The Sims 4: Learn to redeem your rewards for sims 3 / expansions

The Sims 4 will reward its fans by offering special fixtures as rewards for players who have The Sims 3 and some of its 11 expansions. There is even a gold statue (The Ultimate Freezer Bunny Award) to anyone who has every product. Check out how to redeem them in The Sims 4. Promotion is valid until December 31, 2015.

Players, who have bought The Sims 3 or its expansions through digital store “Origin”, will not need to do anything to get their rewards because the games are already registered in their accounts. However, if they have bought in other stores, or even physical versions, follow this step by step to register them in your account.

Step 1: You will need an account on the digital store Origin of Electronic Arts and an account on the official website of The Sims 3.

Note: If you already have an account on the official website of The Sims 3, please log in with that data in the Origin store.

Step 2: If you do not have the bills, go to the official website of the Origin store and register. Then use the same e-mail account from Origin to register on the official website of The Sims 3.

Step 3: After logging in the official website of The Sims 3, go to the menu at the top of the screen and select "My Home", "My Account" and "Join A Game".

Step 4: You will be taken to a page asking for the Serial Number of your Sims 3 game or the expansions. This number can be found on the back of flyers with details of legal gaming license.

Step 5: After you register the games on the official website of The Sims 3 they will also appear in your account the digital store Origin. It may take up to 20 minutes for this information to be synchronized.

Step 6: Check your fixtures on the official website of rewards Sims 4 If a reward is not appearing for a registered game, you will need to contact the store Origin.

Step 7: When starting The Sims 4 fixtures of their bonuses will be available from the beginning of the game and can be found in Build Mode.
