Rain (PS3) Step-by-Step Guide / Walkthrough

Updated 2025 

Rain is a PlayStation 3 exclusive game developed by Japan Studio (known for Ico and Shadow of the Colossus) in partnership with Acquire. A young boy, from his room, sees a girl running through the rain. They briefly make eye contact before the boy notices a strange, shadowy creature pursuing her. The girl flees, and the boy follows her into the rainy night.

Table of Contents

  1. Chapter 1: The Children and the Night
  2. Chapter 2: Raindrops and Footsteps
  3. The Church
  4. Chapter 3: Separation
  5. Chapter 4: The Two and the Town
  6. Chapter 5: Distant Shores
  7. Chapter 6: The Night Circus
  8. Chapter 7: An Unknown Town
  9. Chapter 8: Night's End

Chapter 1: The Children and the Night

The boy starts by escaping shadow creatures, who are trying to break through a closed gate. In the rain, you are visible to them.

  • Move right and follow the path to some scaffolding. Use X to jump/climb. Climb the scaffolding and continue right to a gap. Jump across the gap (X) to the porch and continue right.
  • You'll enter a covered passage where the rain doesn't reach, making you invisible. Your footsteps in the puddles will give you away. Jump over the table and exit back into the rain.
  • Follow the path through another passage until two monsters break through a gate and attack. Run (hold Square). Hide in the small shelter where the rain doesn't reach. The monsters will lose track of you.
  • Once they leave, continue. On the bridge, you'll see the girl being chased. You can't help her yet.
  • Continue through the now-open gate the monsters broke through earlier and follow the path into a courtyard. Go down the grand staircase and see the girl being chased.
  • Follow her. The monsters will now target you. Run back and hide under the awning to the left of the stairs.
  • Try again, carefully moving right. Hide under the awning on the sidewalk while the monsters patrol. Use the marquees as cover, being careful not to get too close to the monsters.
  • Continue right until you reach a truck blocking the way. Change streets and continue, hopping from awning to awning. You'll see a roof in the distance. Run (Square) to it for safety.
  • Continue right. You are protected from the rain and invisible, but there's an invisible monster. Watch its splashing footsteps to learn its movement patterns and sneak past it.
  • You'll enter a courtyard where the rain falls lightly. A narrow path by a wooden fence blocks another monster. It has its back to you, so you can pass. Go right to the small shelter. You can distract it by jumping loudly in the puddle (and then quickly hiding).
  • Wait for the next monster. Climb onto the wooden beams and across the scaffolding. It might collapse! Run and jump to safety.
  • You'll reach a courtyard with a fountain and many monsters. You are initially invisible. Go to the back under the canopy. Distract the monsters with jumps in the puddles and use the wall to move along and escape over the crates behind the wall.
  • The boy finds the girl again, but she doesn't notice him. She disappears up a moonlit staircase. You can examine objects with Circle for extra information. Examine the framework blocking your way to the stairs.
  • Go left, but a monster will chase you. Hide under the scaffolding. If you stay there, the monster will attack. Dodge at the last moment, causing the monster to crash into the scaffolding and partially collapse it.
  • Go left again to find another monster. Lure it and then sprint from cover to cover until you can lure it into collapsing the rest of the scaffolding.
  • Climb up and follow the girl up the stairs.

Chapter 2: Raindrops and Footsteps

You'll immediately encounter another monster. Run! Head uphill, keeping running, as the monster can destroy your shelters.

  • Quickly backtrack through the wooden shed. At the junction, turn left, go under the beam structure (which the monster will destroy), and through a hole in the fence to escape.
  • Follow the girl's footprints to a monster cage. Climb the boxes in front of it, jump onto the skeleton, and cross the cage. The girl is inside, calling for help. On the other side, open the door to briefly distract the monster, allowing her to escape.
  • Close the door and follow the girl. Climb over the box. You'll learn about mud puddles: if you walk through one, you become visible even outside the rain. Stepping back into a rain puddle washes the mud off, restoring your invisibility.
  • Go back to the previous mud puddle and avoid it. Hide under the framework before the next monster. Return over the boxes to the upper path and crawl (Circle) through the hole in the fence. Another monster is here; hide in the archway.
  • Sneak from cover to cover, watching out for the mud puddle, until you reach a gramophone. Use it (Circle) to distract the monsters. Run across the square with the fountain. The mud puddles will make you forcibly visible! Continue to the stairs and take the shortcut by jumping over the wooden pallet. Keep running until you can crawl through the wooden scaffolding to safety.
  • There's a water trough here; use it to wash off the mud. You're now ready to proceed to the church area.

The Church

This section focuses on navigating the church and its surrounding area to proceed to the next chapter.

  • The main church door is locked. The door on the left side is open. Climb the bookshelf inside and go through the broken window to the outside.
  • Shadow creatures will break through the wooden scaffolding, forcing you to move quickly. Go through the passage back into the church and cross the chancel. The monster will break through the crate in the middle of the church and approach.
  • You need to find a key. Unlike the boy, the key is visible to the monster. If it sees you with the key, it will attack. Without picking up the key yet, go back into the nave and follow the narrow dry path along the wall on the other side. Play the organ.
  • The monster will investigate the noise and pass you by outside. Now, quickly return, grab the key, and unlock the locked door.
  • Climb over the filing cabinet and shelf to exit the church.
  • You'll find yourself in the church graveyard. Crawl through the hole in the wall to enter the factory area, which begins Chapter 3.

Chapter 3: Separation

This chapter focuses on navigating the factory area and being separated from the girl.

  • Follow the path through the factory yard. You'll likely get muddy, but after climbing over the box, you'll find a puddle to wash off. A large, giraffe-like creature is nearby.
  • These creatures don't react to the boy. You can use their bodies as cover to remain invisible. Climb onto the container and hide in the dry area before the next creature. Wait for one of the large creatures to be nearby and use it as a "dry dock" to reach the other side of the yard, where another creature awaits.
  • This creature moves, so stay under it as you cross the area. If it stops moving, move to the next creature until you reach a safe shelter. Climb over the wall and see the girl on a bridge again.
  • Go through a gap in the fence, where a monster blocks the way. Go in the other direction to some scaffolding and climb it. Follow the bridge to the end and climb to the next level.
  • Climb the ladder to the third level and go through an open window into the factory interior. As you start to go down the stairs, another monster appears. You'll need to take a longer route.
  • Continue forward. Even if you haven't been directly spotted, the monster will pursue you. Reach a box blocking your way and push it aside. Quickly open the door and go through. Hide on the left side of the room with the box. The monster will patrol the room.
  • You need to push the crate back to the scaffolding, but you're standing in a puddle. Only move the crate when the monster isn't looking. Use the scaffolding to escape onto the bridge where you saw the girl earlier.
  • Continue through the control room and witness the girl being chased. Follow the path to a ladder and climb down. You need to get past a dog monster unseen. Simply walk past it (it won't see you if you're invisible) and climb up on the other side. Use the cover in the middle of the area.
  • You'll reach the area where the girl hid, but she's gone. You see her behind a fence – she finally sees you! But she's forced to flee again.
  • Crawl through the next passage. You'll reach a series of lockers, hinting at what to do next: sneak past the monsters by hiding in the open lockers. Make sure they don't see you enter.
  • Next, a guard dog is near a locker. Open the locker next to it before hiding inside. If it gets too close, exit and hide behind the nearby shelf. When it moves away, quickly enter the locker. If it changes direction, quickly exit.
  • You'll encounter another monster, but it's busy chasing the girl. Follow it to two guard dogs with their backs to you. They'll notice you if you get too close. Pull the lever to the left of the passage. The crane will move steel beams, creating a protective path past them.
  • Make sure the rear dog doesn't see you when you leave the invisible area and continue until you find the girl, who doesn't recognize you and runs away. Climb to the next lever, which raises a steel support as a bridge. Use it to reach the larger container in the background and climb onto the grid bar.
  • Go down the stairs into the interior. Climb up and jump over the containers to the back (being invisible can be confusing, so pay attention to the footprints), then follow the path back to the left into the open area.
  • Go up another flight of stairs. The boy finally reaches the girl, but she's chased away again by monsters. React quickly: a monster hits a wooden structure, blocking the girl's path with a trolley. Run along the narrow path and pull the trolley back so she can escape.
  • The girl is safe, but now the monster is after you. Run right and quickly hide in a locker. Choose the right one – only one is fully enclosed; the others have openings at the top where rain gets in. Wait for the monster to give up and chase the girl again.
  • Follow the path, jumping over the abyss (run and jump simultaneously) until you catch up with her. Quickly climb onto the box with the tarp, which makes you invisible. Wait for the monster to leave.
  • Continue onward, climbing boxes, stairs, and ramps, and exiting the factory back into the city.

Chapter 4: The Two and the Town

This chapter focuses on the boy and girl working together to navigate the town.

  • Climb over the barrier. A sword-wielding monster will immediately pursue you. Run! Climb the scaffolding and continue. You'll reach a dead end. The girl will help by throwing a beam onto a lead pipe. Hide in the corner until the monster breaks through the gate and leaves.
  • Go through the gate and stay close to the wall to remain invisible. While the girl distracts the monster again, climb the ladder and go through the area below the grid to find her.
  • Follow her down a long ladder and continue to a closed gate. The key is in one of the lockers. Go slightly into the hallway and then back to the rear to find it. Continue to two more dog monsters. Quickly hide under the narrow roof.
  • Quickly climb onto the crate and wall to find a toy clown. Use it to distract the monster, allowing the girl to escape. Once she's safe, drop the clown, become visible to the monster on the left, and escape over the wall on the right.
  • You'll meet the girl again; she wants to climb to the factory. Push the cage into place and climb it. Help the girl up so she can climb down the ladder.
  • Exit into a courtyard. You can crawl through a hole in the wood, but this knocks down a poster, preventing you from following the girl directly. Go slightly further to a box that you can move, allowing the girl to jump down. Together, push the souvenir car into position and climb it.
  • You'll reach a fountain with a new type of enemy: ticks. Climb up, jump over the skeleton, and hide in the corridor until the girl catches up. Run across the bridge until another dog blocks the way.
  • Run back under the shelter and wait. The ticks will take care of the dog. The path is now clear. Continue to the next ticks. Quickly climb to the house edge and then to the balcony. Help the girl up; she'll use the clown to distract the ticks.
  • While the ticks are distracted, go through the grid into the doorway. Close the gate behind you and take the doll the girl dropped. Follow the ticks. Place the doll on the left side and escape to the right, where you push the car into position to help the girl down.
  • The key to the next screen door is on the other side. Climb onto the spool, help the girl over the fence, and then go through.
  • More dogs! Quickly help the girl to the car and then climb the ladder. A large rhino monster appears and rams the car, sending it rolling. Position yourself before the gap in the roof railing and wait for the car to roll into a lead. Jump over to the girl.
  • Follow the canopy and jump down over the pile of boards. You'll reach a point where a lit house is visible in the distance.

Chapter 5: Distant Shores

This chapter focuses on crossing the river and continuing the journey towards the lit house.

  • The children approach the lit house, but a river separates them. Continue until a dog monster blocks the way. Several ticks are behind bars in the sewers. Open the gate to release the ticks onto the dog.
  • The next dog is trickier. Use the roof over the phonograph as a hiding place. Help the girl climb the ladder in the corner so she can push a board through the sewer system. Release the ticks, distract the dog with the gramophone, and then escape without being seen by the ticks.
  • A few steps further, the sword-wielding monster returns. Run! Head to a chute and crawl through it to safety. Help the girl up, then climb over the top. The bridge behind the girl will collapse, forcing you to take a detour.
  • Climb through the hole in the wall and follow the path. You'll find rushing water that washes off any mud. Continue until another monster destroys a gate. Lure it, then run left to the second gate, where there's a small area of invisibility. While the monsters are busy destroying this gate, climb up and over it.
  • The girl will climb out of a trough. Help her down the ladder. This angers the rhino monster. While the girl hides in a car, the rhino pushes it towards an abyss. Quickly save her before she falls.
  • Open the left gate to release the ticks, then run down the path to open the other gate. This solves the rhino problem. A railway bridge crosses the river, leading directly towards the lit house.
  • Before reaching the bridge, you'll encounter more ticks. Use the ladders to proceed. You'll find a crate blocking the path; push it aside. Further on, push the crate to the other side of the stream for the girl. She'll climb down a ladder and go through the sewer.
  • Lure a dog by jumping in the puddle in front of the two barrels. Run quickly. The mud puddle is unavoidable, but a water puddle is nearby to wash off.
  • Three dog monsters are ahead, but you can't see them directly. You can see their ripples in the water, and they can see yours. This is a challenging section. You and the girl must quickly run past them to the other side. Wait for an opening and observe the paths of the two front monsters. Run around the grid while they follow you. The third dog is in the way, but with some luck, you'll get past.
  • Climb a ladder, go through a screen door, and you'll finally leave the sewers.

Chapter 6: The Night Circus

This chapter takes place in a circus setting and focuses on navigating its various areas to progress.

  • The girl runs through the circus towards the lit house. A monster is trying to break down the door. Help the girl up, but she accidentally knocks over a bottle, alerting the monster to your presence.
  • Run back the way you came. The monster will spot the girl through the fence and chase her. Run alongside and behind her towards the circus tent.
  • The girl becomes trapped in the ring inside the tent, with the monster waiting outside the gate. Go around to the ring and climb down the ladder, being careful not to alert the monster by knocking over any bottles.
  • Go to the organ grinder and push it towards the ring. The girl can use the crank to play music, distracting the monster. Now you can go around the ring and climb the ladder on the other side. Climb another ladder to reach the area above the ring, directly under the big top. Lower a ladder for the girl.
  • The monster enters the ring, stopping below a large cage. Go left to a lever and lower the cage. This isn't enough to trap it. Further to the left are two more levers. You'll need to help the girl reach the highest one by giving her a boost.
  • The monster moves from under the cage. The girl throws down a clown doll. You need to get it. Climb back down, lure the monster to the organ grinder, grab the doll, place it in the middle of the ring, and quickly return to safety. The girl can now pull the lever, trapping the monster.
  • You can now approach the lit house, but the door is locked, and no one answers. Help the girl climb onto the kiosk, then climb onto the crate she throws down.
  • A shocking discovery: inside the lit house, in a bed, is… the girl herself! Before you can understand this, a monster appears, chases the girl, and destroys the house, extinguishing the light. You are on your own again.
  • Go down the stairs, through the ruined house, and out onto the street.

Chapter 7: An Unknown Town

This chapter sees the boy alone again, navigating a desolate town and eventually reuniting with the girl.

  • The girl is gone, the lit house destroyed, and the boy is alone in a dark city. Head right and follow the path over a large tree root, past a cage with ticks, along the narrow path, through the archways, past more caged creatures, and along a waterfall. Use a running jump to cross a chasm and continue following the path.
  • You'll find the girl again, but she's being pursued by a creature. Run down the stairs, jumping across chasms, down a ladder, and over more tree roots. This section becomes more of a platforming challenge, especially after ascending a grand staircase. Jump and run as needed, climbing bookshelves and continuing through outbuildings and further upwards.
  • Run back until you see the girl hiding under a roof. Jump onto the roof and push the square section forward, creating a protective cover for her. Continue pushing it until she can escape.
  • Run to the end of the area and pull a concrete block to the side, allowing the girl to continue. Quickly push the block back to block the monster's path.
  • Climb the ladder, jump across the gap, and follow the path. The monster reappears. Push the square section forward so it falls and destroys the bridge between the girl and the monster. Keep running, as the monster is now behind you.
  • Run and jump to a shelter. You are invisible here, but be careful not to move through puddles or into the rain. Watch the monster's movements as it searches. It's best to stay near the front of the shelter, allowing you to dodge left or right depending on the monster's position.
  • Wait until you can safely run to the girl's aid and push another block into position. Immediately climb up to safety. Continue running; you'll see a light in the distance. This light seems to hurt the monster, causing it to writhe in pain. The girl tries to lower a ladder for you.
  • Climb up and push the cuboids onto the monster.

Chapter 8: Night's End

This is the final chapter, focusing on the confrontation with the final monster and the culmination of the story.

  • With the previous monster defeated, the world seems more normal (though still with invisible monsters in the rain). The boy and girl decide to head towards the peaceful light in the distance. Climb down the ladder and you'll encounter another shadow creature. Sneak through the dry areas, avoiding detection. On the other side of the small courtyard is a gap you can crawl through.
  • The monster discovers you. Cross the bridge, only to reach a dead end. The bridge collapses under the monster's weight, dropping it below. You can now jump down. Help the girl up the next ladder, then climb up yourself.
  • Continue towards the light, going up and down stairs until the creature emerges from the water again. Follow the path, climbing as needed. You'll eventually reach the light. The monster is already there, chasing the girl. Help her.
  • Jump down and go up the path to a cuboid, which you push down to the girl, allowing her to escape before the monster breaks through the framework. Run along the path with railings. Another concrete block obstructs the girl's path. Run further down, being quick but careful, as you need to overtake the monster. You can use invisibility to your advantage here. Help the girl move the block.
  • Continue onward. Once the house is in sight again, the monster reappears. Run as fast as possible. After jumping down, hide with the girl under the overhanging structure. Don't try to run from the monster directly; it will eventually catch you.
  • Wait until the monster leaves and continue your path. It won't notice you. Keep going and climb to the treetop.
  • The creature reappears, initiating another chase. Run towards the light. You're safe here, as the monster can't stand the light. Help the girl open the other door.
  • The monster appears defeated, but manages one last attack, incapacitating the girl. The rain stops. Go to her; she's near a manhole cover. Navigation is tricky because everything is now visible, and the light is fading, but focus on footprints and shadows.
  • Help the girl open the second door. This weakens the creature significantly, but to fully defeat it, you must bring it into the light. Drag the creature by its feet through the door. This takes some time.
  • Close both doors to banish the creature. At the last moment, it tries to force its way back through the gap. Keep pushing the doors closed with the left analog stick until they are fully shut.
