Toilet / Bathroom Locations: South Park Fractured but Whole

In South Park The Fractured but Whole, you’ll find 21 toilets or bathrooms and every building / residence has a comfort room, except Kenny. When you sit on these toilets you’ll be bale to unlock the achievement Crappin’ Forte.

If you are in the beginning of the game, then it is best to search and use them, because for some you need special allies’ ability. Below we’ll give you all toilet locations in South Park Fractured but Whole.

- Women's / Ladies / Girls toilet in the community center - For this you need your ally Toolshed’s ability - Sandblaster Buddy Power.

- Men's / Gents toilet in the community center - You need Fart Pause to cross the electric puddle and to activate the switch for the electric supply.

- Bebes House - On the first floor far left

- Kevin Stoley's house - You needed to get across the roof of the garage into the house

- Clydes House - On the first floor far left

- Craigs House - On the first floor far left

- Henrietta's house - On the first floor far left

- Jimmy's house - On the first floor far left

- Toilet in your house - On the first floor far left

- Butters House - On the first floor at the first door on the right

- Cartman's house - First floor to the left

- Stan's House - You need your Ally's ability - Sandblaster Buddy Power

Toilet Location, South Park Fractured, but Whole, Stan's House Toilet

- Kyle's House - On the first floor far left

- Gents Toilet (Police Station) - You can reach it over the break-room.

- Ladies Toilet 1 & 2 (Police Station) - Go to the right of the men's toilet through the hole in the wall

- Freeman's Tacos - You have to go through the door on the far right in the restaurant

- Big Gay AI's House - Walks across the living room through the hallway in the middle and then left

- Nichole's House - On the first floor far left.

- Peppermint Hippo - The toilet is on the right in the Strip club.

- In the South Park Mall - In front of the construction site.
