Flying Wild Hog has released the first update for its first person shooter game Shadow Warrior 2. The Patch version for PC will fix number of problems. As a new feature, an HDR Display Brightness Slider was also added in the graphics options.
After installing the update, Shadow Warrior 2 should also start with dual-core CPUs without problems. In addition, the problems with corrupt memory cores occurring with some players are a thing of the past. As a new feature, there is an HDR Display Brightness Slider in the graphics options. The complete list of patch notes with all changes and innovations you can find below. You can also find more information about Shadow Warrior 2 in Our beginner's guide, which is the perfect resource for anyone who needs to get started in the game
Shadow Warrior 2: Patch Notes - V
- Fixed cutscene FOV when playing with non standard FOV
- Fixed game stuck on 2 core CPUs
- Added safe mode (add - safe to properties- general- set launch options) in order to fix startup crashes on some configurations
- Added option to disable AlienFX (add - noalienware to properties - general- set launch options) in order to fix startup crashes on some configurations
- Added option to disable video (add - novideos to properties- general- set launch options) in order to fix startup crashes on some configurations
- Fixed PAX MP avatar skin
- Fixed weapon select menu blur constant rendering on screen, even when weapon select menu is hidden
- Added HDR Display Brightness slider
- Fixed co-op bug, which could be corrupts saves
- Added lobbying by difficulty and player level
- Added list of previous saves, so in case of corrupted, you can load previous one
- Localization fixes
- Fixed hitching of intro movie
- UI improvements: Allow replace gem inserted in weapon
- Fixed AlienFX crash on startup on some configurations
- Fixed corrupted saves bug
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