The Unpleasant…Jonathan Hoag Movie is in the works

Red Granite, Mythology Entertainment, Phoenix Pictures and Mystery Clock Cinema are teaming up with the Australian film director and writer Alex Proyas (from Knowing) to bring Robert A. Heinlein bestselling novel THE UNPLEASANT PROFESSION OF JONATHAN HOAG to the big screen. Red Granite will fund the adaptation and will also handle the overseas distribution of the film. According to, the filming is expected to start this fall in Australia, but no apparent release date set yet.

It tells the story of a man named Hog who cannot memorize what he does during the day. He hires a private detective team, a husband and wife, to follow him to find out what he fears is his shameful secret. They soon realize that the task they have undertaken may not be as easy as they thought. The truth takes a dark and eventually devastating turn as their study leads to a series of terrifying discovery, starting with a team of indistinct figures who seriously warn of awful consequences unless the pair right away stop their inquiry into the nature of Hoag's identity."

the unpleasant, profession of, johnathan hoag, movie, alex proyas
