Cheats and Console Commands: Mass Effect Andromeda

(Updated for 2025)

Mass Effect: Andromeda offers a wealth of console commands that can enhance your gaming experience, from improving performance to customizing the user interface. While the game itself doesn't explicitly advertise these tools, using them can significantly boost your enjoyment and allow you to explore the game in new ways. Whether you’re a casual player looking for performance tweaks or an experienced gamer trying to push the limits of your setup, this comprehensive guide will cover the most useful and unique cheats and console commands in the game.

Important: In Mass Effect: Andromeda, the console is primarily used for debugging and tweaking settings, so be cautious when entering commands. These commands are generally safe, but using them in an unintended way could impact your game’s performance or behavior. Always back up your game files before experimenting.

How to Access the Console?

To enter console commands, press the tilde (~) key while in-game. This will bring up a text box where you can enter your desired command. Press Enter after typing a command to execute it.

Key Console Commands to Enhance Your Experience

1. Performance Monitoring

If you want to monitor your system’s performance while playing Mass Effect: Andromeda, these commands will be your best friend. They let you see your FPS (frames per second) in real-time, and even monitor GPU and CPU performance.

  • PerfOverlay.DrawFps
    Displays the FPS on screen, helping you assess how well the game is running on your system.

  • PerfOverlay.DrawGpuGraph
    Visualizes GPU usage over time. This can be helpful if you want to monitor your GPU load while playing.

  • PerfOverlay.DrawFrameGraph
    Shows the frame timings and helps identify performance bottlenecks in the game.

  • PerfOverlay.FpsDisplayScale
    Adjusts the size of the FPS display, making it easier to view on different screen sizes.

  • GameTime.MaxVariableFps
    Limit your FPS to avoid screen tearing. Set a specific frame rate cap to smooth out gameplay.

2. UI and HUD Tweaks

Want to declutter your screen or improve the user interface’s visibility? These commands help you control how much information is shown.

  • UI.DrawEnable
    Toggle the entire HUD on or off. Use ui.drawenable 0 to remove the HUD and ui.drawenable 1 to bring it back.

  • Screenshot.Render
    Forces the game to render a screenshot, ideal for when you want to capture an image with or without certain UI elements visible.

  • Screenshot.Format
    Choose the file format for screenshots. For instance, you can set this to png or jpg depending on your preference.

  • Render.ResolutionScale
    Scale the game’s resolution up or down to improve visual fidelity or performance. Lowering this setting can give you a performance boost, especially on lower-end systems.

3. Graphics & Visual Enhancements

For players looking to fine-tune the graphics or experiment with advanced settings, these commands offer the control you need to tweak everything from lighting to motion blur.

  • Render.Device.VSyncEnable
    Turn V-Sync on or off to prevent screen tearing. If you have a high refresh rate monitor, you may want to disable it for smoother gameplay.

  • WorldRender.MotionBlurEnabled
    Enable or disable motion blur. This can either improve immersion or cause visual distractions depending on your preferences.

  • PostProcess.DofMethod
    Choose a Depth of Field effect method. Adjusting this can change how backgrounds blur during focused moments.

  • WorldRender.TransparencyShadowmapsEnable
    Activates or deactivates transparency shadow maps, which can affect how light interacts with objects in the environment.

  • RenderDevice.TripleBufferingEnable
    Enable or disable triple buffering. This is particularly useful if you experience screen tearing while V-Sync is enabled.

  • WorldRender.FilmicEffectsEnable
    Turns on or off filmic effects like color grading and lens effects, giving your game a cinematic feel.

4. Advanced Performance & Thread Management

If you're running Mass Effect: Andromeda on a high-end machine or want to squeeze every bit of performance out of your system, these commands can help optimize how the game uses system resources.

  • Thread.ProcessorCount
    Displays the number of CPU cores the game is using. You can adjust this if you want to limit how many threads are dedicated to the game.

  • Thread.MaxProcessorCount
    Limits the number of processors the game can utilize, useful for troubleshooting performance issues on multi-core systems.

  • Thread.JobThreadPriority
    Adjust the priority of job threads, affecting how much CPU power the game can take from other tasks.

5. Game Debugging and Modding Tools

These commands are mostly for advanced users or modders looking to experiment with different game settings or debug issues.

  • PostProcess.DynamicAOMethod
    Controls the method for dynamic ambient occlusion (AO), which affects how light interacts with surfaces in the environment.

  • PostProcess.SpriteDofEnable
    Enables or disables depth of field effects for sprites in the game world.

  • WorldRender.LightTileCombineOutdoorLightEnable
    Adjusts the way outdoor light is combined with other light sources in the environment, influencing overall lighting quality.

  • WorldRender.EmitterSunTransmittanceMapEnabled
    Activates or deactivates the sun transmittance map, affecting how sunlight penetrates and affects shadows.

6. Miscellaneous Tweaks

These commands are less common but can add a bit of fun or functionality to your game.

  • NetworkPerfOverlay.Enable
    This command enables a network performance overlay, showing you information about your internet connection's latency and packet loss while playing online.

  • Render.FrameSynthesisMode
    Modify the frame synthesis mode to either increase visual quality or performance.

  • WorldRender.SpotLightShadowmapResolution
    Adjusts the resolution of shadow maps for spotlights, affecting the quality of shadows in the game.

Mass Effect Andromeda, Gameplay Image
Bonus Tips and Hidden Features

  1. Unlock the FPS Cap
    If you want to completely remove any FPS caps and experience Andromeda at ultra-high frame rates, use the command GameTime.MaxVariableFps 300 (or higher). Note that this can cause some instability if your system isn't equipped to handle it.

  2. Auto Screenshot Mode
    If you're a content creator or just love taking beautiful in-game screenshots, you can bind a hotkey to the Screenshot.Render command and automatically snap high-quality screenshots at any moment in the game.

  3. Ultra-wide Monitor Support
    While Mass Effect: Andromeda supports 21:9 ultra-wide monitors out of the box, you can fine-tune settings like Render.ResolutionScale and Window.Width to ensure the game displays perfectly on non-standard aspect ratios.


Console commands in Mass Effect: Andromeda offer a range of features that can improve your gaming experience, whether you're interested in performance optimization, visual enhancements, or just want to experiment with the game's hidden features. While some commands are purely technical, others allow you to explore the game in a way that would otherwise be impossible without modding.

As always, be sure to backup your game and save files before making any significant changes, and remember that using console commands might cause unintended issues with your game’s performance or behavior. Happy exploring, and may your journey through the Andromeda galaxy be an unforgettable one!

Have any favorite console commands or tricks we missed? Drop a comment below, and let us know how you’re using these cheats to enhance your gameplay experience!
