Ryse Son of Rome: Campaign Mode Tips, Strategy Guide

Ryse: Son of Rome is a hack and slash / action adventure video game developed by Crytek exclusively for the Xbox One. With a unique atmosphere, a very dynamic gameplay and a story that holds the player from start to finish, the game brings an extremely linear campaign. Check out some tips to do well on the journey of Mario and his rise in Rome.

How to deal with stronger enemies:

On one hand block the attack at the right time is extremely recommended against weaker enemies, on the other hand, just dodge ensures defense against stronger opponents, because in certain situations a single blow can end up the life of Mario.

Complete executions with the Quick Time Event

Whenever possible complete the execution using the mini quick team event. The bonuses offered are essential for your character to evolve significantly, taking advantage of the submissions to collect XP points, regain energy and cause double damage on hit.

Always try to vary the resource according to the situation

Explore the bonuses satisfactorily make your task simpler. When with their low energy use improving retrieving it after each brutal sequence of success. If your energy bar is full, prioritize the possibility to acquire experience points.

Use voice commands (LB)

In many situations the game will offer the possibility to perform actions through voice command. The fact can streamline enough resources during the fighting, preventing the player miss time by pressing the LB button and letting the free control for direct combat. Request help from archers and control your army wherever possible through Kinect.

Against Glott use the dodge and hit the counter attack

The scary Glott can not cause great fear in players with an advanced skill, but if you have reached this point without running the blockade to perfection need to learn the feature quickly. Against the big guy use the dodge to escape the first attack and strike the back. When the attack comes in full force, just hit it at the right time to stun the monstrous enemy.

Use the counterattack at the right time

In the last playable scene Ryse: Son of Rome players must utilize the counterattack at the exact moment. Your correct answer to the movements of opponents defines the death of the main villain of the game.
