Overwatch Ana's Bastet Challenge Rewards Guide

A new event has been introduced in Overwatch in connection with the new short story Bastet. This limited time event will run until January 21.

Wining the contest will unlock Ana's epic Bastet skin, Ana’s player icon, sprays and a winning pose.

You have a chance to win rewards when playing ranking matches, quick play or the arcade.

You’ll get the following rewards for playing this event:

- For 3 wins there is a player icon

Overwatch, Ana's Bastet, Event Rewards, Player Icon

- For 6 wins there is a victory pose

Overwatch, Ana's Bastet, Event Rewards, Victory pose

- For 9 wins there is the epic skin

Overwatch, Ana's Bastet, Event Rewards, epic skin

You can still get Twitch Drops in Bastet style by viewing selected Twitch channels. The complete list of participating streamer can be found on Blizzard's official PlayOverplace page.

Overwatch Summer Games rewards / lĂșcioball guide

Note that your Blizzard account needs to be linked to your Twitch account in order to receive the Loot.
