The Xbox One has a series of reports, which serve to alert the user to various actions such as online friends, Skype calls and downloads. Bothered by the number of warnings in the console? Learn to configure notifications.
Step 1: From the Console main menu, go to settings.
Step 2: Browse and go to "Options". The icon is on the right side of the screen.
Step 3: On the left side of the screen are the options for notifications. "Skype Notifications" serve to alert you when a friend call or even send messages.
Step 4: Notifications of received messages show the texts by friends of Xbox Live. Although useful, constant messages may be slightly annoying.
Step 5: Notifications Group show invitations and accompanying activities in a group of friends. Disable to stop receiving notifications when players have joined or left the group, which are often unnecessary.
Step 6: Notifications of games and the system can be disabled to prevent warnings of completed downloads, recorded video or even achievements.
Step 7: Still gives to choose whether to see notifications for friends joining, or just those added as favorites.
After configuring notifications as you prefer just go back to main menu. Plus they appear briefly at the bottom of the screen, the icon is filed in the planet format, at the top left of the main menu.
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