Robert Rodriguez's Machete (2) Kills Hit Theaters in September

Some years back, Quentin Tarantino & Robert Rodriguez teamed up to create homage to low budget - midnight cinema, a project they named Grindhouse, after the dirty torn screen movie cinemas known by that name. It usually screened 86 minute double features with titles such as Pelvis and The Cars That Eat People. They maintained themselves with screenings of The Rocky Horror Picture Show and The Grateful Dead Movie, paying no attention to the strong smells of marijuana that permeated the seating area, together with cheap wine and beer.

Tarantino and Rodriguez's homage comprised a double feature, Planet Terror and Death Proof, and several Coming Attractions, among which was the original movie, Machete, a flick just rip-roaring with silly stereotypes, cartoonish violence, and a bizarre storyline.

Compared to its low budget, Machete performed superbly at the box office, grossing over $40 million worldwide on a $10.5 million budget and the success of the movie prompted a green-light of a sequel.  

Open Road has revealed that they will release the follow-up film “Machete Kills” on September 13, 2013, approximately the same date that the previous film came out two years ago.

The film stars Danny Trejo as Machete Cortez, Michelle Rodriguez as Luz, Mel Gibson as Luther Voz, Jessica Alba as Sartana Rivera and Charlie Sheen as the President of the United States. It follows Cortez, who is hired by the President of the US for a mission which would be difficult for any person – Cortez must take down a madman revolutionary and a creepy billionaire arms dealer who has plot a plan to spread war and anarchy across the world.
