Batman Arkham City is a follow-up to Batman: Arkham Asylum video game developed by Rocksteady Studios, based on the DC Comics Superhero Batman.
The Arkham City picks up right where the original game left off. Warden Sharp is now the mayor. Following the incident of Arkham Asylum he has shifted all detainees to a new place in the city center. Here, Dr Hugo is running the new prison but there are strange things going on inside, and our superhero assigned to investigate the issue. There are plenty of villains and story to engage, but one of the things you'll observe about this game is that it just might be a little too big to deal with. It's swollen to the edge with villains, majority of them don't get enough screen time, and this makes for less development of the villains. But they are still appealing because some of them are presented to us so well.

Players who enjoyed the original game will defiantly get right into this one without any difficulties. The visuals are far better than the previous game and our superhero has a range of new moves and can carry out just about any action. His new gadgets are easy to handle and the diversity is amazing. The airborne techniques in the original game have gotten a revamp with the dive-bomb and sonic explosion on landing. Devices are still available but you have some new stuff like freeze bombs, an electric pulse gun, and a weapons Jammer. The flying is entertaining and makes getting around the map fairly easy. The 4 Catwoman steps are amusing, but restricted. There are some Catwoman only Riddler awards to assemble which expand her play time. You can prefer to stay away from the villain but battling with them is astonishing. You have several upgrades and great items to assemble, but again, you are tempted to disregard them and give your full attention on the mission instead. Some enemies require much more than simple key mashing and have to be dealt with them in a different way. The boss fights are difficult but simple to beat. Some strike can only be utilized one time and you’ll wish you had a cheat code to make your life easier.
Players who are new to this game might face difficulty at the beginning and might have to struggle with all the gadgets, the menu, moves and the task for a while before you could grasp them. But it's nothing serious.
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