Increase FPS to Boost your Fire Rate in Fortnite

High frames per second (FPS) in Fortnite can make weapons shoot faster. Recently the streamer DrLupo has demonstrated this in a video. Epic has responded to this and announced that they are already aware of this issue and working on to fix it.

The streamer is a familiar face on Twitch.TV. He is followed by nearly 3 million people to view his Fortnite content. On Twitter, he shared a video showing how the FPS affects the firing speed of weapons.

Increase FPS, Boost Fire Rate, Fortnite BR

In this guide we’ll show you how to optimize your graphics settings and get maximum FPS from your old PC.

The minimum goal here is of course a smooth Fortnite gameplay with low end PCs - with about 60 FPS. Systems with more power can orient themselves further up here and aim at 120-150 FPS. Expect that the frames are lower in heated battles than when running over a clear field.

Shadow - If you need a fast FPS increase, you need to adjust / reduce the shadows to the essentials. If that does not help, disable it completely. Keep in mind that it will have a negative effect on the gameplay if you can no longer see the shadows of your opponents.
Anti-aliasing - If you like to do without great looks to get more FPS, then disable this option.

Effects slow down in big Fortnite fights. If your current settings caused stuttering and jerky in hard fights? Then the effects turn down to achieve more stability.

If all else fails, you reduce the resolution. For a good gaming experience we cannot recommend resolutions below the 1920x1080 standard. This should really be the last option if you really want to play Fortnite on an extremely weak PC.
