GTA 5: How to Steal and Sell Cars to Make Money in online mode

In GTA 5, selling cars is one of the fastest ways to make money, but it is allowed only in online mode. The process has a limit, and can only be done once in every 48 minutes, but with a little patience and some free time, you can raise a lot of money if you sell the right cars. Learn how to do this in this tutorial.

Step 1: Steal any car on the street (by pressing triangle on PS3 or Y on the Xbox 360 ), it is in motion or parked. Avoid doing so by police not to run the risk of being persecuted.

Step 2: Press down on the directional pad and see its name. Check if it is on the list of cars the end of the tutorial.

Step 3: If you are and you believe that the value of it is just, take it to a shop in Los Santos Customs and select "sell". Remember that money is only paid in full when the car is in perfect condition.

Step 4: Rare Cars (sold in the gaming internet sites) can be found on the streets of Los Santos and stolen.

Besides this type of theft, note that Simeon will always ask you, by phone, to collect some cars for him. When you do, take them to a Los Santos Customs, change your paint and then deliver it to the docks, under "S" that appears on the map. There are the most common and also the "high priority" green cars that are indicated on the map. The prices of these are even higher.

Table with cars and prices:

Car Type - Name of car - Money

Lampadati Felon GT $ 9,500
Lampadati Felon $ 9,000
Gallivanter Baller (Modern) $ 9,000
Gallivanter Baller (Classic) $ 9,000
Obey Rocoto $ 8,500
Canis Bureau (Merryweather Jeep) $ 8,500
Ocelot F620 $ 8,000
Benefactor Schwartzer $ 8,000
Ubermacht Oracle $ 8,000
Albany Cavalcade (Modern) $ 7,000
Benefactor Dubsta $ 8,000
Albany Cavalcade (Classic) $ 7,000
Ubermacht Zion $ 6,500
Ubermacht Zion Convertible $ 6,500
Benefactor Schafter $ 6,500
Ocelot Jackal $ 6,000
Benefactor Serrano $ 6,000
Ubermacht Sentinel XS $ 6,000
Ubermacht Sentinel $ 6,000
Dundreary Landstalker $ 5,800
Fathom CF 2 $ 5,000
Mammoth Patriot $ 5,000

GTA 5, Steal, Sell Cars
