94 Degrees - Solve all Puzzles (Game)

94 degrees is a funny puzzle game for iOS and Android devices, requiring both your gray cells. In the following guide to 94 degrees we give you the solution to the first puzzle in 94 degrees.

Have you selected the correct answer, the pin turns red, that means your solution is 94 degrees hot and you come to the next level. Is it wrong, you will show the color of the pins, how close you are to it: The colors range from blue = cold (far away) to red = hot (close to it / right). Our solutions to the first levels in 94 degrees are of course all hot!

Tip: You can zoom in at 94 degrees in the images.

Solution Question: Germany
This large country in the center of the map.

Solution Question: chest muscles.
Large areas below the neck.

Solution Question: ring finger
Second finger of the right (fourth from left).

Solution Question: shovel
Second subject of the right.

Solution Question: fast food.
Burger King

Solution Q: 1/4 of the rope
Links start (where you have to guess)

Solution Question: ribs
The finger-like things in the chest, below the head.

Solution Question: sea turtle
Links, below the fish swarm.

Solution Question: Petal
Right or left outside, next stamp.

Solution question: Stop, give way.
Stop sign

Solution question: Biceps
Arm muscle above the elbow.

Solution Question: Zodiac sign of a person who was born on February 28.

Solution Question: Basketball
Greatest round ball, with lots of lines.

Solution Question: Lip gloss
On the lips.

Solution Question: Bavaria
State the bottom right.
