Combine Wrestlers!
Before you combine your wrestler, trained them to the end of their stage! Then your "professional" -Wrestler will be much stronger.
Tag Team:
Observe when tag team that triangle always found a diamond in the Superstars! Thus gets his bonus.
Randy Orton (triangle to the right) + Under stroke (triangle to the left) = good Tag Team - + 10% on all attributes
Rey Mysterio (triangle pointing right) + John Cena (triangle to the right) = Tag Team - +/- 0% on all attributes
Stone Cold Steve Austin (triangle up) + Triple H (triangle to the left) = bad Tag Team - -5% on all attributes
Combining Cards:
If you have particularly rare or better card 2 times, you can combine them into a pro version. This means better value, more level ... simply a better card.
If that's the case then you should first two cards max. level up. eg An ultra rare card. She has a beginning value of
160 values for all four. If they max. then high level ~ 270th. But now comes the most important: If you get both cards combined the map just a bonus of +4. So total value at the end of 280. If the cards but max level they get a bonus of +25. And at the end- has the card values of ~ 500
All beginnings are difficult:
Everyone knows it, in the beginning it is not particularly easy to find the game much less to maintain because of the good players with. At the outset, it should be noted that you only play against players who have deep battle figures. The trick is that players with deep battle figures (5 wins 6 Lost or others) have not been particularly good cards and you have an easy game.
It's just a suggestion on the two cards win. Even if you lose you get a card and this is very fair in the game.
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