Remember mainstream rock radio in early twenties? Groups that were about as pioneering as a Nickelodeon animated film held the top spots, such creative visionaries as Creed and Linkin' Park. Then something new started broadcasting on the radio, heralded by several groups like the White Stripes and the Strokes. At the top of this new rock was Sweden's The Hives, exploded into the music scene with black-and-white outfits and weird stage names. The lead singer Howlin made their concerts legendary with his crowd-surfing behavior, and the group's breakthrough, "greatest hits" 2001 featuring their recognized number "Hate to Say I Told You So", gave them major-label support.
Four albums later and five years since their last effort, The Hives back with Lex Hives, an album that preserves the rasping punk spirit of their previous records while showing a new musical direction that saves the record from reiterating the trends of its forerunners.
Opener and first single "Come On!" begins with Chris’ thundering drum beats and Howlin's trademark yell, a typical Hives track opening up what at first appears to be a typical Hives record. Filled with back-and-forth backup shouts, the single is very much enjoyable, but it is nothing a Hives fan wouldn't expect.
Lex Hives tracks
1. "Come On!"
2. "Go Right Ahead"
3. "1000 Answers"
4. "I Want More"
5. "Wait a Minute"
6. "Patrolling Days"
7. "Take Back the Toys"
8. "Without the Money"
9. "These Spectacles Reveal the Nostalgics"
10. "My Time is Coming"
11. "If I Had a Cent"
12. "Midnight Shifter"
13. "High School Shuffle (Bonus Track)"
14. "Insane (Bonus Track)"
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