A huge world to explore, a story without being offered many revolutionary epic and memorable moments, a system of exquisite and full of possibilities combat and a lot of things to do so excessive that only complete history and could easily spend more 80 hours.
Unfortunately, its Western release was overshadowed by an inexplicable Chuck limited by Nintendo (an error of that company seems not to learn, as we are suffering today with amiibo figures), which managed to find a copy was all an adventure and that, consequently, many potential interested in it ran out the opportunity to test its honeys. And if it was already complicated before purchase, I find it now for less than 100 euros you can turn into an impossible mission.
The good news is that now this masterpiece of Japanese role playing game will again have a new opportunity to be known and for everyone to discover the reason for all the accolades and awards received. How Come? With a new version for Nintendo 3DS. Or rather, to New Nintendo 3DS, since this is the first game that will only work in this model of the console.
The truth is that since this conversion was announced have been many questions we had about it. This is a huge game and the idea of carrying a portable as New Nintendo 3DS we are seemed very complicated. The videos and pictures that have been distributed in the network did not help just to appease our fears, although we all know that the resemblance of these materials to how console titles are live is purely coincidental.
Finally, and with its launch scheduled for April 2, Nintendo has already provided us with a copy of the final version, so we have seen first hand the work they have done the boys Monster Games, also responsible for the great conversion received Donkey Kong Country Returns Wii Nintendo 3DS, and the truth is that after playing the first few hours the result we don’t have seemed more satisfying.
Moreover, we are still assimilating everything look and move so well and with virtually have to mention the dreaded buzzword: downgrade. See how the console is capable of displaying a map with such a large extent and the draw distance reach almost as far as the eye seems a technical marvel that we are definitely not used to seeing on a Nintendo handheld.
We have not noticed that the textures have resented the conversion and everything is very similar to what we saw on Wii in 2011, including both scenarios as characters. Good job with the latter can be seen especially in the many cinematic generated by the graphics engine of the game itself, as the rest of the time we will see from a distance.
What it has seemed to us is that the title has lost some of its color, something we can not confirm 100% yet and we will check ahead of its analysis put both versions next to each other to finish assessing any there are technical differences between the two, even if we have this in mind and don’t care too much how you saw in the previous console from Nintendo, needless to say Xenoblade Chronicles 3D looks great.
Yes, we have also detected small imperfections that affect one way or another to the general assembly, as the presence of the saw teeth, which is quite pronounced. This, coupled with the scale of the scenarios and how small is the screen New Nintendo 3DS (we are using the XL model to play it), causes that sometimes we find it a little difficult and even confusing to some of the items displayed, especially the smaller ones.
But certainly what most disappointed of its technical section has been the 3D effect. Not only does nothing, but it shows up very little worked and basically limited to emphasize the fore subtitles and different interface elements, while the game we see "background". Too bad that was not put some more effort with it, because the simple fact imagine this huge world tour with the volume and depth that could be achieved if New Nintendo 3DS gets that make us salivate.
The dual display not too used and bottom just see the minimap, our next goal and bars of life and experience of the characters to relocate at that time in our group, although it is also true that as a result the upper screen displays a much cleaner image. Yes, have not seen any touch functions.
Speaking of controls, commenting that the playability of the title fits like a glove New Nintendo 3DS and the lever C can move the camera smoothly, although we recommend that wax strong the speed at which it moves from the options menu as normal we found very slow and somewhat tedious. Moreover, the functions of each button are well distributed and not notice discomfort of any kind.
The soundtrack has also remained fairly intact and sound quality, which can only be good news, since the title is packed with unforgettable compositions will not try the patience to listen, so we recommend you to prepare your headphones to enjoy the most of your gaming sessions.
What we did not like so much was the elimination of the Japanese dubbing itself could enjoy Wii console in which we gave to choose between the original Japanese voices and English. This time we touch conform precisely with the latter, far from being bad (usually, the characters are well played and their voices are consistent with what we would expect of them, although there are some exceptions), far from the excellent work who conducted the Japanese actors, which was just perfect.
As we played, Xenoblade Chronicles 3D is looking us a very worthy and meritorious conversion, although it is true that this is the same game we could play four years ago with nothing to really invite repurchasing those already discovered the time this gem.
There are also some other totally anecdotal extra touch that will deepen when the time of analysis as well as in its gameplay, since in these prints have wanted to focus on the conversion has been done so that you can make you a little idea of what to expect him at the technical level and clear doubts. Anyway, we still have many hours ahead reliving unforgettable adventure to finish to make sure that there is nothing new and that all areas maintain good technical level seen so far, so if we you allow, we will to further address the Mekon with the power of the legendary sword Monado.
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