Fortnite Week 6 Quest List, All Season 3 Chapter 3 Challenges

New set of Fortnite Challenges for Week 6 Season 3 Chapter 3 are now alive.


As always, each quest will allow you to gain XP and level up quickly in the game. Some quests are difficult to complete. Here we listed down all available quests in this update.


Break open reality seed pods

Land headshots from 40m or more with the Hammer Assault Rifle

Purchase an exotic weapon from a character

Use a Baller, a Zipline and Geyser in a single match

Use the grapple glove to catch a zipline while airborne

Pick a legendary or mythic fruit from a reality sapling

Deal damage to opponents with rare or better assault rifles


Fortnite, Week 6, Quest List, Season 3, Chapter 3

Don't forget that Chapter 3 Season 3 will last several weeks, you will have plenty of time to complete all the challenges. Also, don't forget that every week Epic Games will add additional challenges.
