In this quick guide, we’ll show you how you can play the Payphone
Hit Missions in GTA Online, the Contract DLC.
If you’re wondering how to unlock the Hit Missions in
Payphone Hit Missions in GTA Online the Contract DLC, to unlock the Payphone Hit
Missions what you have to do is complete a total of three security contracts.
In order to play security contracts you have to make your way
to the office or if you've already done one security contract you can then call
Franklin and
request one. My advice that you go to the office so you can select your own security
contract, for the simple reason that there is a mission that is called Asset Protection
this mission requires you to stand still for 10 minutes and kill a few enemies
here and there. Not a very interesting mission at all and probably best to be
avoided. So for that reason try to pick something more fun or if you don't care
just call Franklin.

After you have completed these three security contracts, Franklin will give you a
call as soon as you've done the third mission then you will have the ability to
find a payphone around the map. Unfortunately, this requires you to go around
the entire map until you find the payphone. You’ll want to look out for the
phone icon, as soon as you get into the vicinity of the pay phone you will get this
icon pop up on your mini map and or your map and then you simply have to go there
and then press the appropriate button to pick up the phone.
Unfortunately, there's quite a few possible payphone
locations on the map. On your screen you can see how many there are. Luckily
though after you have found this payphone and you've completed the first mission
you'll then be able to call Franklin
and just simply request one. He will then send you to the nearest payphone and
then you can do yet another mission. There is however, a 20 minute cooldown in
between all of these missions and there's also some other cool things attached
to it too.
In these payphone hit missions, you will get a base
payment of fifteen thousand dollars. However, if you were to meet the requirements
of the special request from the client you can get a bonus of seventy thousand
dollars meaning that you can earn a total of eighty five thousand dollars in
relatively very little time.
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