Panda Bear play Boys Latin on Jimmy Fallon show

The Panda Bear was the musical entertainment of the night (14) on the talk show hosted by Jimmy Fallon. The musician who is called "Panda Bear" is Noah Benjamin Lennox, who is also a member of Animal Collective .

Lennox is launching this week "Panda Bear Meets the Grim Reaper," his fifth solo album and the first since the acclaimed "Tom Boy" 2011.

The sound of the Panda Bear is difficult to define, encompassing synthpop, experimental music, German 70s rock, hip hop 90s and more.

"Panda Bear Meets the Grim Reaper" already received unanimous critical acclaim, considers the album as one of the first highlights of 2015.

In Fallon program, Noah performed alone using an electronic apparatus to accompany him. The hypnotic single "Boys Latin" was the song chosen to perform on the show.

Watch the video below:
