The introduction video in Conan Exiles looks fantastic but loses its charm after you have seen it extended time. For this reason we show how you can skip this intro easily.
As mentioned above, we have a very simple method that works with almost all players. While the majority of players are used to to skip an intro with the ESC key or right-click, Conan Exiles is a little different:
Just click on the intro with the left mouse button. You'll probably have to try it several times to make sure your experiment is successful. If you have created a new character, an intro comes back. In this case, a short key-press on the ESC key should provide a remedy and skip the intro.
In the intro, a symbol similar to a small microphone appears at the bottom of the screen. Click on it - and try it several times to skip the intro. Since the game is still in the early access phase, we are assuming that the developers will soon add more possibilities to skip the intro.
Other Methods To Skip The Intro
If you want to keep the intro permanently, then you don’t have to click on it, you should check the Conan Exiles code. This is not so difficult. Basically, you just have to delete or replace words. Our first method is:
- Click the folder of Conan Exiles, which you can find here: steam\steamapps\common\Conan Exiles\ConanSandbox\Content\Movies.
- Mark all videos except StoryIntro and copies them to another location, for example to the desktop.
- Delete the .mp4 files from the folder.
- The StoryIntro video you need to connect a server or delete it can cause problems.
- If something is not displayed correctly or the game crashes, copy the files you have backed up somewhere and copy them to the Conan folder.
If this does not work, you can also try the following solution:
- Go to the following file: steam\steamapps\common\Conan Exiles\ConanSandbox\Config\DefaultGame.ini and open the initialization file with a text editor or programs such as Atom or Notepad.
- Now search the following code: bWaitForMoviesToComplete=True bMoviesAreSkippable=True -StartupMovies= +StartupMovies=StartupUE4 +StartupMovies=StartupNvidia +StartupMovies=CinematicIntroV2
- Replace the rows with the following: bWaitForMoviesToComplete=True bMoviesAreSkippable=True -StartupMovies= -StartupMovies=StartupUE4 -StartupMovies=StartupNvidia -StartupMovies=CinematicIntroV2
So you only need to convert the plus sign into minus sign. Alternatively, you can also put a semicolon before the plus. For example, a line would look like this: ; +StartupMovies=StartupNvidia.
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