Do you ever wonder if your dog could talk? Say what it feels and what it wants? This is the proposal of the project "No More Woof", or "no more Barking". Its creators are doing a campaign to collect the funds needed to make the idea a reality.
The Scandinavian group, Nordic Society for Invention and Discovery (NCID), responsible for the idea has already achieved $ 4,315 in donations of $ 10,000 initial investment target. The gadget now works in English, but will be available in other languages such as Mandarin, French and Spanish.
Despite looking like a headset for gaming, the gadget uses the latest technology in microcomputer to do an EEG (brain scan). It is through this technique that the device can analyze the thinking patterns of animals and translate into human language. Among the feelings already translated, short phrases such as "I'm hungry", "I'm tired", "I'm curious, who is this?" and "I want to pee", the sound produce by a speaker, near the mouth of the dog.
Tomas Mazetti, the chief developer of the project, says the team happy with the experiment: "We love the fact that the higher peak brain activity that a dog demonstrates is when he looks at a human face trying to recognize who is". And tell also that during testing, the most frequent feelings were tired, hungry and scared.
The design is not yet ready: fragile, the reader is attached to the head of the animals but can still end up flying away and suffering from sharp falls, if a dog flap or shake. But the development engineer of "No More Woof", Eric Calderon, said that the team tests connect the product in the dog's collar to make it more suitable for home use.
According to its creators, the accessory complements the communication of the owners and their pets and can make an even more noble use in the near future. Asked if they use the invention in dogs, the team shows excitement: "I think it would be a way of people see these poor dogs as creatures with feelings and thus leave them more willing to help them. It's an interesting use, "says the Manager Maria de La Croix.
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