Adam's Venture Chronicles Useful Tips to play the Puzzle game PS3

Adam's Venture Chronicles is a very simple game. With a few tips players can master the controls, the scenarios explore and leave behind all the puzzles. Learn how to evolve the adventure without violence with the instructions below.

Understand the mechanics of the puzzles

The main highlight of Adam's Venture Chronicles is the puzzles. Although simple, sometimes players will face challenges with a similar format. Write accounts to achieve the same result in every way, put sentences in the correct order and mix colors to complete the goal. Much of the game's puzzles are repeated, changing only a few pieces and degree of difficulty.

The first game challenges are decisive because they have a mechanism that will accompany the player until the end of the story. Stay tuned.

Try to memorize the path traveled

The player will need several times back in scenarios that have been to open doors that were previously locked. Play as much attention as possible and remember the ways to avoid getting lost in the journey. You will save time if you're in the map of the main rooms of the saved game.

Master the simple controls

The controls of the game are extremely simple. To move the protagonist players must use the left analog stick to jump you have to press the X button to duck and just hit the Square. The right stick moves the camera slightly on all sides

Intuitive controls also continue working on the puzzles. The right lever moves the items, while the X button generates an action. Everything is very simple and didactic, with explanations on the screen at specific stages.

Scour the scene

Explore the landscape to find the most special items. The game is filled with secret passageways, hidden rooms and keys to unlock other decks. Pass under the waterfalls, drag all possible spaces of rocks and climb the structures to uncover the secrets of Adam's Venture Chronicles.

Always walk with a torch

Fire is one of the main elements of the game. Whenever possible walk with a torch, as it will be essential to illuminate the rooms, to activate defense mechanisms and to resolve issue related to puzzles.
