GTA 5 will receive one of its most anticipated updates, which brings the assaults "Heists" for its online multiplayer. You can take part in close-ups, as well as Michael traced in single player campaign. However, the difference is intended to alert your friends to participate. GTA 5 is now available for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, and the new DLC arrives on March 10.
As Part of Assaults
The update will bring five rounds for you to perform with your friends. To access them, you need to be at least GTA Online Rank 12, have a "high-end" apartment, with parking for 10 cars, and wait for a Lester connection. When this happens, you open the "planning area" where you can recruit up to three other friends to participate in the assault with you.
Each assault lasts about two to three hours, depending on the skill level of those involved. They are divided into small sessions of preparation 20-30 minutes and there are assaults in the single player campaign. In these missions, you need to train certain skills that will use assaults or get important items for the plan.
Costs and Rewards
Recruit your friends will cost somewhere around $ 60 GTA thousand, but a reasonable investment that can be recovered with ease. This is because each preparatory mission can generate about GTA $ 12 thousand, in addition to the assault profits. There are a number of requirements, how to complete the entire mission in first person mode, which can guarantee bonus GTA $ 100 thousand to $ 1 million GTA.
By having the assault cash on hand, you can distribute it as you see fair. As the mastermind behind the whole plan and lead investor, its share can reach up to 55% of profit. The share of other players, in turn, can go from the remaining 45% to zero. This allows you reward those who did better or even punish those who caused problems.
Realizing the Assaults
Expect a lot of action and strategy, as well as in assaults offline GTA 5. There parachute jumps, chases, escort missions, shootings in the street and snipers supporting distance. Teamwork is essential to keep things under control.
You will have only two lives to complete the round. If a team member dies and soon after another is also eliminated, you will return to the last checkpoint. There are enough of them, so this is not really a problem. Remember that other users can not hinder your progress in the assaults, so you just have to worry about the enemies of the game.
The missions have basically two rhythms. The first is when all feel a great satisfaction for the plan to be working exactly as it should, eliminating enemies unnoticed. The second, the most fun is when something goes wrong and ends up being necessary to improvise to complete the mission, turning everything into a big mess.
Criminal Mastermind Challenge
After completing the assaults, there is a big challenge waiting for players: the Criminal Mastermind Challenge. This is a mode in which you must complete all the assaults again, one after another, on Hard difficulty and with only one life. This is an extremely punitive challenge because a death can throw away hours of planning. However, the reward points out, a gain of $ 10 million GTA.
Adversary Mode
For each completed round, you get a new scenario to play the new multiplayer mode Adversary. It is a way of asymmetric confrontations, in which user groups are divided into unequal teams and with different objectives, usually having to eliminate the other to win.
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