Make a Lot of Money, Chips Playing Casino: GTA Online Tips

The latest GTA Online update, Diamond Casino and Resort (DC&R), brings some luxury apartments or attics. To get one of them you have spend a considerable amount of in-game currency. However, a trick has been found to earn a lot of money in a very short time by playing in the casino.

Here, we’ll show you the step-by-step guide to make a lot of money in DC&R.

Please note that this trick may no longer be available at any time, since the creator could release an update to stop illegal betting system.

Steps to follow:

- Get chips at the casino. These chips are exchanged for game money or as a daily bonus - Take part in any of the available betting events (preferably in horse races)
- Once you pick your event, mark the highest bet you can afford.
- Wait until the timer is reduced as much as possible.
- When there is a second place the bet.

Steps to follow if you win:

If you have won the bet, you must do the following:

- You must force the game to save the progress.
- To do this you must go to the player menu.
- Change your clothes or helmet.
- Make sure the yellow circle appears in the lower right corner of your screen.
- You can go back to the game and do the trick again.

Make Money, Get More Chips, Play Casino Games, GTA Online Tips

Steps to follow if you lose:

If you lose your bet, don't worry. With this trick you can recover your money.

- As soon as you know you have lost, disconnect the internet from your home.
- Once disconnected, GTA will return to story mode.
- Reconnect the Internet connection.
- Return to GTA Online
- The chips you bet and lost should have returned to your wallet.

This should ensure you never lose your chips and be able to earn a lot of money in a short time.
