The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3D (Leatherface) set for release in 2012

Lionsgate and Nu Image/Millennium have teamed up with the Director John Luessenhop (from the Takers) and writer Adam Marcus (from Friday the 13th series) to produce a sequel to Tobe Hooper's 1974 classic horror movie “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre”. Alexandra Daddario will play the lead role of Heather Miller and Trey Songz plays the love interest of Heather. The movie is currently in production, and it is scheduled for release on October 5, 2012.

Tobe Hooper's 1974 classic was claimed to be the scariest movie ever made. It was inspired by the real life Wisconsin's Ed Gein. It was unique for its time and there's still nothing quite like it today. The film was a huge box office success, producing several sequels. It packed with a team of teenagers who lift up a hitchhiker, end in a wilds horror house where they're detained imprisoned, tortured by a crazy cannibalistic folks. All the while, the person known as Leatherface who does the torturing and murdering while madly wielding one hell of a chainsaw from another world as it never appears to run out of gas. The original movie's great sense of terror is distinct by its gritty, semi-documentary style, evil sense of hilarity and that overused 70 - 80's camp style.

Here is the teaser poster for “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3D”
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3D, Leatherface, movie, poster, teaser, 2012
