Assassin's Creed Unity: Fix the Menu Crashing Bug

Assassin's Creed: Unity became "unplayable" for some users recently. A bug that makes the game hangs in the main menu when they try to continue the game. The Ubisoft has identified the cause of the problem and explained to users what they need to do to play again. Check out how to solve:

The problem is being caused by some kind of defect in the online contact list. It happens more precisely when you try to add players who have recently ventured with you. When trying to load the game, if any of these contacts on your list, the game crashes.

The solution is relatively simple, preventive just do not add anyone until Ubisoft has repaired the defect and delete contacts that have already done to be able to return to play normally.

Step 1: Go to My Brotherhood and select My Contacts.

Step 2: Press RB ( Xbox One ) or R1 ( PlayStation 4 ) to access your Game Contacts list.

Step 3: Find a contact that has been added by the method of recent players, "Recent In-Game Player".

Step 4: Press Y ( Xbox One ) or Triangle (PlayStation 4) to open the More Actions option.

Step 5: Remove the contact and the game will no longer crash.
