The oPhone Duo gadget promises to send and receive messages to scented act as a kind of smells decoder. The secret of the handset is its integration with the iPhone app oSnap, which serves to transmit aromas electronically. The software allows up to 300 thousand different odors.
According to David Edwards, Franco-American teacher who had the idea, oPhone Duo will capture the best flavors when compared with other similar products already on the market as Smell-O-Vision, Odorama, iSmell. The handset comes with 32 primitive scents and works with 8 oChips, circular low cost cartridges. Each of them has four distinct smells.
Such cartridges have the capacity to last for hundreds of sprayed and can be exchanged in the same way as the ink versions. According to the creators, using together with oSnap delivers an app similar to using a palette of flavor with a brush and canvas experience. When the message aroma is closed, the user does not experience the smell.
It is IndieGoGo’s collaborative project and the goal of the team is to raise $150,000 funding target by the end of July. Only then the new device will go into production. According to its creators, the price of the product will be $ 199 and for those who participate in crowdfunding, the cost drops to $ 149.
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