I watched The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo again and it gets improved with several viewing since there is plenty to absorb. TGWTDT is based on a novel by the late Swedish novelist Stieg Larsson. Columbia Pictures is currently reproducing an US version of this film with the director David Fincher and will release later this year. I feel that this is unnecessary remake since the original Swedish version of the film was well done and I don’t know why they want to redo this one in US.
I have never read the novel based on this movie, so I don’t know how close this film pursues it's source material. TGWTDT tells the story of Lisbeth Salander, a security specialist and computer hacker who has been chosen to work with the exploratory reporter of the Millennium magazine “Mikael Blomkvist” by Henrik Vanger an old CEO of the Vanger Corporation. He wants to resolve the case of the strange vanishing of his niece “Harriet Vanger” during a family get-together some years ago on the isle possessed by the Vanger family. Together, Mikael and Lisabeth build a fascinating investigative team as they quickly understand there possibly more strange deaths associated and the scale of the investigation raises, turning into more risky.
What I like mainly about ' TGWTDT' is the apparently common characters and background. Michael Nyqvist is ideal as Mikael appearing just how you'd imaging a full-grown, in poor shape reporter. Noomi Rapace is evenly well selected as Lisbeth while not seeming too attractive but not hideous in any way either. Even when Michael and Noomi are facing with tough situations and their a bit gifted attraction to each other neither one mislays their integrity nor believability.
The other 2 movies based on Stieg Larsson’s "Millennium series "The Girl who played with Fire" and "The Girl who kicked the Hornets Nest" are not just follow-ups, they pick up right where the earlier movie ended, while the 3 films are fairly unlike. To see one of the movies ahead of the other would be a slip-up because each one is related to the previous one. The other 2 movies are good but TGWTDT is by far the greatest as it is quite a successful mystery.
The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo - Official Trailer [HD]
After watching the trailer for the American version, I agree - why remake it? The film is shot-for-shot identical to the original.