Queen of Sheba Walkthrough, Find Sword Pieces KC Deliverance

Updated January 2025

The Queen of Sheba's Sword is a unique weapon in Kingdom Come: Deliverance, obtainable through a multi-part quest involving finding five scattered pieces. This guide provides an updated walkthrough on locating each piece and completing the quest.

Starting the Quest:

Begin by traveling to Sasau and speaking with the Swordsmith. He'll task you with recovering the five fragments of the Queen of Sheba's sword, promising a reward upon their return. The order in which you find the pieces doesn't matter, and you can even collect them all before speaking to the Swordsmith.

Locating the Sword Pieces:

  • Piece 1: Sasau Monastery Blacksmith: This piece is held by the blacksmith near the Sasau monastery. You have two main options:

    • Pickpocketing: The easiest method if your skill is high enough. Attempt this at night or around noon when his assistant is absent. Be cautious, as getting caught will negatively impact your reputation.
    • Knockout: If your stats allow, you can knock him out and take the piece. This is a riskier approach.

Blacksmith, Monastery in Sasau, Kingdom Come Deliverance

Piece 2: Talmberg Blacksmith: Visit the blacksmith in Talmberg. He'll claim to have misplaced the piece. Enter his house (the second door on the left) and search the barrels near the back. The piece is lying in plain sight.d wrapped the piece.

Blacksmith in Talmberg, Kingdom Come Deliverance

Piece 3: Ledetchko: This piece is located in Ledetchko. You can either:

  • Pickpocket: Attempt to pickpocket the owner.
  • Purchase: Alternatively, you can buy the piece for around 200 groschen.

Queen of Sheba, Sword Pieces, Ledetchko in Talmberg, Kingdom Come Deliverance

Piece 4: Rattay Swordsmith: Head to the Swordsmith's house in Rattay (located next to the forge). Wait for a time when the maid isn't present, then sneak upstairs to the loft. You'll find a chest containing the sword piece. Lockpicking skill is required to open the chest.

Queen of Sheba, Sword Pieces, Ledetchko in Talmberg, Kingdom Come Deliverance
  • Piece 5: Pickman (Rattay): This piece requires completion of the "Aquarius" quest in Rattay. After completing the quest, speak to Pickman and ask what he would offer for finding him a job. He'll promise a piece of the sword. After a few in-game days, return to Pickman, and he will give you the final piece. Note: There have been reports of this part of the quest bugging out. Reloading a previous save or waiting for a potential patch may resolve the issue.

Forging the Sword:

Once you have all five pieces, return to the Swordsmith in Sasau. He will take a full in-game day to forge the sword. After this period, you can purchase the completed Queen of Sheba's Sword from him for approximately 2,000 groschen. While the sword has decent stats, there are arguably better weapons available in the game. However, it remains a unique and valuable collectible.

This updated guide should provide a more efficient and helpful walkthrough for completing the Queen of Sheba's Sword quest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance.
