The recent benchmark of the Galaxy S21 Ultra between the Exyos 2100 and Snapdragon 888 variant suggests that while the Exyos has managed to slightly outperform the Snapdragon variant of the S21 Ultra in the CPU test, the GPU is where Qualcomm still dominates the Exyos in Samsung's latest flagships.
Now, since both of these chipsets are made with 5nm nodes which mean regardless of which chipset you're getting you are not going to notice any performance disparity in either CPU or GPU demanding tasks. But what you're going to notice is the battery life.
For most people, battery life is more important than that millisecond of a difference while you're opening an app or performing any task.
For the last few years, Samsung is struggling to compete with Qualcomm in this department. For example the Exyos 990 performed terribly against Snapdragon 865 in the battery tests, where Snapdragon variants had almost an hour and a half extra screen on time compared to Exyos which was a massive difference for the same phone that also costs the same.
But thankfully with the S21 Ultra the tables have turned, the Exyos is finally outperforming the Snapdragon in the battery test as well.
PBKreviews did a rigorous battery test between the Exyos and Snapdragon variants of the S21 Ultra. It lasted for 30 minutes where both of the phones had their display brightness settings cranked all the way to the max.
They also turned off adaptive brightness support and other battery-saving functionalities. The test also included stress tests and performance tests. After 30 minutes the battery on the Exyos was at 89% while it was 87% on the Snapdragon.
Another issue the past Exyos phones had was they generate a lot of heat compared to their counterpart. This test indicates that Samsung has also addressed that issue.
The battery heated up to 40.3°C by the end of this energy drain challenge. That’s 2.4°C cooler than the S21 Ultra model running Snapdragon chipset. Now, these are not a big difference and that's how it should be!
We can say Samsung has finally made these two variants perform on par with each other and that's a relief for Exyos regions who have been getting inferior products despite paying the same amount of money or even more in some cases.
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