How to Prevent Saved Data Become Corrupted in Cyberpunk 2077

It has been discovered that the maximum size for backups in Cyberpunk 2077 is 8MB, if your saved data exceed this limit then they will become corrupted and unrecoverable. According to CD Projekt Red, the save data limit may be increased in a future patch, but corrupted files will remain so. 

However, we have played Cyberpunk 2077 over a hundred hours and we have made extensive use of Crafting. We also methodically cleaned up the map and picked up anything we found without encountering the save corruption issue. From our playing habits, we can draw some solutions to avoid this problem:

You will have to recycle or sell hundreds of different items. To facilitate sorting, you can click on the category tabs above the inventory. You can also use the drop-down menu on the right to change the display order. In general, the quality index is the best choice. 

Recycle or sell any unnecessary items. The Automatic Recycling Benefits of the Manufacturing Skill helps well in this area since it does it automatically.

Also remember to sell or recycle your excess grenades, there are more than ten types and they all take up more storage space. You’ll find yourself much space afterwards as a bonus.

Prevent Data Corruption, Fix Backup Issue, Loss Data, Fix, Cyberpunk 2077

Sell food and drink, there are dozens of brands. You can just keep a stack or two.

Equipment Mods are probably the biggest culprit in the problem, it's possible to have hundreds of different items in inventory and they don't stack. You should sort them by quality and recycle or sell all common (white) items.

It is possible to have dozens or even hundreds of hacking programs in store, so don't forget to sell them either. This probably does not have a big influence on the size of the save date, but if you hack all the connection points that you come across, you will accumulate tens of thousands of hacking software components. They sell a fortune to the merchants and you don't need to have that many, it will allow you to get rich by the way.

Also, don't forget to recycle or sell items that you don't need such as glasses, hats and shoes. Also, don't go stashing them in the Gear Cache that certainly won't solve the problem.

If you've stored tons of items in your gear stash in V's apartment, or in the trunk of your vehicle, empty them all. Keep only iconic or legendary items.
