Hunger Games Director Gary Ross to Direct Houdini Biopic

I knew only Harry Houdini the master magician, although he was so much more--probably a secret agent for the US and UK, inspiration for nations to build up an Air Force for the coming clash (World War 1), and even exposing a few of his secrets in order to train soldiers how they might get away from rival jails, etc. But of course the main story of all is his intense battle against false mediums and their bilking the sorrowful of both their wealth and playing with their emotions.

Gary Ross, the director of the Hunger Games is currently negotiating with the Summit Entertainment to bring “The Secret Life of Houdini: The Making of America's First Superhero” by William Kalush and Larry Sloman to the big screen. Summit Entertainment acquired the film rights back in 2009 with the intention of making an action film portraying Houdini as part Indiana Jones and part Sherlock Holmes.

No word yet on who will pen the script, or who will star in the iconic role of Harry Houdini.

Gary Ross, Direct, Houdini
