
Use this elevated position to make enemies, starting with the two near the entrance to the city in the Southwest. Then look in the courtyard below and mark the four soldiers patrolling there, and one who is stationed on the roof right. Now that you know the location of enemies, first remove any that is near the road to the southwest. Make all the same attention killing as a patrol guard in the rice field across the road, so expect it to look elsewhere to fire.
Enjoy regular passages aircraft to cover the noise of your shots and get rid of leaning against the entrance of the city gate soldier.
Mind you then guard who is stationed on the roof, making sure that the soldiers in the yard do not see it being killed.
Eliminate the patrolling closest to you, as soon as he drops below your perch. Locate the guard that runs around the house in ruins in northwestern room and kill him when he stops in the shade right.
The last two soldiers are difficult to remove from this position, especially if you do not want that one sees the corpse of another. So go back to the foot of the tower via two ladders and enter the small house on the left sandbags.
Out across the wooden bridge and watch the guard patrolling to the well, hiding behind the sandbags. Observe the movement of your target and kill him when he finds himself in the small ruined house.
Then use the ladder to your right to take to the court to remove the last guard patrolling the Southwest. Walk along the various houses towards the North-West and go porch to reach the firing zone of the 2nd flak. Be careful when you are making as a Sniper scans the area from the roof of the house on the other side of the square. Also be careful in the area of gun fire, as several guards patrolling the North and South of it. Put cover behind the truck to your right and wait for the guard making his rounds approaches you. As soon as it turns to go near the gun, remove it with your Welrod.
Then retrieve his body to hide behind the truck, then go to the rear of the vehicle to locate the guard patrolling the North. If you do not see where you are, is that it is patrolling behind the building. Take the opportunity to go to take cover behind cans and expect to have an opening for the wind silently. To the east of the area where the guard patrolling, you will see a ruined tower. Go inside through the door nearby and get the 30th book of War landed right scale.
Then take the ladder to go upstairs and remove the stealth soldier turns his back on you. Now that the area is free of guards who protected the gunners, send them a M24 Grenade whenever an airplane passes over the camp. Be careful when you are on the balcony of the tower, because the aforementioned Sniper can you see its roof. If you want to be sure that it does not see you, you lie remaining cover behind the right wall. Northern area of the village is filled with guards, retrace your steps to reach the courtyard where the well was. Cross the whole village to the south-west until you see three guards in a small courtyard.
Enjoy the coverage offered by the central ruin to mark the three soldiers, being careful not to be seen in the window.
The first is posted to the well and the other two patrol nearby. Put yourself then covered in ruins south of the place and put you in the corner not to be seen. Wait until one of the two guards stops near you and cast a stone at the back of the central ruin.
It will then go check what's that noise, giving you the opportunity to eliminate without being seen. Back behind the center ruin and watch the comings and goings of the second guard. As soon as it turns back to well before the posted guard, quickly remove it with your Welrod and follow up with another. Hide the body in the well being careful not to be seen by the soldiers of Sector North, then take the stairs to the Northwest instead. Search the room opposite the one that contains your main goal, to get their hands on the 31st book War placed on a bed.
Then enter the room indicated by the objective marker to trigger a cutscene transition. Descend into the yard you just clean and put you covered at the foot of the stairs. A soldier patrols on the walkway on the other side of the housing.
If you do not see is that he went to smoke a cigarette at the corner Northeast. Enter the North zone after you get rid, then walk along the west wall remaining covered in shadow. Stand behind the small wall near the corner of the wall and locate the soldier patrolling in the ruins.
Follow him when he turns his back, being careful not to be seen by the soldier who goes up and down the West wall. Get rid of the soldier who sneak you followed suit and hide her body where it will not be discovered. Put yourself in one of the ruined houses near the stairs leading to the top of the wall and kill the soldier when he climbs the stairs. Then head to the wooden scaffolding a little further on the left and put yourself in the foot covered it.
Another patrol soldier above you, wait until it goes down the stairs to eliminate.
Climb to the top of the wall through the scaffolding and get the 32nd War Diary placed on funds in the guardhouse. Take your road north and stop at the corner of the wall, otherwise you might be seen by a Sniper which is placed a little further.
Enjoy it does not look to you to continue your progress towards it and climb the ladder in the house left to go to eliminate it. Back down on terra firma and enter the house near the generator Southeast. Use the ladder to reach the lower level and get the 33rd War Diary which is placed on the boxes of ammunition.
Examine the different cases of the ammunition depot, to validate the discovery of the first three deposits goal optional: Inspect depots Germans. Then walk through the south gate to reach the neighboring yard and go to shelter in the ruins in front of you. There are two guards patrolling behind the ruins in the Southeast and you will need to remove fake. Throw a rock on the other side of the ruin that monitors and dispose of it with your Welrod when it comes to check what happens. Use the same technique to eliminate the second guard, but pulling right this time so he would not see the body of another. There are still two other guards who monitor the eastern sector of the area. Bypass central ruins on the right and remove the first when it moves towards the tunnel.
Get rid of the other when you have an opening, then go retrieve the 9th Card Collecting in the tunnel Southwest. Then enter the tunnel which was heading towards the penultimate soldier and stop when you reach the first corner. Use the technique of stone to attract one of the soldiers who patrol nearby and get rid of him without being seen.
Move the body without being seen or heard by the other soldier and repeat this strategy to eliminate the other soldiers.
There remains one last soldier patrolling in the North East area, so expect to have an opening to eliminate.
Retrace your way back to where you had removed the Sniper and go up the stairs located near the west entrance of the city. Use this elevated position, to mark the four soldiers sector.
Progress in indoor ruined not be seen until you get above the fuel depot where a guard patrol. Wait for the one who protects the house in the center of the area you turn back, to go down first and then hide his body. Wait until the guard turns to enter the house to sneak in the back to get rid of him silently. Use one of the scales of the house to go upstairs and get the 34th War Diary lying in a corner.
Move back up to the fuel depot and put cover behind crates of ammunition. You can safely remove the remaining two soldiers from here, covering the sound of your shots with the noise generated by the aircraft. Then enter in the house left of the Northwest outskirts of town to get their hands on the 35th War Diary placed on boxes of ammunition.
Climb the ladder at the back of the room of the house in which the penultimate patrolling soldier and locate the anti-aircraft gun in the courtyard. Pull the crate of explosives when a plane flies over the camp to destroy the barrel and thus validate the first optional objective. You then head to the passage to the east of the place and get out your binoculars to mark the four soldiers following sector.
Use the technique of stone to remove the two patrolling near you, then get rid of the other two by killing them with your Sniper. Climb the stairs hidden behind the palm tree to the left of the entrance and ladder to climb upstairs.
Proceed on the bridge that leads to the roof to remove the Sniper therein and recover the 9th Improved Weapon in his pockets. Return to the tower where you come and use the second ladder to reach the top. Interact with wooden planks to validate the recovery of the 12th Snipers Nest and get out your binoculars to spot the soldier far south-east.
Gear up your Sniper then wait an airplane passes over the camp, to eliminate in order to validate the 5th Long Shoot. Back on the roof where you killed the sniper and get the scale close to retrieve the 36th book War placed on a bed on the ground floor. Examine the various funds of the room, to validate the discovery of the second munitions depot. Exit the building from the south and go down the stairs to the east to get the 37th War Diary in the courtyard to the right of the basin.
Follow the road to the south and go up the stairs on the left. Climb the ladder to get to the floor of the tower and interact with the boards to validate the recovery of the 13th Snipers Nest. Appointment at the foot of the scaffold indicated by the main objective marker, but do not get straight to the ladder that leads to the summit. Examine the crates in the room on the ground floor, to validate the discovery of the third and final deposit of German equipment.
Then climb the series of ladders to reach the top of the scaffold to trigger a cutscene transition. Once you see the officers below, mark your target has a bandage in one of his hands. Once these disperse, follow your target without being detected. When she retrieved the information, the optional third objective is active: Make up to his death in an accident. So we have to eliminate it when it stops near an explosive barrel and use it to believe it is an accident.
Get rid of the guard who came see the accidental death of the officer and made the pockets of the latter for the 38th War Diary. Before leaving the city by the north exit, you have to destroy the Panzer IV Tank blocking you.
Place 2 Antitank Mines on the road to spray or pull several times in the air vent at the rear of the vehicle. You then approach the exit gate of the city, to trigger the final phase of the mission. It'll just remove Snipers that are placed in the West to liberate the area and complete the mission.
06 - Kasserine Pass
Optional objective:
Eliminate Nebelwerfers
Objects to discover:
8 War Diary (Total 46/60)
3 Sniper Nests (Total 16/32)
1 Long Shots (Total 6/8)
3 Trading Card (Total 12/20)
2 Weapon upgrades (Total 11/15)
Once the opening cinematic finished, go to the South you sneaking between carcasses of tanks. Your crew will then score a soldier lurking a little further, you'll have to remove it when you turn back. Then mark the two soldiers patrolling the houses to the east, and the two that go from time to time at the bottom.
Before cleaning this area of enemies there, enter the tunnel at the foot of the mountain to the Southeast. Progress inside thereof until a branch and take away the South tunnel exit. Eliminate the officer who is backed ahead and do his pockets to retrieve the 10th Improved Weapon. Then retrace your steps back to the other side of the mountain to begin the cleaning sector. Walk along the rock wall on the left, being careful not to be seen and move along the path until come across a tree. Wait hidden here that one of the guards marked earlier approaches the gun Nebelwerfers and follow it when it away to take care of him.
Hid his body before the second guard arrived, then set her account in the same way. Back then take cover behind the tree and shoot the red canister to the left of the barrel when a plane flies over the camp. This is the first of two guns that you must destroy to validate the single optional mission objective: Eliminate Nebelwerfers. If one of the soldiers who patrol near houses up to see what happened, so let it come closer and then remove it as soon as an opening occurs.
Mind the last soldier to finish cleaning up the area and get the 10th Card Collecting resting on a crate in the orange house. Up the hill near the carcass of the tank to the west of the house and walk carefully to the summit. Be careful when you get on the flat area as a patrol guard in the area. Get rid of him as soon as he turns his back and then walk into the tunnel right.
Also watch progressing inside, as another guard made back and forth to the other end. Proceed to the junction and then head to the exit to the north to recover the 39th War Diary on a small box. Return to the fork and climb the set of stairs on the west tunnel to reach the summit of the mountain. When you're there, interact with the ammunition box to validate the recovery of the 14th Snipers Nest.
Then get out your binoculars to mark the soldier who is stationed in the South, while the top of the mountain between two trees. Wait a plane flies over the area to eliminate with your Sniper and thus validate the 6th Long Shoot. This elevated position is ideal for marking soldiers village below, there is also a Sniper in the tower at South-West. You can also mark the patrol vehicle on the road and even destroy the second barrel Nebelwerfers the Southeast.
You will still need to be patient to get rid of all these people, because the planes that cover the noise of your shots are rare. Then return to the entrance of the tunnel and take the path down to the West. Jump on the roof of the house and then use the stairs to the left, to go down to take cover behind the wall. Be careful when you move into the area, because the vehicle mentioned above patrol on the road. Locate the guard making his rounds in the West behind the beige house and kill him as soon as the opportunity presents itself.
Do the same with that patrol the other side of the road and hide his body in a house that no one falls over. Then look inside the beige house on the left of the orange to get their hands on the 40th War Diary. Search the beige house south of the preceding, to retrieve the 11th Card Collecting placed on a box.
If you eliminate all the enemies that protect the village, place 1 Antitank Mine on the road to destroy the vehicle. Put also a second on the road between the rocks to the east, to destroy the truck reinforcement will happen. You then head to the big white house in the West where the Sniper was posted and get the 41st War Diary on a crate on the ground floor.
Get on the roof via an external staircase and climb the stairs in the tower to drop the 42nd War Diary. Use the ladder to reach the top of the tower and interact with the boards to validate the recovery of the 15th Snipers Nest.
Descend to the bottom of the house and go search the beige house in the Southwest, to get their hands on the 12th Collectible Card. Follow the next road to the East to the junction and head towards the East to reach homes. Enter the second house and get the 43rd War Diary sitting on a crate to the right.
Take your progress on the road towards the east, until you come across another house. Go inside of it and then look petty cash left to see the 44th War Diary posed above. Continue on towards the main objective, advancing along the rock wall on the left. Pay attention to the soldier patrolling a step further and get rid of him as soon as he returns.
Then get out your binoculars to mark the soldiers guarding the temple in the North East. The first made back and forth between the left input and the right, it is not so all the time visible from this position. Meanwhile the second patrol at the main entrance and is going back and forth between outside and inside the temple. There are still two other soldiers in the headquarters Vahlen, but it is not possible to score here. Once both their backs, are you going to cover the bottom of the stairs. Wait for the one who patrol the main entrance turns and mount to hide the opposite side where goes the other soldier.
Wait until the first soldier pops out and take the opportunity to eliminate your Welrod. Put yourself then covered at the main entrance and take care of the second the same way when he puts his nose out. Dispose then two other soldiers who are in HQ and loot their bodies for the 11th Improved Weapon.
Move the body to hide the back of the room, as a new group of enemies will replace the previous one to the end of the mission. Interact with shiny paper on a table in the temple to retrieve the 45th War Diary and validate the main objective. Unfortunately for you, the documents you seek are locked in the trunk neighbor and therefore you have to find the combination. But before you get to the place where you can get it, sneak up behind green bottles at the bottom right of the stairs HQ.
Tread carefully to the north along the rock wall to the right and eliminate the soldier patrolling on the left near the road. Continue your progress on the coast that rises to the north and locate the small raised platform on the right. Step on it to interact with the small ammunition box to validate the recovery of the 16th Snipers Nest. Then back down at the junction and follow the road on the west. Stand at the corner of the rock wall to have a visual on your target and take out your binoculars to mark the soldiers that protects it. Be careful not to be seen by the Sniper, who is stationed on the roof of one of the houses.
Enjoy a plane going to get rid of him, then go to the other side of the road without being seen. Once the enemies are turned back, go to your target along the rock wall on the right. Mind the officer when an opening occurs, then check it to get the 46th War Diary and get the safe combination.
You then head to the meeting point with Brauer, to trigger a cutscene transition. Place immediately 2 Antitank Mines on the road as soon as it ends, to destroy the Tiger tank that has just appeared in the South. We will now have you return to the temple to empty the safe. Be careful when you are making because another vehicle will begin patrolling the road that leads there. If you still have an Antitank Mine, do not hesitate to use it to destroy it. A new group of soldiers will come to protect the temple, so we'll have to be careful as you approach it.
You can enjoy coverage under the heap of green bottles, to remove soldiers patrolling near the temple. The soldiers who mounted guard the entrance of the temple are the same round as the ones you killed earlier. So just use the same strategy to get rid of in order to enter the HQ to empty the safe. Eliminate the third soldier patrolling inside the temple and near the trunk to start a cutscene transition.
Your last main objective will be to recover the body of Brauer, but Snipers block will come in your way. The first is posted at the entrance of the tunnel that passes under the mountain, which lies to the west of the entrance to the headquarters. Get rid of him as soon as the opportunity presents itself and go take cover where he was. Look with your binoculars to the village to the west of your position and mark the Snipers who monitor the sector. The first is posted at the top of the tower and two others cover the northern part. It only remains for you to eliminate to clean the area and go to the marker to end the mission.
07 - Air Field Pont du Fahs
Optional Objective:
Kill the radio operator to stop sending reinforcements
Destroy filing bombs
Kill all the operators in the control tower
Free the prisoners
Objects to discover:
9 War Diaries (Total 55/60)
3 nests Snipers (Total 19/22)
1 Shot Distance (Total 7/8)
3 Trading Card (Total 15/20)
Improvements Weapon 2 (Total 13/15)
First of all you should know that as you have not killed the radio operator, the enemies you cut down will be replaced automatically by others. After the opening movie finished, get out your binoculars to mark the individual soldiers sector. There are five patrolling below, two rocks to the north and three other nearby barrels Southeast. You will also see two around a campfire near the previous and the last is posted in the watchtower in the East. Start by looking after him making his rounds around the campfire, to be able to act more freely to eliminate the next two. Use the technique of stone to separate the soldiers near the fire, to get rid of them silently.
Then sabotage the generator in western campfire to cover the sound of your shots Sniper. Start by getting rid of the shift in the watchtower soldier and take care of the other three who patrol. Also remember to pull in the projector lamp, never to be embarrassed when you progress through the zone. Head off towards the watchtower then enter the trench and mount you take cover behind the crates in the upper zone.
Watch the back-and-forth that makes the guard below and follow it when it returns to eliminate silently. Then go to the top of the watchtower and interact with wooden boards to validate the recovery of the 17th Snipers Nest. So get out your binoculars to mark the many soldiers below, not to mention the Sniper who is stationed on the mountain to the west.
Get rid of him as soon as a plane flies over the camp and do the same with the other soldiers who protect the area. You decide if you want to eliminate them from far Sniper, it will then be patient to wait for a plane flies over the airport. But you can also infiltrate you with your Welrod, enemies are more or less isolated from each other. Then back down on land and head to the rock wall to the east of your position. Climb the small hill that rises to the north and get the 47th book War laid right on the rock.
Take your progress along the coast and interact with the small crate on the left, in order to validate the recovery of the 18th Snipers Nest. Enjoy once again for your elevated position to mark the many soldiers who protect the camp to the north. Also remember to mark the vehicles you see, in order not to be surprised by one of them while going near roads.
Locate the trenches below before off your perch and join them using the stairs to the right of the sniper nest. Take care when traveling in this area, because there is an enemy vehicle that is posted not far away. Sneak inside the first trench on your left, being careful not to be seen by the guards who patrol. Entered the bunker a little further to the left, to finish the first optional objective: Kill the radio operator to stop sending reinforcements.
Turn back out of the trench, taking the time to check if the Sniper you have eliminated earlier, was not replaced by another. If this is the case you get rid of it when a plane flies, then mount the slope toward the rock wall to the east. Dig right Torch southeast sector to get their hands on the 13th Collectable Card. Walk along the rock wall to the North until you activate the optional second objective: Destroy the filing of bombs. Get out your binoculars to see if there might not soldiers that you would not have scored and locate the different red barrels near deposits of shells.
Get rid of the silent soldier patrolling near the rocks below, so as not to be disturbed during your next action. Shoot the explosive barrels whenever an airplane flew over the airport to confirm the success of the optional second goal of the mission. Eliminate the soldiers survivors who still protect deposits bombs and move closer to the three tents below. Be careful when you are close to the road as an enemy vehicle going on from time to time.
Place 1 Antitank Mine in the middle of it and wait for it to do its job. Enter the tent and watch the middle on ammunition boxes to get the 14th Collectable Card. You then head to the control tower to the north-northwest and climb the coast to the west of it. You will find the 48th Book of War landed on the rock, just to the right of the location of the 19th Snipers Nest.
It is from the latter that must be carried out on 7th Archery Distance, the target being at the top of a dune to more than 600m south of your position. This shot is particularly difficult as the ball loses altitude, so you have to take higher if you want to reach your target. To make sure you succeed in killing her, pull when the little red diamond is in the center of the white arrow.
Enjoy your elevated position to mark the operators of the control tower and the Snipers stationed on the mountain to the west. Once one of the two operators comes down the stairs, remove it quickly in silence and follow each other to run it too.
Then go up the stairs cautiously to the top of the tower, being careful piercing gaze Snipers marked earlier. Eliminate operator sleeping in the control room and search it to retrieve the 12th Improved Weapon. You will validate the same time the success of the optional third goal of the mission: Kill all the operators in the control tower. Also examine the office in the center of the room to get their hands on the 49th book of War. Enjoy free offer you the wooden walls of the control room, to eliminate two Snipers unseen. Marquez also the various soldiers who protect the trenches to the west, then head over to them by skirting right. Make sure no guard patrol in the first trench on the left, to sneak to the bunker indicated by the mark main objective.
Interact with the control panel on the wall in front of you, to trigger a cut-scene transition. Get out of the bunker then paying attention to the soldiers who have just entered through the east trench and those who have changed their way round. Before entering the bunker where your next main objective there are some items to collect in the area. Head to the two chimneys on the crest of the dune to the west and down the other side to the campfire to get the 15th Collectable Card.
Then return to the other side of the dune and approach the large hangar at Southeast. Go inside as you approach the door carefully, because there are guards patrolling inside. Once you're cleared, look on the desktop in the western part of the room, to get hold of the 50th Book of War. Get out of the shed by the south exit and operate in the same way to remove any threat in the next. Then look around the office in the northwestern part of the shed to retrieve the 51th book War is placed on it.
Take the stairs which is in the northeast corner of the room to enter the basement of the airport where the main goal. Take the next step-to-door into the hallway and get the 52th book War placed on a box of ammunition on the left. Then continue your progress in the basement to the north and take the first right lane on which you will fall. Go past the first group of green cans on the left and put cover behind the second. Guards are coming down the hall and borrow the hallway on your right.
Follow them without being seen to eliminate them with a well placed M24 Grenade, when a plane flies over the airport to cover the noise of the explosion. Look more closely at the offices down the hall to get their hands on the 53rd book War placed on the left. Retrace your steps to direct you to the objective marker, by coming to the right lane. Interact with the grid cell as soon as the road is clear, to validate the success of the optional fourth goal of the mission: Free the prisoners.
Then eliminate the soldiers patrolling the room adjoining the northwest and examine the documents on the table to validate the active goal. Be careful going to recover the last two books of war because of patrols are occasionally in the hallway where they are. You will find the 54th book War placed on a box of ammunition on the right side of the entrance corridor to the northwest of the room. Continue on inside of it towards the West and take the first lane on the right that leads to the north. When you have reached the end of it, do you approach the center of the boxes corridor to the west, to retrieve the 55 th book of War.
Then return to the room where you found the 53 th book War and ascend to the surface by taking the stairs down the hall to the east. Once you've arrived at the top level, walk out the door in the wall behind your back. Go then to the objective marker to the south of the trenches, taking care to soldiers could reappear in the area. Once the transition is complete kinematics, your objective will be to protect the vehicle ally, who just tumble out of the airport.
The enemies do not notice your presence or your shots, so you can shoot with your Sniper without worrying about consequences. When your character celebrates arrival of enemies with Panzerschrecks, concentrate all your fire on them which are close to the tarmac. Once the goal is to protect the completed vehicle, mark the Sniper who appeared in the watchtower in the West. Eliminate him from the elevated position where you are and go search his body to get the 13th Improved Weapon.
The last major objective entrusted to you, is the destruction of the last remaining enemy vehicles. The first is a Panzer which lies at the south of the runway end and the other a 222 patrolling the airport. Before leaving the watchtower to get rid of, get the Panzerschrecks to destroy it. But if you want your job easier, it would be wise to take care of first and foremost. A good way to destroy it without too many problems, is to place a Dynamite behind him and start a fire with flint lighter side.
08 - Plant Rattes
Optional Objective:
Recover 4 shots of the weapon improved German
Objects to discover:
5 War Diaries (Total 60/60)
3 nests Snipers (Total 22/22)
1 Shot Distance (Total 8.8)
5 Trading Card (Total 20/20)
Improvements Weapon 2 (Total 15/15)
Start first by advancing along the steep path, by getting rid of the soldier who posted a little lower. Take back your progress in advancing cautiously, as a soldier on patrol the next portion. Follow him when he turns around to get rid of and stop at marker lens a little further. So get out your binoculars to mark the soldiers of each side of the throat and go quietly get rid of the one posted in the South.
Then retrace your steps to the location of the previous mark and advance to the bridge on the left to reach the other side of the precipice. Be careful when entering the hangar, as two guards who patrol the protect. Go quietly remove the lower one when you have an opening and do the same with the top one without being seen. Before descending to the lower level of the hangar, interact with petty cash to the left of the staircase, to validate the recovery of the 20th Snipers Nest. Then go look at the work plan in the southwest of the nest to retrieve the 1st part of the plans of the German advanced weapon.
Go back down to the lower level via the stairs, then go get the 16th Collectable Card posed behind the series of shelves. Use the bridge to the southeast of the shed to get the other side of the gorge, taking care to soldiers who are in the foundry. There is one that works on a bench at the entrance, another patrolling at the bottom and another posted on a platform height in the North.
The latter is particularly problematic because it sees everything that happens below it and then you will enter the foundry. Nevertheless, there is a simple technique to get rid of it, but we will have to act quickly if you want to succeed. Put yourself first to cover the corner of the rock, so that the noise generated by the foundry are heard. All that remains is for you to wait for the right time to get out of your coverage to eliminate it quickly with your Sniper. Then run the stealth soldier who works on the bench nearby and get rid of the patrolling behind the machines. Be careful as you approach the southern part of the foundry, because there are several soldiers working and another patrol on the floor.
Start by getting rid of it by covering the fire with the noise of the machines and climb the bridge where he was patrolling. Position yourself over the two soldiers who work in their established and clear them with your Welrod. But be careful to act quickly to remove the second, because it will react to the death of the first and begin to investigate. It is difficult to eliminate the enemies of the South-West part of the arms factory, trying to infiltrate without being seen or the bodies are discovered. You can still do the housework without being detected all these people to Sniper by covering the sound of gunfire thanks to machines.
However, it is possible to bypass all that part going outside, but then you mi two items to collect. You will find the 17th Card Collecting placed on the ground, left two soldiers you killed with your Welrod earlier. The 56th Book of War landed on a pile of metal plates, left six reels machined.
Then join the metal bridge in the southwest of the plant, being careful to guard patrolling on the deck below. As soon as it stops under you, get out of your coverage for the kill with your Welrod. Take the ladder to the lower level and interact with the wooden planks on the wall, to enable recovery of the 21st Snipers Nest.
Go inside the tunnel you just release and follow up to the shooting area of the nest. Get out your binoculars to mark the soldier who is perched on top of the cliff and kill him with your Sniper to validate the 8th Shooting Distance. You can also benefit from this elevated position, to mark the many soldiers who protect the second factory on the other side of the precipice. Will you then be placed at the entrance of the tunnel and pull the main objective indicated by the marker red barrel.
Be careful once the transformer destroyed by the explosion, as a guard may come and see firsthand what happened. Soldiers who are in the following plant are likely to look towards the nearby bridge. Reassemble the next level using the scale if this is the case, to get to the other side of the gorge with the other bridge. Get rid of the soldiers could be posted, as well as those that protect the second plant by covering the sound of your shots using the machines. Even if they are very numerous in this second plant, they will find you ever so they do not see you directly. Then go search bodies of your victims and especially the soldier with a helmet, for the 14th Improved Weapon.
Locate the two large metal tables on which are placed the gears and get the 57th book War on the desk nearby. Then go up to the upper walkway stairs that leads to the north and enter the room on your right. Look closely at the work plan in the northeast corner to get their hands on part 2 of the German plans for advanced weapon.
Get out of the room and then go to the right and watch the illuminated portion of the bridge to the left, to see the 18th Card Collectable on the floor. Be careful going to recover because the soldiers will come to protect the next part of the plant. You can use the same strategy to remove them, by going to put at the top of the stairs leading to the bridge. Position yourself then cover behind piles of metal plates between the two bridges and use your binoculars to mark the soldiers of the next sector.
Pull the red canister beside the transformer indicated by the objective marker and take care of the soldiers who come to see what happened. Cross the bridge to reach the next hangar once you have an opening and remove any remaining enemies. Then look on the large metal table left to get in on the 58th Book of War. Enter the small room in the southwest of the hangar and get the 3rd part of the plans of the German advanced weapon which is placed on the right.
Join the objective marker in the control room on the floor and interact with the ammo crate to place an explosive charge. Descend reach the elevator to the lower level, taking care to soldiers who are coming under the stairs. Go ahead to hoist if you do not want to complicate your life, for a cinematic transition will allow you to automatically flee. The hangar underground is filled with soldiers, he will first have to do a little housekeeping. Dig out the bodies of different enemies that you eliminate, because one of them keeps the 15th Improved Weapon in his pockets. It is difficult to know where it is exactly, but he has to patrol the ground floor in the West. Go to melt tanks north of the lift and remove the two soldiers stealthily that protect.
Sabotage the generator near the large wooden crates, then bring you placed just above him using the stairs between the tanks. Enjoy overhang the shed to kill a maximum of soldiers, being careful not to be seen by those posted on the runways in the West. After finishing eliminate the soldiers that you see from your position, get you rid of the soldier sneaked upstairs. Climb yet one stairs that leads east to get their hands on the 19th Collectable Card lying on the floor in front of you.
You can also take advantage of this position to mark the soldiers, then back down to the lowest level and approach the huge tank. Climb to the top of the machine using a metal staircase, being careful not to be heard by the workers who are working on it. Get rid of those waiting for you at the top and get the 59th book War landed on the ground on the left. Then back down to the floor below and then head to the northwest corner of the hangar, paying attention to the soldiers who protect the area.
Get rid of the remaining troops in the area and hide behind crates time the alert is lifted. Draw near to the bench once calm has returned to get his hands on the 60th book War is placed on it. Damaged the generator nearby if the explosion has not already done so and get out your binoculars to mark the soldiers patrolling the south. Get rid of those you have identified, covering the sound of your shots with the generator. Then go search the small room a little further southwest to recover the 4th part of the plans of the German advanced weapon.
Exit the room and continue to move cautiously toward the South and place antitank mines before the big blue door if you have any. This will instantly remove the reinforcements that come after the first four explosive charges placed. Come silently near the armory and get rid of the soldiers who protect the area. Go to the marker lens close and place an explosive charge on the pillar. You will see a series of metal shelves in front of it and you will find the 20th Card Collecting in front of them on the right.
It'll then have to put the other three explosive charges by visiting the places indicated by the objective marker. Once the kinematic transition completed, remove the last soldiers who have escaped the trap that you had handed them. When you got rid once and for all reinforcements will place the last charge at the top of the tank. Then go to the objective marker to escape the hangar and get rid of the enemies that lurk in the canyon. Once the cleaning is complete, stand on the raised area to the east and interact with petty cash to validate the recovery of 22th Snipers Nest. Locate your last target height indicated by the objective marker and pull one of the cables supporting the platform to complete the mission.
This section of the complete solution Sniper Elite 3 lists the locations where you will find 60 War Diaries. These are divided into eight sub-sections that correspond to each of the missions.
01 - Siege of Tobruk
Item Name: Letter to Martin
Location: Sitting on the floor of a platform guard, which is located in South East Tobruk near a carcass char.
Particular method to obtain: No
Item Name: Rules of Survival: Pulse
Location: Sitting on the green boxes in a tent, which is located in the center enemy camp atop the hill.
Particular method to obtain: No
01 - Siege of Tobruk
Item Name: 1 Snipers Nest
Location: This is the watch tower you'll find south of the enemy camp at the top of the hill, close to one of the four guns Nebelwerfers you must destroy.
Particular method to get: Once inside the watchtower, it must interact with the wooden planks that obstruct the view.
Long Shots
This section of the complete solution Sniper Elite 3 lists the locations where you will find 8 Long Shots. These are divided into eight sub-sections that correspond to each of the missions.
01 - Siege of Tobruk
Item Name: 1 Long Shoot
Location: From the watchtower you find south of the enemy camp at the top of the hill, close to one of the four guns Nebelwerfers you must destroy.
Particular method to get: Once inside the watchtower, it must interact with the wooden planks that obstruct the view.
Then look through the opening you just clear to see the soldier off the balcony of a white house.
Trading Card
This section of the complete Sniper Elite 3 solution lists the locations where you will find 20 Trading Cards. These are divided into eight sub-sections that correspond to each of the missions.
01 - Siege of Tobruk
Item Name: 1st Card Collecting
Location: Sitting on a box of ammunition in the watchtower which lies to the east of the enemy camp at the top of the hill, close to one of the four guns Nebelwerfers you must destroy.
Particular method to obtain: No
Weapon Parts
This section of the complete Sniper Elite 3 solution lists the locations where you will find 15 Weapon Parts. These are divided into eight sub-sections that correspond to each of the missions.
01 - Siege of Tobruk
Item Name: Stainless Steel Bezel
Location: In the pockets of the soldier who is in the headquarters in the southern part of the enemy camp at the top of the hill, close to one of the four guns Nebelwerfers you must destroy.
Particular method to get: Once removed the soldier must search his body to recover.
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