Units are the main in-game currency in No Man's Sky. With this money you can buy new spaceships and the resources for upgrades.
So far, we have noticed three different ways to make money in No Man's Sky, which can lead you to many units. These three options you have to repeat many times to get a lot of units, because you will not earn much in a single pass. The following guide shows you what ways you can farm Units quickly in No Man's Sky.
- Scanning, rename and upload: By analyzing visor will be able to scan and explore anything. You can find a new plant or a new alien, you can rename them and upload them to the Atlas. The same is true for newly discovered planets and systems. With such actions you can farm units start from 500 units and in this way if you have dealt with all scannable objects of a planet, then you can get even 200,000 units. So on the way with your analysis visor you research every new planet in No Man's Sky to farm plenty of Units. You should find waypoints, you can also rename your findings and upload them to farm more Units
- Selling Items: On your expedition you can find many dark green items. This you can not use other than to exchange them for Units. In addition, you can farm resource and offer them for dealers for sale. Your spaceship and inventory in Exo-Suit will be fast. No problem, because it will get you units. Once you have collected enough iron and platinum, you don’t sell them just like that but you can craft a Bypass Chips. This brings you significantly more units than the commodities.
- Shoot Asteroid: That's a pretty easy way to get these materials and either use or sell them to dealers. However, you have to find out the right Asteroid to earn more. If you have patience, then you can implement this action every 15 minutes, because asteroids spawn new.
- Rare Items: When landed on a planet on which the Sentinels attack you immediately, here you can probably find many rare items with them you can farm fastest Units. However, this is also the most dangerous of all. Get your multi-tool and scan the ground. If you see green squares with a white exclamation mark on an item, then you know that this is special and rare item. As soon as you collect them, you will virtually overrun by Sentinels. Now you must travel to the nearest trading post and can sell these valuable goods. You will find your way on planets that have a very low guard presence. However, they will be alerted as soon as you pick up the rare items. You also need to careful when you decide to trade items on a space station, because with this precious cargo you can quickly be attacked by robbers. Nevertheless, the effort is worthwhile, because as you can farm several thousand units.
What actions bring you many units?
Since there are many resources in No Man's Sky, we don’t want to list how much money you will get by selling of these commodities. Much more interested here is how many units are obtained for certain actions. These numbers you can see below:
Upload discovery - From 500 units upwards
Rename planet - Approximately 2,000 units
Rename system - Approximately 5,000 units
Bypass chips - Approximately 3,500 units
Albumen Pearl - Approximately 25,000 units
Vortex cube - Approximately 25,000 units
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