Convert 725 Shotgun into Sniper Rifle in Modern Warfare

Players who enjoy playing multiplayer mode of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (CoD MW) will be interested to find out the best weapons to get the maximum number of damage possible.

One of the best weapons to use in CoD MW is the 725 shotgun and it is totally lethal at short and medium distance. The best thing is that you can also convert 725 shotgun into a sniper.

This weapon is quite good by itself but it doesn’t work well for the long distance targets, although you can make some adjustments to it to make it a great sniper rifle.

To do this, you’ll need some accessories. The first thing you should do is to change the normal ammo of the weapon to the cartridges so that it shoots a single bullet and also they are more powerful.

You’ll also have to remove both the coupling of the weapon, as the laser scope, and equip a sniper scope, here you can pick the one you like best. And finally, replace the barrel to a one that further increase the range that the shotgun can reach.

 Convert 725 Shotgun, Sniper Rifle, Call of Duty, Modern Warfare, CoD MW
