CoD: Advanced Warfare Reckoning Exo zombies mode weapons guide

The CoD - Advanced Warfare offers Reckoning DLC, the last part of the popular Exo-zombies mode. We show you all available weapons so you can prepare properly for the final zombie battle.

Call of Duty - Advanced Warfare - Reckoning brings you the final of the Exo-zombies saga, a panel of four major co-op maps story campaign, in which concerns triggered by biological weapons zombie plague. The whole zombie story takes place in an alternate reality of the Call of Duty universe and covers a total of four maps. There you will find some weapons in 3D printers, one of which to spit some unchanging shoots.

Advanced Warfare: Reckoning - The weapon selection in the Map Outbreak

The first map of Exo-zombies saga called Outbreak and place in a secret Atlas Research Base, in which the zombie plague has broken out. Your characters have to fight with the following weapons to survive.

All weapons in Outbreak

Name TypeLocation Costs
Atlas 45GunStandard equipment -
Sliver grenades GrenadeStandard equipment -
MK14Assault rifle (semi-automatic)Start area 500
Bulldog Shotgun (semi-automatic)Start area 500
AMR9Submachine gunAtlas command center 1000
HBRa3 Assault Rifle (fully automatic)Burger Town 1250
Explosive droneDroneSewerage 750
ARX-160 Assault Rifle (fully automatic)Exo-Test Chamber 1250
MP11Submachine gunValue Voltage 1000
Contact GrenadesGrenadeSewerage 750
Tac-19 Shotgun (pump-action)Sewerage 1500

All weapons on the map Infection

The Map Infection is the second chapter of the Exo-zombies story and set in a typical zombie movie cliché, a shopping mall. There are of course also plenty of shoots around in different stores that we want to show you in the following table.

Name TypeLocation Costs
Atlas 45GunStandard equipment -
Sliver grenades GrenadeStandard equipment -
MK14Assault rifle (semi-automatic)Start area 500
Bulldog Shotgun (semi-automatic)Start area 500
AMR9Submachine gunCenter 1000
HBRa3 Assault Rifle (fully automatic)Mortuary 1250
Explosive droneDroneExo-Test Chamber 750
MP11 Submachine gunManagement 1000
Contact GrenadesGrenadeCustody cells 750
Tac-19Shotgun (pump-action)Custody cells 1500

The Arsenal on Carrier

The Arsenal on Carrier is the third map and the penultimate chapter of the Exo-zombies story. This time it has drifted to a high-tech aircraft carrier, the survivors, on the course, the zombie plague has broken out.

Name TypeLocation Costs
Atlas 45 GunStandard equipment -
Sliver grenades  GrenadeStandard equipment -
MK14 Assault rifle (semi-automatic)Start area 500
Bulldog  Shotgun (semi-automatic)Start area 500
AMR9Submachine gunAtlas command center 1000
HBRa3 Assault Rifle (fully automatic)Armory  1250
Teleport grenadesgrenadesArmory 750
ARX-160 Assault Rifle (fully automatic)Bio-Lab 1250
MP11Submachine gunHold 1000
Contact Grenades GrenadeArmory  750
Tac-19 Shotgun (pump-action)Infirmary 1500

The selection of the 3D printer

Ordinary 3D printers spit out one of the following weapons randomly for 1,000 credits.

Magnetron (Infection)
M1 Irons (Carrier)
LZ-52 Limbo (Carrier)
